Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-24 stars in Hastings

Hastings, Darling! #8060

Hello my sweethearts! Your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is here to report live from the stunning seaside town of Hastings, nestled along the south coast of dear old Blighty. You see, darling, I’ve been living for a little seaside getaway, and what better way to celebrate than with a performance for the locals? The people of Hastings welcomed me with open arms (and I may or may not have gotten a peck on the cheek from a rather smitten old chap - he even called me “love”! 😉). I must admit, I felt a little bit like I had stepped out of a fairytale - you know, like the ones with beautiful princesses and elegant castles overlooking a sparkling blue ocean?

Let’s dive right into the fun, shall we?

Getting There:

Forget flying, dears! For a truly fabulous journey, I hopped aboard a grand, luxurious train carriage and indulged in a little light reading – oh, and maybe a bit of pink sparkly eyeshadow to make sure my makeup was on fleek. I adore trains. The rhythm of the wheels on the tracks is so soothing, don't you think? And the sheer luxury of sprawling out in my seat, indulging in a delicious afternoon tea with a pot of fragrant Earl Grey and a slice of raspberry cake – pure bliss, I tell you! Of course, the train journey was not without its adventures. The other passengers, a delightful mix of people with their stories, smiled and waved at my perfectly coiffed hair, the little pearl-studded clutch bag I carried, and yes, you guessed it – my pink tutu!

First Impressions:

Stepping onto the cobblestone streets of Hastings, I was greeted by the most enchanting sights! The seaside air had a refreshing chill to it, perfect for a frolicking queen like myself. The old-world architecture with its timber-framed buildings and red-tiled roofs, coupled with the salty tang of the sea and the vibrant murals that dotted the quaint alleyways - absolutely exquisite! The town buzzed with an electrifying energy – and honestly, dears, who can resist a good dose of charm and character?

The Performance:

I had the pleasure of performing at the local theatre, "The Pier". Honestly, the atmosphere was simply electrifying! I could feel the audience’s anticipation as I strutted onto the stage in a stunning pink and emerald sequin-encrusted tutu. And to think, I once thought pink tutus were only for little girls. Oh, the fool I was!

My show was a joyous, sparkling spectacle! My troupe of backup dancers in their adorable matching tutu-dresses, the glittering choreography, and the absolutely divine lighting that painted everything in a beautiful glow – a dream! I even incorporated a little bit of theatre, my stage name for it: "Pink Tutu Ballet"! You can bet that those Hastings lads and ladies couldn’t resist letting loose, especially when the lights dimmed for a little 'Strictly Come Dancing' - just for them, my darlings!

Finding my inner ballerina:

Now, this was no ordinary outing. After the performance, I got to experience Hastings from a dancer's perspective. That's right, dears! I headed straight to the local dance studio and joined a ballet class! Now, you might think it's all about spinning and prancing. Well, it is...but you've got to have those killer ballet muscles to really nail it – just look at my form! I had to use my whole body – every limb, every muscle, every flex. Let's just say that by the end of the class, my inner ballerina was absolutely buzzing with joy. I'm definitely keeping my little legs moving to the beat, you see!

The Pink Tutu Revolution:

Of course, no visit is complete without a bit of pink-tutu-infused fun, is it? So I put my spin on Hastings’ famous 'fish and chips'. Forget a simple cone of chips – I'm talking pink salt, glistening with an iridescent sparkle, sprinkled on top of the hot, crispy potatoes! You can bet your bottom dollar that people stopped in their tracks to watch me tuck into my deliciously unusual pink concoction. That, my dears, is what I call spreading the pink tutu love!

Memories that Sparkles:

The best part about Hastings is that it has the feel of a little seaside gem – not too touristy but bursting with charm. It felt like I was stepping back in time while indulging in all the modern delights a fabulous queen could want! Oh, and did I tell you that I spent hours exploring the antique shops, searching for vintage pink tutus to add to my ever-growing collection? The treasures I discovered were enough to make any vintage enthusiast swoon!

A Final Bow:

Dearest darlings, until next time, keep your spirits high, wear a dash of pink in your life (or maybe a full pink tutu? 😊 ), and remember to spread some joy wherever you go. And most importantly, remember, the world is your stage, so own it!

See you next time!

Xoxo, * *Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-24 stars in Hastings