Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-27 stars in Hartlepool

Hartlepool, Here I Come! Pink Tutu Sparkles on Tour, Blog Post #8063!

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh my goodness, I'm about to burst with excitement! I'm off on another adventure, and this time, I'm headed to the lovely seaside town of Hartlepool!

You might be thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles, you've been on tour so many times, where do you find new places to visit?!" Well, my lovelies, you see, my motto is: always explore, always shine! Every town has something fabulous to offer, and Hartlepool is no exception!

Remember my last blog post about travelling on horseback across the Peak District? Well, this time, I'm taking the train! I simply can’t resist a good old fashioned railway journey, watching the countryside whiz by. Of course, my pink suitcase is packed to the brim with everything a fashionable queen needs - from my favourite feather boas to my dazzling diamond-studded tiaras. After all, even on the train, you have to sparkle, right?

My performance in Hartlepool is at the lovely Victoria Theatre. You know how much I love a good theatre show – it's pure magic! I can practically feel the energy in the air. I just know that the crowd is going to be fantastic and that they're ready to experience some fabulous pink-tutu filled entertainment!

Oh, speaking of tutus! My dear friend, Miss Patty Poodle, just gifted me the most exquisite pink tutu you've ever seen. It's just bursting with shimmering sequins and feathers. It's a total show-stopper, and I simply cannot wait to debut it in Hartlepool!

While I’m in town, I plan to indulge in all the delights that Hartlepool has to offer. I hear they have some delicious fish and chips. I've also been eyeing up some lovely little shops, hoping to find some quirky vintage finds to add to my wardrobe. I'm thinking of a new fascinator for my next show, something bold and outrageous! And perhaps a pair of sparkly platform heels - the taller, the better, my lovelies!

But it's not all about shopping and performance for Pink Tutu Sparkles. You know me – I can't resist a good old ballet class! So I’ll be popping along to the Hartlepool Dance Academy. They offer classes for all ages and levels, and I’m dying to share some of my signature pink-tutu moves. Think delicate pirouettes, high kicks with a sprinkle of sass, and a whole lot of sparkle!

You can’t get more glamorous than that, right? Just the thought of it is getting my toes tapping!

But let's get real – being Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't all glitz and glam. It's about being bold and colourful, breaking down barriers, and sharing a message of love and acceptance with everyone. And for me, there’s no better way to do that than by wearing my signature pink tutu! It's about letting everyone know that they can be their own, beautiful selves, whatever shape, size or colour they are.

That's my dream - to encourage everyone, every single person, to don a pink tutu, because underneath all the frills, we're all just beautiful, quirky and uniquely ourselves!

And remember, if you happen to be in Hartlepool this weekend, why not join me at the Victoria Theatre? You might even catch a glimpse of my new pink-tutu outfit! It’ll be fabulous, I promise.

I can't wait to share my sparkle with all of you!

See you soon, darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Remember to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates on my adventures! You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook @PinkTutuSparkles!

From Lab Coat to Pink Tutu: The Secret Life of a Pink Tutu Sparkles

You might be thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles, how do you balance your dazzling world of drag with your life as a scientist?"

Well, here's the secret: I live two distinct lives – a life filled with data and fabric samples during the day and a dazzling world of pink tutus, glitter, and glamour by night!

It might sound strange, but it actually works perfectly. My science degree really comes in handy when designing and crafting my elaborate costumes. I’m an expert on fabrics, colours, and all things sparkly! And let me tell you, a bit of scientific precision can be quite useful when creating those perfect pink tutu silhouettes, don’t you think?

My day job as a lab scientist actually fuels my creativity. It gives me a chance to focus, be meticulous, and delve into the world of science – something that I absolutely love! But after a long day of testing fabrics for their strength, colourfastness, and everything in between, my creativity needs an outlet, and that's where Pink Tutu Sparkles comes in.

I've always had a flair for the dramatic. Ever since I was a little boy in Derbyshire, I would create costumes out of whatever I could find – from my mother’s old curtains to spare fabrics from my dad’s workbench.

My true obsession with pink tutus began at university, though. My days were filled with test tubes and equations, but in my free time, I was busy with the University Ballet Club. I always admired those graceful dancers whirling around in their elegant tutus, but never thought I could wear one. It was my friend Lucy, who convinced me to try on a pink tutu for a university charity event. The minute I did, something clicked.

I instantly felt like my true self – dazzling, fun, and completely unapologetic!

And from that moment on, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born. My alter ego wasn't just about the pink tutu. It was about using my artistic expression to inspire and encourage others. It was about showing everyone that you can be different, that you can be bold, and still be loved for who you truly are.

I see being Pink Tutu Sparkles and being Alex as two halves of the same wonderful being. They're both expressions of myself, just with different shades. They inspire, entertain, and ultimately bring a little bit of sparkle to the world.

It's not always easy juggling two different worlds, but my passion keeps me going. I'm driven to inspire and empower others to be their authentic selves, no matter what. And what better way to do that than through the magic of a pink tutu and a sprinkle of good old-fashioned Pink Tutu Sparkles flair?

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Beyond the Glittering Curtain

Of course, behind the glamour and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles is also a regular person. I love listening to music, reading a good book (preferably a biographical account of a daring queen), spending time with my amazing family and friends, and sipping a delicious latte while people watching in my favourite coffee shop.

My drag persona isn’t just about the extravagant costumes and theatrical performances. It's about creating an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion, where everyone feels welcome and loved.

That's why I’m always drawn to smaller, independent venues. It allows me to connect with audiences on a more personal level. It's in these intimate spaces where I feel truly empowered to create a positive change. I get to share my joy with individuals who, like me, sometimes feel a little bit different, a little bit misunderstood.

Sometimes, it’s the small interactions that truly move me. Perhaps a young girl looking up to me, wanting to dance in a pink tutu, or a shy individual thanking me for making them feel less alone. Those are the moments that truly fill my heart with sparkle!

Remember, Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't just about the fancy clothes, or the impressive hairdos. It’s about using my unique voice and my infectious enthusiasm to build a community where every one of us can shine – regardless of our individual colour, size or glitter level!

So come on, my darlings, join me! Don a pink tutu and let your inner sparkle shine bright. The world is waiting for your unique, colourful, beautiful self.

See you soon, darling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-27 stars in Hartlepool