
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-02-11 stars in Chatham

Chatham: Tutu Adventures and Pink Power!

Hello lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and itā€™s time for blog post number 8078! Today weā€™re kicking off a whirlwind tour of Kent, the garden of England, and it all starts with a fabulous jaunt to Chatham, the town of ships and sailing!

The train journey from my Derbyshire home is always an adventure. I love the rhythm of the tracks, the rushing countryside whizzing by, and the chance to get out my book and let my mind wander. This time, my latest pick is ā€œThe Art of Tutu: A History in Stitches.ā€ Honestly, youā€™d think a girl like me would be a master of all things tulle and lace, but thereā€™s always more to learn! And letā€™s be honest, who doesnā€™t love a bit of pink fluff in their life?

I arrived in Chatham with my trusty suitcase bursting with tulle and feathers, all ready for tonight's performance at the local fair. Thereā€™s nothing like the energy of a crowd cheering for their favorite pink tutu-clad drag queen! I'll admit, I might have a few secret wishes of landing a performance slot in Londonā€™s West End one day, maybe a cameo in a new ballet show? Iā€™m never one to shy away from big dreams! But even performing at a local fair makes my heart sing.

The air was thick with the scent of popcorn and candy floss, all those sweet treats always remind me of childhood fairs. But that's why I love drag, it lets me channel the playful side of life!

Right now, Iā€™m getting ready to check out some local boutiques. Chatham might not be London, but theyā€™ve got a fab selection of independent shops - who knows, I might find a pink sequined accessory for tonightā€™s performance. Of course, you never know if you might meet a fellow tutu lover. Youā€™d be surprised at the number of people who reveal their inner tulle affection when Iā€™m in full drag mode, youā€™d think itā€™s a secret club!

But donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll spill the tea on everything I discover in Chatham, from the hidden gems in the shops to the local eateries and maybe a few ā€œOnly in Chathamā€ moments.

Now, let's get on with the pink fluffiness! Remember, Iā€™ll be posting photos and updates on www.pink-tutu.com so check back in later! Until then, stay sparkly, stay fabulous and may your every outfit be a delightful pink dream!

Day Two - Chatham and the Art of Tulle

Good morning from sunny Chatham! I'm writing this with a coffee in one hand and a brand new sequined bag in the other! My visit to the shops yesterday was pure magic. Chatham might be known for ships and dockyards, but the local artisans are creating a tidal wave of sparkle!

First, I stumbled upon a delightful little shop called ā€œThe Craft Room.ā€ Imagine rows of colourful ribbons, shimmering fabrics, and endless supplies of glitter! I had to resist the temptation to buy every single bead, feather and rhinestone. But hey, a girlā€™s gotta draw the line somewhere, right?

I ended up snagging the most dazzling sequin bag - perfect for storing all my essential stage make-up and sparkly accessories. I mean, a girlā€™s got to look fabulous even on the go! It's pink, obviously. With a subtle shimmer of lavender and gold! My inner fashionista is doing a little dance!

Now, onto the real reason for my visit to Chatham! Itā€™s all about tutus and I am here for it! You see, today Iā€™m venturing into the world of ballet and I am ready to twirl and pirouette my heart out. My love for dance, and particularly ballet, stems from the days I spent in the University Ballet Club. Honestly, I could spend hours on end talking about ballet, but letā€™s keep it brief for now. The short story is that when I tried on a tutu for a university fundraising event my whole world changed. Thereā€™s just something magical about that voluminous tulle skirt!

This afternoon I'll be visiting the local ballet school and perhaps even joining a class or two. And who knows, maybe Iā€™ll even manage a cheeky pirouette or two while sporting my new sequined bag! But hey, thatā€™s the magic of tutus - they empower you to go beyond what you thought you could do! Itā€™s a lesson I learnt on stage as a drag queen and I love how ballet carries that same message - freedom, beauty and just a hint of pure whimsy.

After all, everyone knows a little pink tutu magic can conquer any challenge. And trust me, when I get back to Derbyshire my latest blog posts are going to be bursting with tutu inspiration - stay tuned, darlings!

The Great Chatham Dance Adventure: The Pink Tutu's Triumphant Debut

Alright lovelies, I'm back! And guess what? This has been one of the most magical days in my life. Letā€™s just say, Pink Tutu Sparkles did Chatham with style! You might have heard me say this before, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can top the feeling of gliding across the stage in a tulle dream. And today, I achieved a dream.

This morning I was in the middle of getting dressed in my most beautiful pink tutu, just me and the morning sunlight pouring through the curtains of my hotel room, I swear it almost felt like one of those romantic scenes from a movie. And honestly, you all know, I am living my most dramatic life! But really, life's a lot more fun with a dramatic dash of pink and tulle, wouldnā€™t you agree?

Now, todayā€™s grand adventure involved a ā€œbehind the scenesā€ tour at a lovely little dance studio nestled away in Chatham, then it was straight into a beginnersā€™ ballet class. Talk about taking the plunge, I didn't know how much my body was craving that barre routine and the feeling of grace and flexibility that ballet brings! And guess what? There was another Pink Tutu lover in the class, too! Talk about finding your tribe! And the joy of it is, itā€™s a truly diverse tribe - all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, ages!

And as if this wasn't exciting enough, we both got to twirl a little bit at the end of the session, which, naturally, I caught on video for all you lovelies back home. You just wait! Thatā€™s coming to my next blog post. I promise, the cuteness overload is epic.

Weā€™re all, well not just we, the entire class - all the aspiring ballerinas (no matter how big or small our steps might have been), we are all now obsessed with the concept of #PinkTutuDreams Iā€™m hoping we might even be a mini, sparkling pink ballet troupe, spreading the power of pink and tutu across Chatham.

Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll keep you updated. This might just become my new mission: a pink-tutu revolution that spans across England and even beyond! Because that's what makes me happy!

Now, tonightā€™s performance at the fair will be filled with all that energy! I have just the right pink outfit and my dancing shoes are ready. Chatham is in for a treat, and honestly? I can't wait!

Chathamā€™s Shining Star: A Fairytale Finish

What can I say? Chatham has completely stolen my heart! As I'm sitting here sipping my tea and watching the first rays of sunlight creep across the sky I'm replaying last nightā€™s performance. You lovelies, I just have to tell you ā€“ it was truly magical.

My act started with the music swirling around me and I twirled onto the stage in a dazzling pink tulle gown with enough glitter to illuminate the whole fairground! And guess what? Those dancers I told you about in the class joined me on stage, too, - we formed a dazzling pink and sequined troupe of six. It was simply magical!

There were kids and parents whoā€™d never seen anything like it. At the end of the act I felt completely exhausted, but oh my god, thatā€™s the kind of tiredness that comes from living your dreams, the kind of tiredness that brings a smile to my face. And all those smiling faces, those clapping hands and those calls of ā€œEncore!ā€ - they are the reason I do what I do! Theyā€™re why I dance with such a pink-tutu-loving, life-affirming, spirit!

Now letā€™s talk food because I don't know about you but there's nothing more delightful than sharing the experience of a fantastic performance with delicious food and maybe even some yummy desserts! I must tell you, Chatham knows how to do delicious food. I had some of the best chips and mushy peas ever! And after that I got the sweetest and fluffiest candy floss ā€“ it's basically a sugar dream in pink, if you catch my drift. I even bought one for one of the girls I met at the dance class.

Before you ask, yes, the sequins did make their way onto the tutu, but hey, a bit of sparkle on my tutu and around my new dancer friends? Absolutely perfect!

Youā€™re probably wondering how I found time for all of this while also doing my day job in the lab, where I work on things that are completely opposite from sequins, glittering tututus and stage makeup! As you can see Iā€™m a scientist in my day life and a pink tutu wearing dream maker by night! Who knew, right?! I guess itā€™s true, everyoneā€™s got their own way to channel that creative spark, I guess mine happens to be in the form of twirls and glitter! Itā€™s a fantastic way to escape into a fantasy world, but it doesnā€™t stop there because I do genuinely want to get the world to embrace the power of tutus and all things sparkly and bright!

I must tell you about my return train journey, now. I actually ended up sitting opposite an older woman who told me the story of her life. Sheā€™d been a seamstress, working in a shop in London in the 50ā€™s - you can just imagine the glamour, making dresses and petticoats. I spent a few hours talking to her, and let me tell you she had some amazing stories!

That evening, on my train journey, I was struck with an idea. The inspiration for my new website design - imagine an online shop, dedicated to vintage pink tutu dresses. I even started doodling in my notebook and you know me, the sequins and pink came straight onto the paper of course, and I think this might be a real possibility ā€“ the first-ever vintage pink tutu website for the ultimate pink tutu lover! The vision is clear! Stay tuned and keep a tutu look out for my next blog post, which will tell you all about my first venture into the vintage fashion world and maybe Iā€™ll be giving away some pink tutu treats, too! Donā€™t worry! Pink tutu magic is here to stay!

Now I am back in my little corner of Derbyshire. But a small part of me is still in Chatham ā€“ spinning and swirling in a sea of tutu dreams. And as for the next step? Well, letā€™s just say, pink is the colour of a bright future.

Stay sparkly and stay fabulous and, as always, donā€™t be shy to show the world that your inner tutu-wearing self wants to be seen! Thatā€™s all from me for now, but be sure to check back in tomorrow for a whole new batch of pink tutu dreams from the world of www.pink-tutu.com.

Always remember ā€“ weā€™re all a little bit pink inside! Until next time, lovelies, stay sparkly!

#TutuQueen on 2022-02-11 stars in Chatham