Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-11 stars in Dewsbury

Dewsbury, My Darlings! 💅💖🩰

Hello my lovelies, it's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, travelling queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And let me tell you, this blog post, my fabulous friends, is numero 8106 - a real landmark moment in the annals of Pink Tutu. Oh, it’s so exciting to be celebrating this journey with all of you,

Today I'm bringing you a dazzling trip down memory lane as I reminisce on my fabulous Dewsbury adventures. I simply must tell you about this absolutely divine experience! Now, Dewsbury - a town with a rather lovely historic vibe, just a quick train hop from my Derbyshire roots. I confess I haven't been here before, but I hear the streets are steeped in history, much like the fabulous story of pink tutus! Speaking of fabulous... did you know Dewsbury has been a wool and cloth production centre for over 600 years? That makes me think of gorgeous pink fabric, don’t you think?

As usual, my arrival was a symphony of glitter, glam, and...wait for it... pink. Yes, a beautiful, billowing pink tutu swirled around me as I disembarked from the train, catching the attention of the locals. "Oh my god," a passing young lass whispered, "is that a REAL tutu?"

"Oh darling, of course it’s a real tutu," I answered with a dramatic wave, "This is Pink Tutu Sparkles we're talking about!”

Now, you know I love travelling, and getting to a new destination by train always feels so chic. I love watching the world go by through the window as I travel to new places. But what really caught my eye was the striking, iconic landmark that graces the skyline of Dewsbury, a sight to behold: the magnificent Dewsbury Town Hall! And just like all those historical figures whose statues graced its front, I knew I had to grace it with a Pink Tutu Sparkles photo op! The perfect backdrop, you see, for a photoshoot in my gloriously, glitzy tutu.

Speaking of gloriously, my outfit for the evening was simply breathtaking! A vibrant hot pink, sequin-encrusted tutu with a matching leotard, of course! A crown of iridescent pink feathers atop my carefully curled auburn hair, and a sparkly silver bustier, my darlings, complete the picture!

Now, what does Dewsbury hold in its pocket for a fabulous, pink-tutu wearing, dance-loving queen?

First up was a delicious tea time at the most divine cafe you can imagine - "The Pink Petal Tea Room". Oh, what a delight! We sipped delicately on steaming cups of herbal tea while munching on finger sandwiches and dainty cupcakes – all, of course, themed in beautiful shades of pink!

My friends, after a delightful cuppa and cake, I was ready to get down and show everyone just what Pink Tutu Sparkles can do! You see, my trip to Dewsbury wasn't just for sightseeing. It was about giving the community a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic.

Tonight's stage, my darlings, was the fabulous “Dewsbury Community Theatre” - where the crowds were eager to see the dazzling dance moves that come with my sparkly tutus. Let’s just say, the energy of the audience was amazing! I was bursting with the joy of being a drag queen - entertaining the wonderful people of Dewsbury with a dazzling spectacle of lights, music and dazzling moves!

After my performance, everyone gathered round, and I had the pleasure of meeting local residents, some in glittery costumes, others with proud grins, and all in a truly warm and welcoming atmosphere. One lovely gentleman, a little shy at first, took a chance to talk to me about my career.

"I'm a bit surprised to see you here," he confided in a kind of whisper, "but in a good way. My son’s obsessed with you – he wants to dress like you.”

“Well darling, ” I told him with a flourish, “that’s just lovely!” I mean, imagine: future pink tutus on the streets of Dewsbury. Now wouldn’t that be a glorious sight?

From my conversations, it’s clear that Dewsbury is a town that welcomes its differences, embracing all those with open hearts and even more open minds! It’s really heart-warming to know that places like this still exist, don't you think?

So as the sun started to set and my tutu glowed even brighter, it was time to say goodbye to this fabulous town. You can always count on Dewsbury to give you the warmest of welcomes, especially a Pink Tutu Queen, you know? Oh, it’s a feeling like none other to travel the country in all my sparkly glory and to find places that embrace a sprinkle of pink tutu magic! You really should know, my friends, that the journey is just as exciting as the destination!

Stay tuned for the next leg of this Pink Tutu Sparkles journey, my lovelies! I’ve heard rumours of some truly fabulous places where the lights sparkle even brighter.

But, as always, my little treasures, it’s the Pink Tutu Queen who brings the real glitter.

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS, my dear little tutu-loving readers! Don’t forget to check out my Pink-Tutu.com website, my loves. It’s full of sparkles and glamour and lots of tutu love! What are you waiting for? Pop by and tell me all your fab thoughts, you know I love to hear what you have to say!

See you on the road, my lovelies.

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-11 stars in Dewsbury