Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-12 stars in Acton

Acton, You’re a Pink Tutu Dream!

Hello Darlings!

This is Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from Acton, London! Today’s blog post marks a dazzling new chapter in the pinkest of adventures. I’m a real girly girl, and after years of pining for a visit, this London-loving tutu queen is finally getting her paws on this captivating capital. You’ll need a glass of sparkling Prosecco for this post because let me tell you, this is an absolute fairy tale!

This is blog post #8107 for you lovelies, just a teensy snippet in the vast, magical world of pink tutus and everything fabulous! It’s been a whirlwind of twirling, strutting, and glittering since I embarked on my latest quest, funded by the divine generosity of the crowds at last weekend’s craft fair. Who’d have thought that selling my hand-painted tutu hair clips would fuel my trip to London?!

You may know, darlings, I love travelling by horse when the journey is short enough, it’s such an elegant way to experience the countryside, but for trips like this, my heart belongs to the railway. I’m in my element sipping bubbly, reading a fab romance novel and twirling about with a sassy headshake when I can’t help but be the centre of attention, even amongst the serious business-people in their suits! We may all be on a journey together, but let’s be honest, I’m making the journey fabulous.

You may be asking, “Alex, why Acton?” Well darlings, besides the fact it has the most wonderful pinkest pastry shop, oh, the macarons ! This little town has a special magic all of its own! They’re hosting a ballet production next week, and I just have to be there. Can’t a girl live a little?

But honestly, I find that London does have that special sparkle, you just have to look hard to see it. I was in Harrods today, and despite being crammed in with more fashionistas than I could shake a wand at, I had an absolutely divine time! I don’t want to brag, but the whole department store just sort of shimmered once I stepped into the shoe department. Can’t.Stop.Twirling. If only they’d sell tutus. It’s not like they have everything else... I mean, seriously, does every shop have to have that same old tired selection of garments?! Don’t even get me started on those basic beige jumpers and those boring old black skirts! It makes my little fashion soul cry.

It’s no surprise then that the entire time I was there I did dream of an enormous tutu department. Imagine it, a haven of frothy tulle, a rainbow of sequins, each tutu with its own matching tiara! It’s enough to make even the most jaded fashionista weep! I don’t even want to know how many tutus there could possibly be!

Okay, let's get down to business! Where do I even begin to unpack this wonderful day! Remember how I promised I’d take you all along for the ride with me? Well, today we’re twirling through the history books!

Let’s explore this magical town together, darling, shall we?

History & Style

Honestly, the first thing that hit me about Acton is this incredible feeling of calm. Sure, the city’s right there, ready to explode with excitement, but in this little town it feels as if all that noise fades into the background. Even though I was dressed head to toe in glitter and sparkles, I wasn’t fussed. I actually felt zen. Imagine it: pink tutu in a blissful zen moment! You know I have to post this to the 'Gram later.

But enough with the philosophical babble, it’s time to get this fabulousness show on the road! Acton is dripping with history. Imagine cobblestone streets that have seen centuries pass, majestic houses older than time itself! Okay, that's probably a little dramatic but trust me, it’s got real vibes, especially if you're a history buff like me.

This town even had its very own little royal palace! They don’t actually call it a palace, but it’s big, opulent, and full of stories - even rumors that this was a haunt for the haunted King George III during his infamous "lunatic episodes"!

Of course, the local tour guide didn’t actually mention those lunatic episodes. I love those whispers though. That's exactly the kind of spice to add to an already sparkling story, right? Just a pinch of mystery...and the thought of the king's crazy clothes. Now I'm starting to dream about my next tutu look: all brocade and lace with a touch of purple... maybe.

Tutu Shop

I had been told Acton was a 'hot spot for creative inspiration'. But I have to confess, when I first stepped into the little boutique called ‘Crafty Dreams,’ I thought it would be just another ‘everything’ store. The name is quite vague, you see. They have knitting needles and unicorn figurines and tea sets and you’d never believe what else...

Pink Tutut! Of Course! It was right there by the window and I could tell at first glance that it was perfect for a young, vibrant girl with dreams and twirls in her heart!

You can guess how many other shops I found before I had to force myself to move on to another little local shop. That is, once I’d snagged all the handmade pink tutu headbands that the store owner would part with!

An Epic Pink Afternoon

Did I mention that the day was full of pure magic? Like when I took a break from shopping (how can that even be possible, you’re asking? Well, sometimes even this queen needs a breather. ) and decided to spend a quiet hour in a lovely little courtyard cafe, drinking a lovely cup of rose tea of course, enjoying a delicious slice of lavender cake because pink... and then what should appear but the most adorable little terrier sporting the cutest little pink tutu you have ever seen! You wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t have pictures, my dear, and maybe I don’t, because sometimes the beauty of a perfect moment has to be lived without even one tiny phone screen to detract from its glory! Sigh. But let me tell you, darling, it was perfection. Absolute perfection!

A Glimpse of Pink Tutu Paradise

The entire trip was truly special. It feels like my feet haven’t touched the ground. Honestly, sometimes everything just falls into place perfectly. And for a girly girl who can’t get enough sparkle and a little bit of twirling, this has been truly magical.

Now, of course, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without mentioning my own performance in Acton. Let's just say I left a few hearts fluttering and some faces aglow! This town has such a warmth about it, such a love for the theatrical. You just know they have great appreciation for a little glitter and that pink-tutu twist!

The best part is that tomorrow, darling, we’ll get to take a little look at how my show unfolded, including some of your favourite things: stage lights, big dreams and that iconic pink tutu. Oh, and my fabulous pink lipstick from my favourite beauty supply store in Derbyshire.

I have to tell you, though, sometimes the magic in these adventures happens when I’m on my own. I get to take in the moment totally unplugged. No Instagram, no blog. Just me and the amazing feeling of being on an adventure! And just between you and me, it feels like my own little pink paradise.

Until tomorrow, darlings. Remember, we’re all beautiful, inside and out. And, as always, the world would be a better place if everyone was twirling around in a pink tutu. Until next time! *

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-12 stars in Acton