Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-13 stars in Twickenham

Twickenham Twirls: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, darling! This is Post 8108 for ya, and trust me, this one's a real feather-boa-tingler!

It’s a new week, which means a fresh batch of Pink Tutu fun, and I’ve got a fab one for you lovelies. This time I’m sharing all about my fab little jaunt to Twickenham, a beautiful little town nestled in the heart of South-West London.

You know how much I love the London train. It's always such an adventure! From my Derbyshire digs, it’s just a hop and a skip, and the bustle of the train station always gives me such a delightful sense of occasion. Plus, the fellow travellers are never boring. I caught a lady rocking some sparkly cat-eye sunglasses, so naturally I couldn't help myself but compliment her on the fabulous choice! As soon as she saw my Tutu, she said she used to be a ballerina, so we were both absolutely delighted. I told her about the Twickenham Ballet Festival. We talked tutus, tights and shoes, a proper delightful chat. It reminded me how special this whole drag thing is - how many new friendships and connections I make when I’m in character. I just love it, darling!

As the train trundled its way to Twickenham, I began daydreaming about the delights that awaited me. You know, when you just KNOW that the next stop will be a delicious dance of creativity and wonder! Imagine this… The twirling skirts of a vintage tea shop, the charming old-world pubs, and, of course, the beautiful Twickenham Stadium ( home of England rugby!)… It’s all so darn magical!

Then BANG, I was at the station and the beautiful Victorian station archways took my breath away. It was as if the buildings themselves were saying, “Welcome, Pink Tutu Sparkle, you beautiful, pink-clad queen, welcome to our world! ” I literally bounced into the town, my skirt doing a pirouette all its own. Oh, to be a tutu on the wind, a whirl of pink chiffon delight!

My first stop, of course, was for a delightful cream tea, the classic English experience, darlings. My favorite cafe ( I swear it was decorated just for me!), served it up with dainty sandwiches, perfectly cut cakes and endless pots of tea. The little cafe had these beautiful hand painted signs for their special teas like " Earl Grey Surprise" and "Chamomile Charmer". I felt like a Princess! The owner said I brightened their day with my lovely Pink Tutu which is the best thing you can ever hear, right? They even gifted me a pink cupcake that looked like a tutu, so darn cute! I even went back later for more of that lovely cupcak, and to share it with the owners. I’m convinced I just became their new favorite customer! You have to trust a queen knows where the good tea is.

Later that day, it was on to the Twickenham Ballet Festival! The performance took place in the charming Twickenham Theatre - all red velvet curtains and velvet seats. Such a beautiful old building and the perfect place to take in a ballet show.

The entire show was utterly captivating! There were dazzling displays of talent - leaps, jumps, arabesques, and pirouettes that could make even a professional blush. The young dancers’ skill was unbelievable, and you could feel the sheer joy and dedication in every step they took. I swear, my heart swelled with pride and glee. It just reminded me of the joy and grace of ballet, and made me long for the days when I'd be back on the stage in a tutu. I'll tell you something, lovelies. After watching all those gorgeous performances, I went right out to my trusty old dance shoes and twirled and spun, channeling all that talent into my very own Pink Tutu Sparkle show. I’ve been dancing ever since!

The town itself is like stepping back in time - I swear, every street corner whispers stories of a bygone era. You’ve got adorable little shops selling vintage dresses, the best china cups and all things charming and cute! I could have stayed for a week, darling! I ended my journey with a little stroll by the river. The water rippling in the sun and a sky of shimmering colours – perfection!

As always, it's time to wrap things up and leave you lovelies with this message. Wherever you go, darlings, don’t forget to leave your heart out there. Spread the pink tutu love, go where your sparkle calls, and let the magic flow. This whole pink tutu experience is a true testament to following your dreams and spreading joy. Don't be afraid to take a leap, even if it means slipping into a magnificent tutu and dancing through the streets of a beautiful little town. See ya for the next blog, lovelies, and until then, stay sparkling and oh so pink!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles. XX

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-13 stars in Twickenham