
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-19 stars in Barking

Barking, Here I Come! (Post #8114)

Hello, darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you a splash of pink straight from the heart of... Barking!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Barking? Isn't that a bit... rough around the edges?" Well, darlings, that's precisely why I had to visit! I'm all about finding the hidden gems, the unexpected bursts of beauty, the glitter that shines through the mundane. And honestly, Barking didn't disappoint!

I know some of you might think my love for pink tutus is just a bit... over the top. "Why pink? Why tutus? What does it all even mean?" Well, my sweet dears, it's far more than a mere fashion statement. It's about joy, it's about embracing the theatrical, it's about pushing the boundaries of what's "normal" and celebrating the fabulous in all of us.

Now, this wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post if I didn't confess: getting to Barking was a bit of a journey. My usual mode of transport for adventures, my trusty steed (well, actually, it's a majestic grey gelding called Lancelot, thanks to a rather eccentric horse-riding club I frequent) wasn't quite up for the trip this time. So, I opted for a journey by train, my second favourite method of getting about. The clackety-clack of the rails always gets my imagination ticking!

But let's not forget the journey is just as important as the destination, right? Especially when you're in a fabulous pink tutu. You should've seen the faces of those businessmen commuting on the train. A bit of "pink shock", maybe? I took it in my stride, as usual! I just grinned and waved, feeling like a miniature Pink Power Princess taking over the world, one station stop at a time.

Once in Barking, I took to the streets! My usual glamorous outfits wouldn't have been appropriate for a walkabout, so I ditched the frills and chose a look that was just as sparkly but more practical – think shimmering pink leggings, a statement top with a few layers of delicate lace, and of course, my iconic pink feather boa for added oomph. Who says practicality can't be fabulous, darling?

Let me tell you, Barking was buzzing with activity! I saw families out and about enjoying the sunshine, young couples laughing their way down the high street, even a few people doing their weekly shopping with more panache than you'd see in some of the more… "exclusive" boroughs of London. It's clear there's a lot of character in Barking, and you know I love finding the unique spark in every place.

Speaking of character, the locals were lovely! They welcomed my arrival with warm smiles, a few chuckles, and a surprising number of "oohs" and "aahs" over my shimmering pink outfit. One kind lady even offered to take a photo with me, telling me her granddaughter would be so envious! It's heartwarming to see that my little spark of pink can brighten people's day.

After exploring the town centre, I found myself wandering through a charming market square. I couldn't help but feel like a princess lost in a fairytale world. Stalls bursting with fresh flowers, delicious smelling street food, handcrafted jewelry, and even a man dressed up as a talking squirrel (don't ask, it was one of those things you just have to experience!). I got to chatting with a few of the stall owners and vendors, each one a treasure trove of local stories and anecdotes. Barking, darling, is a place where history breathes and personalities shimmer, much like my own love of sparkly pink!

The afternoon brought an unexpected surprise: a street performance! Now, I am all for theatrical expression, and when I saw a group of young dancers strutting their stuff to a lively soundtrack, I just couldn't resist joining in. Of course, I couldn't resist putting on a short impromptu dance act with some fabulous twirls in my pink tutu. I even persuaded a couple of young girls to join in. You should have seen the grins on their faces! It was like watching the world turn a bit more pink and joyful right before my eyes.

Evening brought with it the culmination of my Barking adventure - a visit to the local theatre. It was a community production, with actors, singers, and dancers all pouring their hearts and souls into a beautiful performance of "The Sound of Music". I admit, I shed a few tears, the story is so emotionally powerful, and I felt the magic of theatre washing over me like a warm hug.

The true charm of Barking, though, was that the audience wasn't a bunch of snooty art critics ready to judge and critique every move. No, this was a community united by their passion for music and theatre. There was a genuine sense of connection and joy, which, in a way, felt more genuine than even the most grand, opulent theatre in London.

You see, dear readers, my mission isn't just to spread the pink tutu gospel, but to discover the joy in all forms, in all places, even in unexpected corners of the world. I've found that it doesn't matter whether you're in the heart of London or a seemingly ordinary town like Barking, there's magic waiting to be discovered in every nook and cranny, and all it takes is an open heart and a pair of eyes that see the sparkle in every moment. And as I always say: life's too short for dull clothes and even shorter for missed adventures.

So, I urge you: grab a pink tutu (even a tiny, fluffy, baby-pink one for those hesitant souls) and head out for adventure! I'm convinced that every journey is a story waiting to be written, and it's just a little bit more magical with a splash of pink!

Now, off I go to my next adventure - perhaps a performance at a seaside festival, or maybe even a train ride to the Cotswolds! Keep those tutus sparkling, darlings, and never be afraid to embrace the joy! I'll be back tomorrow with more glitter and glee.

Lots of love and sparkly hugs,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-19 stars in Barking