
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-05 stars in Bootle

Bootle, Baby! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Mersey Coast! πŸ’–βœ¨

Hey darlings, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you for blog post number 8131! I'm buzzing, because today I'm off to explore the fabulous shores of Bootle. This glamorous seaside town just calls to me - it's full of life and history, and let's be honest, a good place to get some chips and mushy peas. πŸ˜‰

Now, this adventure wouldn't be possible without my faithful steed, the train. There's nothing quite like the rhythmic clinking of tracks and the anticipation of arriving in a new place, a big smile on my face as I prepare to twirl through a new town. I must say, Bootle train station wasn't exactly the "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba" style affair I was expecting, but it was perfectly functional, and I felt all the drama in the anticipation of exploring this new destination.

After disembarking, I found myself in the centre of town. Let me tell you, the Mersey has its own unique character. It's gritty and authentic, with that seaside town vibe - a hint of salty air, cobbled streets, and the buzz of life! I couldn't resist snapping some pictures by the riverfront, feeling the pink tutu billowing in the breeze as I channeled my inner ballerina goddess.

My first stop? Of course, it was shopping time! I love hunting for treasures in the quirky independent shops and vintage boutiques that Bootle boasts. Today, I managed to bag myself a vintage pink fascinator with ostrich feathers, a real statement piece, perfect for adding a touch of extra 'sparkle' to my look. You can never have too much pink! πŸ’–

But my true love is ballet, darling. After all, that's how my obsession with tutus began! Back in the day, while studying my science degree (who'd have thought a scientist with a tutu addiction?), I was in the university ballet club and found myself in a pink tutu, fundraising for charity. And it was that moment, when the tulle twirled around my legs, when I felt the pink tulle whisper a life-changing message, "This is your calling!"

So, today, I was eager to find out if Bootle had a ballet studio to satisfy my pirouette cravings. It did! I took a class and wow, these Bootle dancers have got serious moves! They really knew their pliΓ©s and their grand jetΓ©s. We did a lovely little "Pink Tutu" combo I made up, just for them. Let's just say, we were all getting our pink tulle on, making Bootle a stage for ballet beauty!

Now, there's nothing quite like a fabulous theatrical show, and Bootle has got it in spades. After class, I treated myself to a performance at the local theatre. Oh my goodness, the passion on stage was electrifying. A group of talented performers from Bootle performed an original show they called "The Mermaid of Mersey Street," and it was truly spectacular! It was a mix of modern dance, lyrical pieces, and even a bit of traditional ballet - the perfect way to soak up the local culture.

Speaking of culture, darling, it's essential to try local cuisine on my travels. And Bootle's definitely got a culinary heart! I enjoyed the most incredible fish and chips by the harbour - crunchy and delicious, paired with a cup of tea so strong, it would make your hair stand on end! Plus, I spotted some vintage shops in a quirky arcade that looked absolutely fabulous - imagine a rainbow of pink delights!

The highlight of my evening, however, was stumbling upon a drag show in a local bar called "The Glittering Glimmer". Talk about a serendipitous discovery! These girls knew their stuff, rocking the stage with sass and attitude! And you know me, I just had to grab a mic and do a little something for the crowd. 🎀 We had everyone dancing and twirling along with my rendition of "Tutu Fever", a catchy little tune I composed myself about the transformative power of wearing a pink tutu! The place was rocking, the laughter was contagious, and I could feel the joy of everyone there. πŸ’–

Leaving Bootle was bittersweet. The town has this unique charm, a place where people live their lives authentically and wholeheartedly. As I hopped on the train home, I felt a deep connection to the spirit of Bootle, its vibrancy, its energy.

Bootle, you've shown me that pink tutus and glamour can be found anywhere! Even the most unassuming of towns can offer a surprising burst of glitter and joy! You know what, darling? I've decided to dedicate my next performance to you, Bootle, because your spirit of fun and acceptance really shines!

So, don't forget, darlings, always find your sparkle! Wear your pink tutus, twirl with joy, and be brave enough to discover the glitter hidden in everyday life. And if you see me out there, be sure to give me a twirl and tell me how fabulous I look!

Until next time, keep on sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’‹πŸ’–βœ¨

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-05 stars in Bootle