Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-07 stars in Folkestone

Folkestone Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Sparkle to the Coast

Post #8133: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, bringing you all the glitz and glam from my latest adventures! This week I found myself on the beautiful Kent coast, in the charming town of Folkestone! I can’t wait to share all the delightful details of my trip with you, because honestly, it’s been a real fairy-tale experience.

I’m all about embracing the unexpected, and when the opportunity arose to perform at a seaside gala, well, you can’t say no to a good ol’ fashioned knees-up by the sea, can you? Especially when you’re a tutu-wearing gal who thrives on colourful adventure!

This time, instead of travelling on the iron steed (the train), I took a jaunt through the English countryside by carriage. Well, maybe not quite a carriage – more like a chauffeured car. I can’t resist a little glam on the journey, and this time, it was all about enjoying the beautiful English landscape whizzing past! You see, travelling for me isn't just about getting from A to B. It’s about savouring the journey itself! I find the little details that make up the trip are often the best bit, from chatting with the driver to enjoying a posh cuppa along the way.

The best part about getting to Folkestone was, of course, the destination! The air was crisp and salty, and the town itself felt lively with excitement! As I sashayed down the seafront in my bright pink tutu, the air practically crackled with the energy of everyone excited for the gala! Honestly, Folkestone embraced me with open arms, ready for a night of dazzling dance and good cheer!

Now, it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles outing without a visit to a ballet class, wouldn't it? I simply couldn't resist squeezing in a session with the Folkestone Ballet Academy – oh, the joy! The energy in that studio was palpable! Such beautiful and dedicated dancers, each one passionate and focused on their art. My favourite moment was a sweet little girl, all smiles and sunshine, looking up at me in awe and saying, "You look like a princess!" Now that’s what I call the magic of ballet!

The evening itself was a delightful mix of classic ballet and modern dance, accompanied by live music that had everyone's toes tapping. The whole venue shimmered with twinkling lights and colourful décor, making it feel truly magical!

And speaking of shimmering, did I tell you about my outfit? It was the most fabulous pink, tulle, layered number, shimmering with sequins and topped with a feathered boa as pink as a sunrise! To say it was a crowd-pleaser is an understatement. Every turn, twirl, and leap was a chance to shower the audience with a wave of joy and colour – something I'm quite fond of, you see!

Honestly, darlings, you should’ve seen their faces – it was like pure magic. Their smiles were the most beautiful thing in the whole world. And me? I was living my best pink tutu life!

After the show, the fun continued! I mingled with the locals, charming the ladies and dazzling the gents with my playful banter and my infectious joy for life. You know, when you spread a little sunshine, you get it right back!

By the end of the night, I was thoroughly enchanted with the kindness and generosity of the people of Folkestone, and, honestly, I’ve got to admit I feel like a little piece of my heart will forever be tucked away in this lovely little coastal town.

But darling, you know me, I'm always on the move. My journey is a continuous dance through the world, searching for new experiences, sparkling moments, and of course, all the fabulous, sparkly pink tutus!

Don’t forget to keep up with my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com! I can't wait to see where my sparkly journey takes me next, and I hope you'll be joining me along the way! Now go and shine like the sparkling, glamorous queens you all are, and remember, darlings, always wear your pink tutu with pride!

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-07 stars in Folkestone