Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-20 stars in Stretford

Stretford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Flies North for a Glittering Good Time

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? Your girl is in Stretford!

It’s been an exciting journey getting here. After all, the road to fame – and tutu-dom – is paved with glitter and occasionally involves the rumble of a train journey across the British countryside. My travel tips? Well, if you’re ever planning on a trip to Stretford yourself, here's a little advice from your girl. Always pack a fabulous pair of heels for when you hit the station, even if the rest of the trip involves a dash around a marketplace or the bustle of a local theatre. My suitcase always includes at least one pink tulle creation - there's never a time for too much tutu, darling!

Let me tell you, Stretford is absolutely bursting with fun. It’s got a fabulous, independent vibe that reminds me a bit of Derbyshire, where I come from – but with a little more...oomph. You know me, I can't resist a place that appreciates the beauty of a twirl. Plus, there's a ballet class just a stone's throw from my hotel. (And they sell ballet shoes in pink, how convenient is that? You simply can't resist, love.)

Now, you know how I am about the colour pink, so the shops in Stretford just stole my heart! They’re full of delightful trinkets and things that make my pink princess soul sing. I even found the cutest little cafe where they have this divine pink tea – think strawberry and rose petals. It’s literally heaven in a cup!

I was drawn to Stretford specifically for their ballet scene. The theatre was like a fairy tale - the kind with pink lights, fabulous costumes, and some really top-notch performers. They even let me pop backstage to admire the amazing costumes – which is a major thrill for any tutu fanatic like myself! Speaking of costumes, my outfit for tonight’s performance was inspired by all the floral details on the stage – think layers of pink tulle and feathers and even a sparkly pink headpiece for the ultimate ‘floral-fantastic’ touch. (There will be snaps up on Instagram later! I love a bit of sharing the glitz and glam with my Pink-Tutu-Posse.)

Stretford really knows how to treat their queens. They even have a special night out with food, wine, and entertainment on the square - imagine that? I even caught a show by a drag group, they were incredible! All my darling friends, the drag family really is a community, and I just love meeting the girls - and boys! - all over the country and sharing a love of the fabulous!

Speaking of the drag family - you might wonder why a pink-obsessed drag queen who loves ballet is also a scientist by day. Well, as they say, opposites attract, and you'd be surprised by how many connections you find between science and creativity. For example, have you ever thought about the fabric we wear for performance? There's a whole science behind it - making it look and feel beautiful AND hold up under the strains of all those twirls! It's quite amazing when you think about it. I even test fabric myself - it's my day job - all the way from lab coat to sequins in the same day!

But I've rambled long enough about the excitement of the trip. What I haven't yet mentioned is that, on top of all this, Stretford is the venue for a big-time event in the world of tutus. (Wait for it....) I am actually taking part in a competition where they are crowning the Queen of Tutu for the county! So of course, I had to give myself a super-fabulous makeover – it's all about putting my best self forward. Now I wouldn't want to spoil the suspense - what kind of pink tutu I wore - but let’s just say it's my most outrageous one yet! This week has been a whirl-wind - a mixture of scientific research and dancing my heart out - but every minute has been glorious. I have made new friends (we have a lot in common), enjoyed amazing pink delights and, even if I haven't managed to win that ‘Queen of Tutu’ title (yet - that's next on the list!) It's been the best kind of escape. It reminds me that even if you are a queen in drag you can always find more pink glitter to add to your life! And yes, darling, it just wouldn’t be a pink tutu adventure without a trip by horse-drawn carriage through the local park – truly elegant!

Now my dear lovelies, before I go (the final act in my show here in Stretford starts soon) , do check out the link to my Youtube channel - there are even more sparkly highlights to enjoy – and why not join the Pink Tutu Squad? You know you want to – especially if you have a passion for all things pink and love to twirl! You can find us all on Instagram - I’d love to hear about your own pink adventures. Don’t forget – keep calm and sparkle on! This was post #8146 - until next time, dearies! www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-20 stars in Stretford