
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-13 stars in Dunstable

Dunstable Dreams: Post #8169 - Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes Flight!

Hello, my lovely Tutu Twirls! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another exciting chapter in the Pink Tutu Chronicles! I'm buzzing to tell you all about my latest adventure โ€“ a trip to the charming town of Dunstable!

It's a good job I'm blessed with the legs of a ballerina (thanks, years of ballet classes!) because getting to Dunstable involved a truly magical journey. I opted for the classic train travel โ€“ I just love the romance of chugging through the English countryside, feeling the gentle sway of the carriage. As usual, I turned heads in my fabulous outfit. You wouldn't believe the number of fellow passengers who just HAD to comment on my divine pink tutu! (Seriously, you can never go wrong with a classic pink tulle tutu, right?) It really gets the conversation flowing!

And of course, I couldn't resist accessorising my outfit with a sprinkle of sparkle. After all, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn't travel anywhere without a good dose of glitter. I popped on my matching pink-sequinned beret, topped with a feather boa in the most perfect shade of coral โ€“ perfect for a day of exploration in Dunstable. Oh, and let's not forget the feather fan, always a necessity for a Pink Tutu Sparkles grand entrance!

The first thing I did upon arriving in Dunstable was, naturally, hunt for a delicious cup of tea. It's a strict rule: never travel anywhere without a proper spot of afternoon tea! I found a lovely cafรฉ that even served pink teacakes (I kid you not, my dreams were literally coming true)! A little chat with the barista later, I was off on my mission: discovering the hidden gems of Dunstable!

I have to say, I fell absolutely in love with the place. Dunstable is just full of quaint little shops, historic pubs, and a wonderfully buzzing town centre. I felt like Iโ€™d stepped back in time, but in a fantastic, vibrant way!

The highlight of the day was the opportunity to visit the iconic Priory Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. Now, I'm not just a tutu-wearing queen โ€“ I'm a real history buff too. Stepping inside the Priory was an amazing experience. It's got the most beautiful stained glass windows, stunningly carved stone, and a history dating back to the 11th century. The church was bathed in sunlight, casting magical rainbows through the stained glass, and I had to resist the urge to do a quick pirouette in the nave! (Sorry, dear lord โ€“ I'll keep the dance moves for the stage!).

Of course, no visit to Dunstable is complete without exploring the historical priory grounds. A few playful pictures by the priory gate โ€“ the perfect backdrop for my tutu โ€“ were a must. I absolutely love taking snaps for my blog, my lovely Tutu Twirls, you are the best!

Feeling the buzz of history all around, I realised that Dunstable had been quite the hub of activity over the centuries โ€“ especially when it came to textiles and crafts! I have to admit, as a fabric testing scientist by day and a sparkling drag queen by night, the town really tickled my senses. Imagine, centuries ago, local weavers and crafters toiling away on exquisite fabrics for royal ladies and gentlemen. Talk about a beautiful connection to my life in the lab!

Feeling inspired by the heritage and spirit of the town, I knew it was time to unleash my own creative flair. With the afternoon sun dancing on the cobblestones, I couldn't resist picking up a few local goodies โ€“ a gorgeously fragrant lavender candle and some pretty hand-painted teacups. I just know my new collection of beautiful teacups is going to create the perfect atmosphere for my next Drag Queen Tea Party. Speaking of, Iโ€™ve got to start planning for the next one. It might be time to try and teach my guests a few dance moves โ€“ maybe something fun and bubbly? Perhaps weโ€™ll all go for the classic pink tutus โ€“ what do you think, my lovely Tutu Twirls?

Before I knew it, the sun began to set on Dunstable. I took a moment to look out over the beautiful, tranquil countryside surrounding the town and to truly appreciate the beauty and quietude of the day. I'm telling you, my darling Tutu Twirls, sometimes you need to take a moment to just breathe and soak in the beauty of your surroundings.

But then I remembered โ€“ I had a show to perform that night. And what do you know? My fellow queens and I took over a cozy little pub for a fabulous performance. It's true โ€“ we drag queens can take the stage anywhere! And of course, my entrance was dazzling, complete with a twirling pink tutu and my signature sparkle-dusted grin. You should have seen the smiles on the faces of the locals!

After the show, there was no stopping me โ€“ I danced and celebrated my own little Pink Tutu victory all night. And my, oh my, did Dunstable know how to party!

Well, my lovelies, my trip to Dunstable was a roaring success. Not only did I get to discover a truly lovely place filled with history and charm, but I was also able to share a little Pink Tutu magic with everyone I met.

You know what they say โ€“ life's a bit like a pink tutu โ€“ it's full of fluff, excitement, and you can never have too much sparkle!

Don't forget to follow me on my next adventure at www.pink-tutu.com And until next time, my sweet Tutu Twirls, keep it pink, sparkly, and filled with beautiful twirls!

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-13 stars in Dunstable