Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-17 stars in Pinner

Pinner: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage

Hello darlings!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Sparkles' world! It's your favourite pink-obsessed drag queen here, back with a brand new blog post (number 8173, if you're counting!) about a fab-tastic trip to Pinner!

Now, you know I'm a bit of a creature of habit when it comes to getting about. Planes, you see, are a little too flashy for my liking, and I much prefer the elegance of a train journey. You can't beat settling into a plush carriage, listening to the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels and people-watching through the window. And this time, it was a charming vintage train I was travelling in, all mahogany panelling and polished brass – practically a time machine to my favourite era, the 1950s. Just perfect for a glamorous girl like me, wouldn’t you agree?

So, Pinner. You might be thinking, "Why Pinner? Why not the glitz and glam of Piccadilly Circus? Or the chic boutiques of Knightsbridge?" But dearie me, there's a hidden charm to this suburb. It's got a real "old school" English vibe, with quaint streets lined with charming shops and beautiful green spaces – just perfect for a girly afternoon stroll.

Now, I’m not one to just mosey around! I had a mission, darlings: to share the pink tutu gospel.

As usual, my dazzling pink ensemble turned heads wherever I went. The streets of Pinner were practically begging to be sprinkled with a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles' magic! My full-bodied tulle confection was the shade of spun candy, perfectly offset by a dazzling pink feathered boa, and finished off with a sprinkle of glitter for good measure. Let’s face it, I couldn't have looked more glamorous if I'd tried!

First stop, The Pinner Library! What's a gal to do while waiting for her cuppa and croissant (and by gal, I mean this gal in all her tutu-ed glory)? A spot of reading, of course! Now, I know you’re thinking "a drag queen in a library?" You'd be surprised! There's nothing like browsing the shelves for some inspirational books about fashion and the performing arts, or a little literary fiction – though personally I much prefer the real life dramas I see played out at the bus stop or during tea breaks in a café. I may be all glitter and fluff, darlings, but even Pink Tutu Sparkles likes to learn sometimes!

Then came the time for a much-needed break, so I sashayed into the most charming tea room! The pastries were the most delicate little confections, filled with berries and cream and drizzled with luscious icing. And the tea, my dears? The kind of tea that could only be dreamed up in a Victorian fairytale, with pink rosebuds and dainty pastel cakes! The dainty table and chairs were almost like they’d stepped straight out of an antique shop, perfectly balanced by the sunshine streaming in through the window. It was so perfectly girly that it would make a Barbie doll swoon!

And naturally, being in such a perfect spot, the question arose in my mind... *how could I spread the joy of pink tutus to this delightful place? * My solution: pink ribbons, in every shade and design, for all the delicate pastries and cakes! My dear friends at the tea room seemed rather delighted by the idea - I do love a bit of positive reinforcement - so a ribbon on every pastry it was! All the customers giggled with delight, the waitresses couldn't stop smiling, and a few even asked to take home a pink ribbon to adorn their own treats. It felt like I was truly bringing the pink tutu magic to Pinner. A real Pink Tutu triumph!

With my pink-tastic tea break behind me, it was time to unleash the sparkle. Pinner has the most amazing, secret little garden theatre hidden away behind the high street, it’s almost a world away from the hustle and bustle! This beautiful Victorian era garden theatre – with its charming painted gazebo stage – just begged for some dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles! I didn’t have any performance plans scheduled for the afternoon but a chance to show off a little Pink Tutu magic to the people of Pinner seemed almost irresistible!

I know this may sound bonkers, but in that minute, as I gazed upon the enchanting little theatre and it's lovingly painted pastel facade, I could only imagine it transformed, decked out with tutus! And in that instant, I knew this was my calling, a sort of Pink Tutu crusade – to fill the world, piece by piece, with a dash of fabulousness!

Now, you might be thinking "What did Pink Tutu Sparkles do? How did you spread your tutu gospel in such a humble, yet lovely setting? " Well, dearies, let me tell you...I whipped out my ever trusty phone (a gorgeous lavender phone, naturally, perfect for the job), snapped a few pictures and started posting to the internet, my gorgeous Pinner friends and I became a viral sensation. It went completely wild on Instagram – hashtag PinnerPinkTutus became trending! The images spread like wildfire across all the social platforms. I started getting interview requests, phone calls and emails from various newspapers and television shows - all about my pink tutu project and the stunning little garden theatre, and people were falling head over heels with Pinner, not to mention the idea of dressing in pink tutus.

My, oh my. Pinner was a veritable Pink Tutu revolution!

This, darling friends, is why I love travelling to new places. You never know when you’ll find a new corner of the world to share the pink tutu love with! It's a chance to meet people, inspire them and, well, share a little sparkle, too!

So, my dears, keep spreading the love, wear a pink tutu whenever you can, and stay tuned to the blog! You know where to find me – www.pink-tutu.com – every single day!

Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-17 stars in Pinner