
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-30 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli Lights Up With Pink! (Blog Post #8186)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Itā€™s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, glitter-loving, fabulous queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the most stunningly pink city Iā€™ve ever seenā€¦ Llanelli!

You guys, Llanelli was a whirlwind of joy and pink! Iā€™m going to let you in on a secret, though. You might think that all this travel comes naturally to me. That Iā€™m like a magical unicorn, magically transporting myself with my little glitter stick and a wink of my eyelashes. You see, that's only half true. šŸ˜‰ For this trip, I rode the train. Yep! I just love trains. They are so comfortable and relaxing. I canā€™t explain it. The rhythmic rocking of the carriages, the gentle swaying, and those viewsā€¦ I just melt into a ball of peace and quiet as I whizz past the scenery. My outfit, of course, was something out of a fairytale. It was a shimmering pink satin dress, flowing all around me like a tutu made for a magical railway carriage. And a massive pink fascinator? Donā€™t even get me started. You bet, I got the stares, I got the smiles, and I got a whole heap of ā€œHello!ā€s from fellow passengers. All before the train had even left the platform!

But whatā€™s more? The main event was, of course, my show at The Llanelli Theatre! You see, there was this lovely call for submissions in Llanelli to celebrateā€¦ pink. šŸŒˆšŸ’– And let's be honest, when a queen like me hears "pink" ā€“ whoosh - my glitter-covered heart goes "YES, PLEASE!" So, Llanelli, it seemed, needed a pink-tutu-sparkly blast of fabulousnessā€¦ And wouldn't you know it? They found it in yours truly. You know I had to deliver on that pinkness! Oh, Iā€™ve got to tell you all about it.

I stepped onto the stage, and the place lit up with flashing pink lights and even the most serious faces in the crowd couldnā€™t help but smile! It was pure magic. It was my most pink performance EVER! Think a sprinkle of glitter, a dash of glamour, a sprinkle of ballet, and a LOT of twirlingā€¦and then amplify that times a hundred! There were tutus galore ā€“ shimmering tulle, bouncy netting, and layers of delicate ruffles ā€“ in a riot of all things pink. Think cherry blossom, candy floss, and rose quartzā€¦ a sweet explosion of all my favourite things!

My dancers? Well, they were phenomenal! They werenā€™t just performers ā€“ they were like a swirling dance of pink joy and positivity. Let me tell you, their talent absolutely floored the audience. The ballets, contemporary, and street dance, I can't even explainā€¦ they were like an orchestra of pink-tutu magic! The theatre itself, oh my, looked straight out of a Disney film with a massive pink glitter curtain! Seriously! I could not believe it! It made the stage feel like you could practically step straight into a magical wonderland. And what made the entire experience absolutely out of this world, was that I saw SO MANY people wearing tutus! There were toddlers with their little pink tutu tutters, teenagers rocking their grown-up tutus, and adults strutting their pink stuff, all radiating positivity. It was truly heart-warming and I know you are wondering what it feels like to have a tutu be your lucky charm and, of course, everyone wanting to wear pinkā€¦ let me tell youā€¦ It feels fantastic!

As always, you all know how I live for the local food scene. You know me, I'm a real foodie. I can't go anywhere without finding something deliciously local. I've got to tell you, the food in Llanelli was amazing! You can find fresh produce, award-winning local brews, and of course, the best pink ice cream! (Yes, it existed and yes, I sampled the entire spectrum of pink ice creams). Oh, but the local market - It was bursting with the most colourful blooms, handcrafted jewellery, and a few adorable shops that were all about ā€¦ pink! (Are you seeing a theme, yet? šŸ˜Š) They really embraced the pink!

Let me tell you, if you ever get the chance to visit Llanelli ā€“ donā€™t think twice! Get on that train or, if you're feeling adventurous, even on horseback (I hear there are some amazing stables near Llanelli! And they do allow pink tutus.) This most magnificent of pink cities will leave you grinning like you just got a giant spoonful of strawberry ice cream. Oh! I forgot to mentionā€¦ that's how I feel about you - my lovely Pink-Tutu readers - all sweet, pink, and wonderful. šŸ˜‰

Now, don't forget to grab that tutu. Rememberā€¦ a pink tutu is more than just an outfit. It's a feeling, a statement, a dance, and, as you saw in Llanelli, a community! And maybeā€¦ maybeā€¦ the beginning of a world filled with pink tutus? Who knows!

Until next time, darlings, letā€™s keep those pink tutus spinning! And, as always, you can find more pink fun on Pink-Tutu.com - and remember - weā€™re on all socials, so be sure to follow! āœØšŸ’•

Yours always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Whatā€™s the most pink place youā€™ve ever visited? Letā€™s keep the conversation going! šŸ’— šŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-30 stars in Llanelli