Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-31 stars in Beeston

Beeston, My Lovely! 🩰💖✨

Post #8187

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with a brand-new post! This week, I’ve been exploring the charming town of Beeston, and let me tell you, it's absolutely bursting with delightful little shops, quirky cafes, and, of course, a fabulous theatre where I had the honour of performing.

This Beeston escapade has been a dream come true! It's always exciting to visit a new place, but being able to share my love of sparkle, sass, and tutus with a new audience is a truly magical experience.

Now, if you know me, you know that my adventures often begin with a dash of romance. Yes, I’m talking about those trusty old railway tracks! This time, the train ride from Derbyshire to Beeston was as enchanting as a fairy tale, filled with stunning countryside views and the delightful chatter of fellow travellers.

After all, travelling by train always seems to draw out the most wonderful characters, all keen to share a chat about their journeys and, of course, marvel at my pink tutu.

Speaking of marvel… it was right here in Beeston, a little independent bookshop nestled on a charming little street, where I discovered the most fantastic book! Filled with all sorts of vintage fashion inspiration, this little gem just had to be added to my ever-growing library of fabulousness! It truly inspired my outfits this week!

Speaking of outfits, my trusty tutu this week was a glorious, vibrant fuchsia confection, with delicate swirls of glitter around the bottom, which, if I’m being honest, totally matched the glorious raspberry macaroon I bought myself for afternoon tea. (I might have a slight obsession with all things pink – shocker, I know).

Speaking of sweet treats, I can’t possibly write about Beeston without mentioning the truly amazing patisserie on High Street. Oh, the divine pastries, the creamy éclairs, the perfectly iced cakes – each a tiny piece of artistry, all beautifully presented. And they were so accommodating to a fellow tutu-wearer. I had a cup of their delicious tea and a slice of that divine almond tart and sat on the terrace basking in the sun – pure bliss!

Then it was on to the theatre, the real highlight of the trip! Beeston Theatre has this truly charming, old-fashioned, and frankly, beautiful charm to it. From the moment I walked into that theatre, with its warm, golden light and rich velvet curtains, I felt the buzz of magic in the air! It really is a gem! And I think my audience felt the magic too.

I must admit, when I began to perform in Beeston, I felt a twinge of nervous energy. The crowd was a diverse one - families, friends, and local theater lovers all eagerly awaiting their night out! I’d worked tirelessly on my performance, wanting to make it extra special for the Beeston crowd! My performance began, and suddenly, everything vanished – I just got lost in the joy of performing.

After my performance, there was a rousing round of applause from the audience and a sense of deep joy. I’m so lucky to share the magic of drag and the message of wearing your heart on your sleeve (or tutu!), spreading positivity and fun, no matter what!

One of the sweetest moments came when a young girl, barely ten years old, skipped over to me after the show, her eyes wide with wonder. She had never seen a drag queen perform before! She shyly admitted she’d been dreaming of a pink tutu of her own, inspired by my fabulous ensemble.

I swear, the glow I felt seeing the spark of joy light up her face – it just reminded me why I do what I do!

For me, that is what it's all about. Bringing joy, promoting self-expression, and encouraging people to wear their own kind of tutu, embracing what makes them truly unique. I always leave my audience with this thought: You can wear a pink tutu, you know!

Beeston is such a magical little town and a perfect example of how every place in this amazing world offers something different to the discerning, well-dressed, pink-tutu-loving adventurer, whether they’re looking for fabulous performance art, exquisite pastries or something in between!

Stay fabulous, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

(P.S. Check out my online store, www.pink-tutu.com for a range of fabulous pink tutus and sparkly accessories! )

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-31 stars in Beeston