
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-04 stars in West Bridgford

West Bridgford: Pink Tutu Adventures & Railway Romp! (Post #8191)

Hello my darling dears, and welcome to Pink-Tutu.com! Itโ€™s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen here, back with another adventure in my favourite colour - pink, of course!

Today I'm going to whisk you off to the charming West Bridgford, a lovely little town just outside of Nottingham. Now, as a seasoned drag queen, travelling is practically an art form! And what's better than whizzing around on a train? Oh, the pure joy of sitting back in first class (always worth the splurge!), sipping my favourite sparkling rosรฉ, and admiring the English countryside fly by! I even managed to score a seat facing forward, so no worries about the dreaded "backwards-facing syndrome" that always makes me feel a bit queasy!

Speaking of feeling queasy, there's only one thing that could make me lose my stomach more than being in a moving car... ballet! I absolutely adore it, especially the way the dancers make it look so effortless, like they're floating on air! As soon as I heard there was a wonderful ballet class in West Bridgford, I knew I had to sashay on over! It was absolutely heavenly! The instructor was so patient and encouraging, even with my slightly less graceful moves (tutus make everything more elegant, right?) It's always so exhilarating to stretch those legs and express yourself through dance. Plus, the studio had this gorgeous, classic feel to it, like stepping back into a bygone era of grand, swirling tutus and soaring jumps.

After all that intense dancing, my darling dears, there was no other way to treat my weary little self than with a pink milkshake, courtesy of the charmingly named "The Pink Palace Cafe"! You can't get away from the power of pink when you're with me, so you know they absolutely had to have pink in their milkshake selection! And let me tell you, it was like a dream! Fluffy and sweet, just like my tutu-loving spirit.

And then, the moment we've all been waiting for: My drag performance! This time, it wasn't on a grand stage, oh no, this was a fabulous, fairytale outdoor festival in West Bridgford! Now, I'm all about embracing new adventures, and performing in a park, surrounded by picnic baskets and families, is definitely unique!

But you know what? Those smiles from children, and the sheer joy on people's faces as I shimmered under the summer sun in my pink tutu... Well, that's the best feeling in the world. They're so pure and innocent, completely mesmerized by the spectacle of it all! There's a beautiful truth in the innocence of childhood. It reminds me of when I first discovered the magic of drag, all those years ago back in Derbyshire.

I had no idea that a tiny tutu in a university fundraiser would have such a powerful effect on my life! There I was, a budding science whizz, totally nerdy and shy, but underneath it all, I was a tiny ball of sunshine bursting to be expressed. And it all began with that one pink tutu. How funny it is, to think that fabric testing in a lab by day, is offset by the glitter and glamour of drag performance at night! It's as if the world was waiting to be sprinkled with glitter! And with a pinch of magic, we make dreams happen!

I was nervous to step out of my comfort zone, to break free from the conventional and embrace the wonderful madness of drag. It takes guts to be true to yourself. But that moment, strutting out on stage in that dazzling pink tutu, surrounded by cheers and applause? It was like a superpower coursing through my veins! The energy, the magic, it's indescribable! And honestly, after the last few years of lockdowns, of trying to be positive when the world felt so bleak, being able to make people smile, it really meant the world to me.

I have to thank everyone who came to the show and made the day so special! You gave me so much love, encouragement, and joy! It reminded me why I do what I do, why I believe so fiercely in the power of sparkle, the joy of expressing ourselves, and the ability to spread love and laughter with a few dazzling twirls.

I'm always so humbled by the support from my online family, my beloved tutu queens! You make my days so bright, sending those loving words and cheering me on as I journey through the world with my pink tutus. I love how you get involved, sending me pics of your favourite pink tutus, your ideas for my next adventure... You truly make my heart sparkle.

Well, that's it for another delightful post on Pink-Tutu.com! Remember my dears, to wear your hearts on your sleeves and a tutu over your heart! Stay tuned for more adventures! Until next time, stay sparkly!

Your forever fabulous, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S: As usual, the magic of Pink Tutu has made its way into my next project, and this one's a real crowd pleaser! We are about to unleash "The Pink Tutu Dress-up Kit!" That's right, I've partnered with an incredible team of talented dressmakers and fabric specialists to bring my passion for tutus to you! It's the perfect blend of DIY fun, creativity and style, just waiting for you to unleash your inner Pink Tutu Queen! More news coming very soon.

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-04 stars in West Bridgford