
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-05 stars in Borehamwood

Borehamwood: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Hertfordshire Hills!

#TutuQueen #Borehamwood #PinkTutuSparkles #DragLife #TutuLove #TravelQueen #PinkPower #Post8192

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and let me tell you, I am swooning over the adventures I had in Borehamwood! Honestly, this little corner of Hertfordshire has captured my heart (and my love for pink, of course!).

This is Post Number 8192, believe it or not, on my little pink blog here at www.pink-tutu.com. And trust me, with every passing day, my passion for spreading pink tutu magic grows stronger! It's like, even as my pink tulle and feather boa collection gets bigger, my love for them somehow gets even bigger! It's an eternal loop of fluffy joy and sparkling joy that keeps me going, from the lab where I test fabric by day to the stage where I bring my pink-tutu dreams to life by night.

Right, back to Borehamwood! Getting there was an absolute dream. You see, I've got this thing about travelling by train, the chugging rhythm just puts me in such a fabulous mood, and the views flying past the windows just ignite my inner-diva. Plus, wearing a fluffy pink tutu and a matching feather boa on a train always attracts a few smiles and happy glances. Always makes for an exciting ride, darling!

Now, I didn't come all this way for just a train journey (though I could happily do that all day), oh no! My real mission in Borehamwood? A truly glorious ballet performance. And believe me, when I say 'glorious' - I mean it! It was in a grand old theatre, one with those high ceilings that seem to whisper tales of glittering stars and dramatic dance moves.

This performance was extra special to me, it had the most captivating, story-filled choreography. A blend of ballet classics mixed with contemporary touches, you know, the kind of performance that just sends a tingle right down to your toes (and makes you want to spin and twirl and twirl all over again!). And while the ballet dancers themselves were an inspiration (so graceful, so effortless!), the stage was simply drenched in pink lighting - well, naturally, I had to applaud with a happy tear in my eye. Pink perfection!

But hold on, there's even more! Before the performance, I was fortunate to catch a street performance in the heart of Borehamwood. Now, these street performers weren't dancers this time, they were a band with this absolutely incredible musical energy that made everyone in the town square get up and groove. They had a brass section, and it was like their horns could reach into the very soul of everyone around them, sparking pure joy and energy. You can imagine, right, with my penchant for pink tutus and the urge to twirl, I didn't even need a nudge!

Naturally, I couldn't leave Borehamwood without finding the perfect pink outfit. It's a tradition now - you know me, always seeking the latest pink trends! And you won't believe it, darling, but I discovered the most adorable little boutique crammed with glitter, tulle, sequins, and oh so much pink. I practically felt a glitter-filled gust of wind when I walked through the door! And after a few minutes in that shop, I left with an exquisite pink sequined top, a beautiful pair of glittery pink heels that simply begged for me to dance in them, and a brand-new tutu with sparkling pink sequins and ribbons, like a magical little cloud of pink perfection!

After all that shopping, a girl deserves a little treat, and I wasn't going to disappoint myself. Now, I have a little confession. I am quite the horse enthusiast. Something about their grace, the way they move - it just melts my heart. So, naturally, my evening concluded with a lovely ride in a horse-drawn carriage! Can you even imagine? This stunning white horse with this majestic trot, pulling a carriage lined in luxurious red velvet, me inside wearing my sparkly pink ensemble. Oh, the feeling of the wind in my hair as we clip-clopped through the evening air. It's those magical, little touches that make my life complete.

But what would Borehamwood be without a delightful supper? A local pub called 'The Red Lion', just down the road, had me in a trance. Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and gravy - absolutely delicious. It had that traditional English warmth I adore. And the pub itself had such charm! Wooden beams, low-hanging lanterns - I almost felt like I was in a Victorian fairy tale.

And for dessert? Well, it just had to be ice cream, and not just any ice cream, a giant scoop of strawberry with a sprinkle of pink glitter! So much pink! What a fitting end to a gloriously pink-filled day.

I have to say, Borehamwood has truly captured my heart! This town was like a beautiful dream come true, with all the charm of the countryside and the energy of the city. I'm just a small-town Derbyshire girl at heart, but this big city diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is definitely returning to Borehamwood! After all, every pink-loving heart needs a place where they can be fully, glitteringly themselves.

Now, until next time, don't forget to spread the joy of pink! I dare you to slip on a pink tutu and join me in the world of glitter and magic! Stay sparkly!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

P.S. Be sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com for even more stories, glittery adventures and a pink-tastic peek into my world. Let's make the world a brighter, pinker place, one tutu at a time!

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-05 stars in Borehamwood