Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-06 stars in Falkirk

Falkirk: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Dreams! 💖🩰

Hello Darlings! 💖

It’s your favourite pink-tutu-loving drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous post! Today's blog post is extra special, marking number 8193! That's right, darlings, 8193 blog posts filled with the latest on my adventures in fabulous fashion, my ballet obsession, and of course, my undying love for pink tutus!

My Journey to Falkirk

Today's adventure began in Derbyshire, my lovely hometown, where I traded in my lab coat for my sparkly finest, and boarded the train with a smile as bright as a thousand rainbows! You see, darlings, I am a scientist by day - yes, really! I test fabrics for durability and such in a swanky lab. But as soon as I clock out, I transform into my dazzling drag alter ego: Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "How does a scientist with a love for science end up a flamboyant drag queen?". Well, it all started with a university ballet club and a charity fundraising event. They needed volunteers to try on some costumes, and I, being the ever-enthusiastic soul, decided to throw on a tutu! It was a pink tutu, of course. The moment I spun in that fabulous pink feather boa and shimmery tutu, it felt like the universe was telling me: "Go forth, Alex, and make the world a more pink and sparkly place!"

That feeling led me to a whirlwind of drag, glitter, and tutus! Since then, I've been travelling around, sharing the love of pink tutus with anyone who'll listen (or rather, anyone who’ll watch a drag show!) My drag gigs, darling, they take me everywhere: fairs, community halls, local theatre venues, and even sometimes, grand hotels! My talent, you see, is spreading joy, laughter, and most importantly, the pink-tutu-powered message: be true to yourself, flaunt your inner fabulousness, and never be afraid to wear a pink tutu!

Falkirk - A Ballet Lover’s Paradise! 🩰

Now, let's talk about Falkirk, darlings! This charming Scottish town has been calling to me, beckoning with promises of history, breathtaking beauty, and, my love, it has a thriving ballet scene! It's not every day you can stumble upon such a ballet-loving community! My first stop was a beautiful old theatre, where I got swept away in a breathtaking performance of Swan Lake. The dancers, my darlings, they were breathtaking. It reminded me why I love ballet so much. The grace, the fluidity, the sheer artistry! And those tutus! They were truly something to behold. I almost burst into tears of pure joy! (Yes, I'm a sensitive soul. I'm just as much in love with a good cry as I am with a sparkly pink tutu!).

Later, I went to an enchanting ballet class, and let me tell you, darling, even I, a professional queen, learned a few things! (Don’t you dare let on I told you that!). But it’s never too late, darlings, to unleash the dancer inside! Everyone, no matter your shape or size, can have fun moving to music and spinning like a pink-tutu-wearing star! Remember: it’s all about the joy of expression, and who’s better at expressing oneself than Pink Tutu Sparkles, your very own dancing diva? ✨

Fashion Finds: Pink and Proud! 🎀

Of course, I couldn't just leave Falkirk without visiting their charming high street! Shopping, darlings, is my hobby! You see, as a queen, it's my mission to sparkle, glitter, and wear the most outrageous, most fabulous outfits. I’ve already shared my thoughts on how to style your pink tutu for everyday life, but Falkirk was teeming with so much inspiration, it’s time for another “Pink Tutu Style Guide"!

Firstly, I've got to give a shout-out to the beautiful flower shops! I found myself drowning in vibrant pink flowers, my heart aflutter. I ended up buying a bouquet of bright pink roses to keep in my hotel room (because, really, who doesn’t need some extra pink in their life?). Then, it was on to the vintage clothing stores! Oh darling, those gems! They were overflowing with unique vintage dresses that I just HAD to try on! I'm sure I caused a little stir, all twirling around in the shop window. But hey, you've got to be brave, darling, right?

I found a fantastic vintage floral patterned pink dress with lace sleeves and a beautiful wide belt! I am going to pair that with a vintage hat that I bought - all for the modest sum of 10 pounds, what a steal! (Just between us, it would have cost 5 times that back in Derbyshire!) I know, right? Vintage is the key to affordable fabulousness! Then I saw the perfect pink bow! Just imagine: my pink dress, the big pink bow, a pink feathered boa, and, oh, of course, the signature pink tutu! This look is destined to be featured in a future blog post, darlings, mark my words!

A Tutu-Filled Evening: Pink Cocktails & More Pink! 🍹 💖

Falkirk knows how to celebrate life! That evening, I had the privilege of being the entertainment at a beautiful bar with the most fabulous interior design you've ever seen. They had vintage velvet chairs, twinkling fairy lights, and… you guessed it – lots of pink! What a perfect backdrop for my show!

My performance was electrifying (if I may say so myself). I dazzled the crowd with my high kicks, dazzling sequin costume, and signature Pink Tutu Sparkles sass. I even had the bar staff donning pink feather boas and tutus for the grand finale (you can’t really call yourself a Pink Tutu Sparkles fan and not be prepared to don a tutu for fun, right?).

The night ended with me sipping on a pink cocktail under a shimmering disco ball, reminiscing on my incredible Falkirk adventures. You know, sometimes, darlings, you just have to surrender to the magic! The kind of magic that comes with spreading joy, wearing a pink tutu, and sharing the magic of being yourself.

Final Thoughts: Spreading Pink Tutu Love!

And so, my dearest readers, I bid adieu to the stunning Falkirk. I'll be leaving a little pink sparkle behind, that’s for sure! It’s a town that’s bursting with personality, creativity, and, dare I say, even a healthy dose of pink tutu love!

Do you have any great experiences to share with pink tutus? If so, please, do tell! The comments are always open, darling.

Until next time, be fierce, be fabulous, and remember: always, always wear a pink tutu! 💖 🩰


Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨**


#TutuQueen on 2022-06-06 stars in Falkirk