Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-08 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles in the Heart of Kent 🩰💖✨

Hello darlings! Welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com, where every day is a celebration of sparkles, twirls, and everything fabulous! This is post number 8195 and guess what? Pink Tutu Sparkles is back with a brand new adventure!

You know how much I adore exploring the UK and spreading the gospel of tutus, right? Well, this week I've been whisked away to the charming town of Kenton, nestled somewhere between the rolling hills and the sweet smell of honeysuckle (and possibly some good old-fashioned fish and chips). 😉

Getting to Kenton was half the fun. Now, I’m all for a bit of glamour, but this week, the old-fashioned train journey was just the ticket! The wind in my hair, the sound of the rails beneath us, the quaint countryside scenery… it all added a touch of vintage romance. Honestly, it felt like I stepped out of a Jane Austen novel – except instead of a crinoline, I was rocking my favourite fuchsia tutu!

Kenton greeted me with open arms and even more open windows! I have to say, I love towns that don't take themselves too seriously – especially when it comes to appreciating a fabulous tutu. Everywhere I went, I felt like a star. Even the locals at the fish and chip shop stopped to admire my sparkly masterpiece – though I think it was the giant pink cupcake I had perched on my head that truly stole the show. 🧁💖✨

But Kenton isn't all about cute shops and tasty treats (although they are a definite highlight!) – there's a real sense of community here, a passion for the arts and a vibrant creative energy. You see, it turns out that Kenton is a hidden gem when it comes to dance!

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a meeting for one of my "Pink Tutu" sponsored ballet performances. They were asking about location, budget, and availability. When the topic turned to performers, I told them I wouldn’t just provide an extravagant costume but that I was a professional ballet dancer. After a slight awkward pause they looked at me, stunned that this drag artist also wore pointe shoes, could split and would be teaching them all my favorite dance routines! As if my life as a scientist testing fabrics during the day isn't already enough! 🤣

There was this charming little theatre tucked away in a quiet corner of the town, and wouldn't you know it? It was hosting a brilliant ballet performance! You know I'm obsessed with anything that twirls, so of course, I had to take it all in.

The dancers, a mix of professionals and talented amateurs, were amazing! They were telling a story through their movements – love, sorrow, triumph – and it just took me right away. It was so inspiring to see the passion and commitment they poured into their craft. I couldn't help but feel a little pang of nostalgia.

You see, even before I embraced the world of drag, ballet was a massive part of my life. Back in Derbyshire, I spent my younger days in the studio, perfecting pirouettes and working on my arabesques. (Though, I admit, it wasn’t quite the sparkly world of pink tutus just yet!) It all started when I joined the university ballet club and put on a tutu for a charity fundraising event. From that moment on, I knew, darling, that my life had been irrevocably changed!

After the show, I couldn't help but chat to some of the dancers, gushing over their amazing performance. They were so lovely, full of enthusiasm, and genuinely curious about my own drag world. They didn't bat an eyelid at my pink tutu and, in fact, were really fascinated by the idea of drag and its ability to push boundaries and celebrate creativity. And let’s be honest, my flamboyant pink tutu and my signature sparkly make-up are a powerful message all on their own!

The thing is, I really believe in the power of dance. It transcends language, it speaks to the heart, it lets you express yourself without words. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how you identify. And it definitely doesn’t matter if you prefer a pink tutu to a traditional ballerina one!

It's just about moving, about connecting, about having fun!

The next day, Kenton's local dance school gave me a warm welcome (they’re a massive fan of pink, by the way!), and I had a chance to experience a little bit of ballet class myself. They all wore beautiful ballerina style pink tutus! I have to say, my own, much more frilly creation, caused a stir. I mean, how often do you get to see a pink-clad drag queen taking on ballet exercises? 😂

Let me tell you, after all these years away from the barre, my legs were definitely screaming! But, it was so much fun! The energy in the studio was infectious, and it felt like a proper dose of nostalgia for my ballet days. Plus, I think I might have convinced a couple of the students to add a bit of extra flair to their dance moves with some sequins and sparkle! 😉

As you know, I am all about the details, darlings, and this whole trip wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the food! The local café served up the most delectable cream tea - deliciously light scones, fresh clotted cream and strawberry jam, all served in a lovely vintage teapot! It was absolutely divine, especially after the ballet lesson. 😋

After spending the day exploring Kenton and meeting its wonderful residents, it was time for my biggest moment. The grand finale of this enchanting Kenton adventure was none other than my very own Pink Tutu Sparkle performance! And where better to do it than in that charming, friendly little theatre?

I was excited and a little bit nervous – this was the first time I had brought my sparkly, pink tutu magic to Kenton. It was also the first time I’d performed as a professional dancer to this crowd - though it felt a lot like returning home.

But I shouldn't have worried! The audience, made up of families, locals, and a smattering of fellow ballet enthusiasts, were absolutely wonderful! It’s easy to get lost in the world of costumes and glitter, and, of course, my signature pink tutu. The reaction from the crowd, all those cheering and applause, was all worth it and a highlight of the trip!

After all the applause and confetti had settled, I knew that this was a performance I'd cherish. I'd even found my way onto the front page of the Kenton Herald!

Kenton, you've stolen a piece of my heart! It’s safe to say that I am already planning a return trip. The people were wonderful, the atmosphere was so friendly, and the town itself was utterly charming. It’s a beautiful place full of heart and creativity – a little bit of sparkle is never out of place!

Now, it's time to bring some of that magic back home with me, but first, I must tell you my most recent ambition - to set up my own Pink Tutu Sparkle Ballet School! Imagine it… every single dancer sporting a sparkling pink tutu in every shade imaginable. It would be the ultimate explosion of colour and energy!

If you've made it all the way to the end of this post, a huge thank you! Now, how about joining me on my quest? Tell me, what’s your favorite way to spread the love of pink tutus? Maybe you already own a dazzling creation yourself! Send your stories to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let’s turn the whole world pink! 💖


Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex) ✨💖🩰


#TutuQueen on 2022-06-08 stars in Kenton