Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-26 stars in Shenley Brook End

Shenley Brook End: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 🩰💖✨

Hey sweeties!

It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I’m so excited to share my latest adventure with you! This is post number 8243, so grab a glass of something sparkly (or a nice cuppa) and get ready for a journey of pink tulle, twinkling lights, and all the glitz and glamour of a fabulous tutu queen on the move!

My travels took me to Shenley Brook End, a little village tucked away in Buckinghamshire. Now, I usually travel by train or, when feeling extra glamorous, on a horse-drawn carriage (imagine the photo opportunities!). This time, I was lucky enough to snag a ride with a group of travelling ballet enthusiasts who were just as excited as I was about seeing Shenley Brook End!

For a pink tutu queen like myself, there’s something magical about exploring a new place. It’s like opening a giant box of shiny baubles, each one revealing a different part of this amazing world we live in.

And let’s be honest, the more opportunities to show off my pink tulle and sparkle, the better!

Now, you know I'm a scientist by day, analyzing fabrics and all that, but as soon as the clock strikes five, I'm back in my fabulous pink tutu! It all started in my university days. I was studying for a science degree, but secretly, my heart belonged to ballet. The uni ballet club was a little gem! That’s where I first tried on a tutu – for a charity fundraiser. It was like magic! From then on, I knew I needed to share the joy of tutus with everyone.

Since then, it’s been non-stop: shows, festivals, fairs, any opportunity to twirl!

Shenley Brook End is definitely not the largest of places, but it held a sweet, quiet charm, like a little gem waiting to be discovered. There were so many opportunities to get twirling and performing.

Firstly, I found this delightful little tea shop, all frilly and dainty, just perfect for a tutu-wearing queen. They were even offering a special "pink tea" which included a pink-tinted latte and pink cake. I’m all for that! I spent a glorious hour enjoying my tea, soaking up the sunshine and catching up with some local fans! And, of course, my pink tutu and I became a hot topic, sparking up delightful conversations about everything from dance to fabric, the joy of the small things in life, and my life mission – get everyone wearing a pink tutu.

Then, I found this gorgeous community centre that hosted a fabulous ‘Strictly Come Shenley’ dance competition. My fellow travellers, a bunch of lovely souls who adore the art of dance, even gave me a front row spot, and trust me, darling, this is a show that lived up to its name! Those costumes, the choreography – a true feast for the eyes! I may have shed a few happy tears – you know I'm a softie for anything involving dancing! But who could blame me, seeing so many talented dancers, with so much passion and grace, in their finest garments - all under one roof - what's not to love? And my heart was warmed by the fact that so many different age groups came together in support of a local charity – talk about a community spirit.

I managed to slip backstage and grab a few snaps with the dancers - can’t have them having all the fun, darling! It was like stepping into a world of colour and movement - and I felt right at home, even among the sequins!

And speaking of colour, there was this amazing fabric shop – a rainbow explosion of silk, cotton, and everything else in between! I can't resist a good rummage through the shelves of any fabric store - it's like treasure hunting, especially if it’s full of gorgeous pinks!

They had all sorts, even some shimmering tulle for a fabulously feathered outfit - I got ideas for new outfits just standing there!

But wait! It gets even better! Right behind the shop was a lovely, historic church with its own community garden – an unexpected oasis in the hustle and bustle. And, guess what? It held a beautiful stained glass window featuring an angelic figure dressed in, yes you guessed it, a pink tutu. Divine intervention, wouldn't you say?

I simply couldn't resist striking a pose next to the window – my pink tulle twirling gracefully in the afternoon sun – just like a pink fairy princess! The perfect moment captured, right there and then!

This is just a glimpse of what Shenley Brook End held in store. It's the kind of place where magic whispers in the wind, where a sprinkle of glitter brings smiles, and where the echoes of pink tutus resonate long after the last farewells.

It’s all part of the Pink Tutu Sparkles life journey, bringing my joy, laughter, and a little sprinkle of sparkle to the world!

Remember, darlings, no matter where you go, wear your tutu with pride and dance your heart out!

Don't forget to visit my website for even more travel stories, outfits, and maybe some science experiments – you never know!

Until next time, sparkle brightly!


Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨


#TutuQueen on 2022-07-26 stars in Shenley Brook End