Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-21 stars in Milan

Milan, Darling! It’s Pink-tastic!

#TutuQueen, Blog Post Number 8269!

Hey, sweeties! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming at you live from the dazzling city of Milan, Italy! As you all know, I'm a huge fan of all things pink and twirly, and Milan, with its fashion scene, architecture, and just generally fabulous energy, is just my kind of place!

Oh, darling, this trip has been a total dream! The train journey, the one I always take for all my European adventures, was a proper tonic. I do love the click-clack of the train on the tracks and watching the countryside go by, you just can't get that view on a plane! The French countryside is lovely - green hills and sunflowers and chateaux - all so very romantic!

But I must say, once I hit Milan, well, my dear friends, it was simply fab-u-lous!

Firstly, let's talk fashion! I know this sounds incredibly shallow but I had to get my fix of all things fabulous. My trusty Pink Tutu suitcase was, of course, bursting with every shade of pink and enough sequins to blind a unicorn. My top priority, aside from catching a ballet, was hitting some of the big designer shops!

First stop? Gucci - the motherland of everything flamboyant, chic, and yes, occasionally over-the-top. You could say that I was feeling a tad over-the-top myself in my sparkly hot pink pantsuit and tulle boa, but hey, when in Milan, right? I managed to snag a fabulous little sequin bag and a pink bow tie that screams “look at me, darling! I’m fab-u-lous!” The sales assistants weren't even fazed by my appearance; it seems they're used to anything and everything in this city!

After the heady glamour of Gucci, we headed over to Dolce and Gabbana - the epitome of Italian luxury. You'd be forgiven for thinking you had stepped into a vintage palace with their velvet fabrics, gold detailing and opulent jewellery. It was a real eye-opener for me, seeing how their high fashion comes to life in such luxurious settings. I managed to pick up a gorgeous vintage-looking brooch in the shape of a little red bird, something I wouldn't dare to wear every day but was just too good to pass up.

I also had to pay my respects to the iconic Prada, a haven of everything structured, sharp, and cool. Here, I confess, I was feeling a little out of my depth! I was trying on a pair of their famous sunglasses, and, honestly, darling, they were a good few shades of glam for even my seasoned eyes! I took a peek in their handbags but nothing felt like me - they were so minimalist, even for me! You might find it strange, but I was also drawn to the leather goods, something I hadn’t expected!

Now, onto the true heart of this fabulous city: The ballet! I don't need to tell you all how much I adore the ballet, do I? There's just something so magical and graceful about it, especially when you see it on a grand stage. I was fortunate enough to catch a performance of "Giselle" at Teatro alla Scala, Milan's iconic opera house. And darling, it was amazing. I was sitting next to a little old lady with silver hair who was utterly transfixed. When the last note faded out, I whispered to her, “It was lovely, wasn't it?” She turned to me with eyes like bright sapphires, and said in the most perfect, elegant Italian, “Stupenda! Like watching angels fly.” And she was right - it was that stunning!

After the ballet, we decided to walk off our “ooh”s and “ahh”s with a lovely walk along the canals, watching the gondolas and listening to street musicians. That was a real taste of Milan! It reminded me, for all its sophistication and fabulousness, it still has this rustic charm!

And speaking of charm, you all know how much I love all things vintage. In between all that high fashion, I popped into a little vintage shop near the cathedral, stuffed to the rafters with lace, hats, and all kinds of vintage beauties! Now I'm definitely in my element. I snagged a stunning lavender hat, one I just knew would look fabulous with my sparkly lilac gown - imagine it, my dear friends, absolute divine!

I even got some beautiful vintage silk scarves - you know how much I love them - and a brooch with the sweetest little fairy on it, perfect for my hair! But my absolute steal? A pink, glittery tutu in the most adorable 50s style. This one is a bit special because it's made from fabric similar to the lab where I work. Talk about science meeting fashion!

The trip wouldn't be complete without mentioning my fabulous accommodation. Imagine a charming little guesthouse with rooms adorned with silk curtains and antique mirrors, the aroma of fresh flowers, and a delightful breakfast of homemade pastries. The owner, an elderly woman with twinkling eyes and a warm smile, always greeted me with “Ciao bella! You look absolutely beautiful, like a blooming rose!” Oh, my sweet, Milan really is a treat for the senses!

There's just one thing I had to do in Milan. You know my absolute mission in life is to make pink tutus a universal trend. And my dears, I did it. At the Piazza del Duomo, the heart of this beautiful city, I held up a giant pink tutu with a big “WEAR PINK, BE FABULOUS!” sign on it! Some laughed, some cheered, but I felt a wave of pure joy at making even a few people smile and consider the joys of a pink tutu.

Now, off I go, to head to my next stop on this wonderful trip, Venice. A city of canals, bridges, and who knows what sartorial surprises await! You're coming with me on the adventure of course. Don't forget to join me next week as we venture to the City of Canals and take a walk on the very fabulous side!

Remember darlings, "It’s never too late to put on your Pink Tutu, and let your inner Sparkle shine!"

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-21 stars in Milan