Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-22 stars in Derby

Derby, Darlings! It's Tutu Time! 👑💖🩰

Post #8270: 2022-08-22

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and guess what? I'm back on the road again! This time, it's a whistle-stop trip to my hometown, the charming city of Derby. Yes, you heard right, your Queen is back where it all began!

Now, I know what you're thinking - Derby? But believe me, darling, even the most unexpected places can surprise you! And you know what else? I’m celebrating my Derby trip by giving away a special something something! To be in with a chance of winning this spectacular surprise, you just need to comment with your favourite thing about Derby. It’s got to be pink and fabulous, naturally! 😉💖

You know me - I’m always chasing those glittering, exciting experiences! So it was only natural that when the call came to perform in my home town, I couldn’t resist! I just had to put on my best pink outfit (well, it wasn’t really pink, it was this divine shimmering peach) and hop on the train! Speaking of train journeys, I think there's a special magic about them - you’re rushing towards somewhere new, your dreams bubbling over with possibilities!

Speaking of my beloved train journeys, it feels almost surreal that the time for this one was so long. After all, I started this Pink Tutu adventure a mere three years ago! And to think, the only reason I'm now this fabulous Pink Tutu queen, performing all across the UK (and sometimes beyond!) is all down to a pink tutu! Yes, my love for all things pink (especially the tulle!) can be traced back to those carefree days in uni. My brain might have been crammed full of quantum physics (remember my science degree?), but it was my heart that fell in love with that bright, glorious pink!

Do you remember those times I told you about how, when I was a little boy (before Pink Tutu Sparkles!), I joined the university ballet club? They were organising a charity event for the arts and someone dared me to wear this absolutely magnificent pink tutu! It had the biggest, most magnificent pink bows, layers of fluffy tulle, the whole nine yards, really! From that moment, darling, I was lost. I knew then and there that I had found my true calling!

But to cut a long story short, here I am - in the heart of my city of Derby, all ready to put on the most incredible performance! As always, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu show without my usual, spectacularly dazzling pink wardrobe (can't leave those sparkling rhinestones at home, darling!), so my suitcase is packed full of gorgeous goodies - all waiting to light up this charming city.

But first things first - a proper "Pink Tutu Sparkle" breakfast - how about a pile of bright pink, sugared doughnuts to get my creative juices flowing!

Pink Dreams and Fairy Tales: Finding the Sparkles in Derby

Alright, so it's been ages since I was last here in my dear Derby, and a whole lot has changed. There's a whole new level of vibrancy around town! The streets are alive with artists, makers, and creatives who all seem to have this wonderfully artistic spark about them! Even the most everyday corner of the city has been sprinkled with those shimmering magic moments that are just perfect for a Pink Tutu queen like me.

Just yesterday, I spent the morning exploring the vibrant streets. There's a certain kind of charm to Derby that's so comforting and inviting. I just knew it was the perfect spot to find inspiration for a new creation for tonight’s performance! I went on a bit of a fabulous fashion spree (it just wouldn’t be right to come to Derby without a bit of pink shopping, now would it?), finding this divine little pink-and-peach shop just around the corner from the local theater. The best part, though, is that the owners are the nicest people ever! We spent a good half-hour talking all about sequins and tutus - it was fabulous, my darlings! They even gifted me with this beautiful embroidered pink scarf that was begging to be a part of my performance. You know how it is when an outfit just picks you!

And then, naturally, there was a stop at one of Derby’s local bakeries for some extra sweetness! After all, how can you resist those divine, sugar-dusted cupcakes? There was a particular bright pink strawberry cupcake, with a layer of whipped cream and delicate little pink edible sparkles, that really captured my attention. The baker even said they added some sparkle to the buttercream frosting in a tribute to my upcoming performance - how lovely is that!

Speaking of my performance, I've been busy dreaming up a fabulous dance routine to showcase a whole host of different styles - just wait until you see my latest creations, darling! It will have all the twirls, leaps, and sashays a girl could ask for - and, of course, there will be lots of shimmering glitter, as always! I even found this adorable, vintage tea room tucked away in one of those quiet side streets! Can you imagine - afternoon tea, delicate pink sandwiches, and maybe even a little pinky-coloured cake - all served up with a dollop of imagination, of course!

Now, let's be honest, when a queen is this far away from her London base, she needs to think about ways to channel some energy! Now, you’ve already heard my love for horse-drawn carriages. They're so elegant and romantic. So what does a girl do? She heads to a charming nearby stable and gets herself an hour’s leisurely stroll in a horse drawn carriage - naturally dressed in all my finery - of course! (Think, a divine shade of peach chiffon and a sparkling, pastel pink feathered boa.) It’s the perfect way to enjoy a relaxed stroll with the city’s sights whizzing past, as I let all the exciting and magical dreams for the performance come to life!

Derby Dreams, Sparkle and Joy: The Show Must Go On

Here in Derby, I find myself swept up in the magic of its theatres and venues, just waiting to be transformed by the twinkling stage lights! Tonight's performance is at this darling little independent theatre that just seems to radiate a welcoming and inviting energy! You know, it has this certain “pink” quality to it – just perfect for me! And trust me, darlings, I’m absolutely brimming with inspiration to turn the place pink! My aim, of course, is to take my audience on a whimsical journey – I love a story told through dance, my dear!

There's nothing quite like the feeling of the theatre audience clapping along - especially when they've fallen in love with a particular move from the show! It’s almost as magical as the feeling when you take your first twirl in a pink tutu and feel that glorious lightness that sends shivers down your spine!

And so, I find myself right back where it all began: a city where dreams are sparked and embraced, with the help of a little bit of magic and a whole lot of sparkle! Derby, my lovelies, is ready to dance! Are you?

So get your tutus ready and prepare to embrace the Pink Tutu magic. See you soon, my loves! 💕✨💖

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-22 stars in Derby