Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-27 stars in Norwich

Norwich - Pink Tutu Sparkle's 8,275th Adventure!

Hello my darling darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkle, ready to take you on another dazzling journey. This time, it's the beautiful Norwich that's beckoning with its cobbled streets and Tudor houses. I absolutely love exploring new towns, discovering the little shops and the quirky history, and Norwich, you truly delivered!

From Derbyshire to Norwich - On Rails & Recollections

So, the journey started as usual. I hopped onto the train with a giant suitcase overflowing with sparkly tulle and shimmering gowns (and, of course, a special pink tutu for the occasion!). This journey always brings back a million memories - the smell of freshly brewed tea, the familiar rattling of the wheels, and the happy chatter of fellow travellers. Oh, the excitement of it all!

I always have to dress up a bit for the journey. Let’s face it, a queen never lets her glam slip! I was in a shimmering turquoise skirt with a top that matched the most delicate of my tutus. It really brought out the green in my eyes! People kept giggling as I strutted down the carriage, even the stern-looking businessman couldn't resist a little smile.

A Tutu-ific Welcome!

Arriving in Norwich felt like stepping into a storybook. My dear friends at the Norwich Theatre were waiting for me, all smiles and shimmering. We took a quick walk through the city centre, just me in my dazzling ensemble, and all eyes were on us! I'm not sure whether they were impressed with the sparkling gown, my fabulous hat (all the feather boa!), or the fact that it was, indeed, me! Oh, the thrill of a thousand tiny hearts!

The Norwich Theatre itself is breathtaking. Imagine – the old-world charm, the smell of history, and that soft red carpet - it made me feel like a true superstar! That night, I graced the stage with a heart full of joy, spreading smiles and magic through the power of sparkle and pink tutus! My show is all about inclusivity, friendship, and, of course, a whole lotta glitter. I think even the folks in the balcony were rocking their best pink outfits - there's something about pink, don't you agree?

Discovering the City's Secrets!

After the performance, my Norwich buddies took me for a delightful walk along the River Wensum, enjoying the golden sunset painting the sky. Then, we went exploring the cobblestone streets. A queen’s gotta keep exploring! Norwich has a heart of gold!

Pink Tutu Sparkel's Must-Dos in Norwich!

  1. The Norwich Cathedral - Simply breath-taking, from its medieval architecture to its stunning stained-glass windows.

  2. Norwich Castle Museum: You’ve never seen so many jewels, dresses, and costumes - there's something to amaze every sparkle-loving soul.

  3. The Royal Arcade: Full of whimsical little boutiques, gorgeous florists, and tea shops, with the cutest vintage outfits to make a queen’s heart beat a little faster!

  4. The Norwich Theatre - If you haven’t had a chance to see a show there, well, make sure it’s your next treat!

The Pink Tutu Journey Never Ends

Norwich, my sweet Norwich, I'm already missing your charming cobbled streets and the sound of laughter in your bustling markets! But my journey isn’t over. I’m already planning my next big adventure. If you want to be in the loop on where I go next, remember to follow me on my blog - www.pink-tutu.com - or send me a glitter-filled tweet! You can follow my every glittery move!

Until then, my dearest darlings, remember to always wear a pink tutu with a smile and always, always embrace your inner sparkle. Remember - life is about finding joy and shining your brightest. So get out there, wear that pink tutu, and dance your heart out!

Pink Tutu Sparkle says, “It’s Time to Shine!”

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-27 stars in Norwich