Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-01 stars in Worcester

Worcester: Pink Tutu Sparkles is in the House!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, fabulous friend, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm back with a new blog post, number 8310 for those keeping count. 💅🏼✨ I'm positively brimming with excitement today, because I've just spent a weekend in Worcester! Yes, you read that right – Pink Tutu Sparkles went to Worcester! Now, before you ask, it wasn't the usual sort of drag performance venue you might imagine, although let me tell you, my fabulous presence could liven up even the dullest of county town libraries.

No, this Worcester trip was about a different sort of passion for me. You see, my darling dears, while Pink Tutu Sparkles loves the spotlight and a good drag show, I'm also hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with… drum roll… ballet!

As much as I love strutting my stuff in a dazzling tutu on stage, there’s nothing like the pure elegance of classical ballet. It's artistry, athleticism, and utter enchantment all rolled into one! So, when I heard about the Worcester Ballet Company, my inner ballerina did a pirouette and a half and booked the fastest train ticket I could find. (Did I tell you how much I love train travel? The scenery zipping past is positively mesmerizing! )

It all started as a bit of a whimsical thought. A bit of "Why not, it's Worcester, let's be adventurous." I was a bit apprehensive, mind you, thinking that it wouldn't quite be the same, wouldn't feel quite the same as watching professional dancers at the Royal Opera House, or the feeling you get watching a show on the West End stage. But then I remembered, dear ones, that I live for experiences, for stepping outside my comfort zone.

Now, I don't want to sound too snobby – let's just say I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. But that's where the true magic happened!

I took a long, winding train journey right through the heart of the countryside – don't you just love the scenery on a train ride? Then I finally arrived in Worcester. There was something about this city that felt utterly charming. I immediately fell in love with the cobbled streets, the lovely independent boutiques – you know I had to peek inside each one to see what wonders awaited, tutus being my weakness! - and the sense of history everywhere you go.

So, on I went to the ballet theatre. Now, it wasn't a big, grandiose venue with velvet curtains and towering chandeliers. It was small and intimate, but somehow even more enchanting. There was an air of expectancy in the room – you could feel the excitement buzzing like a swarm of excited pink tutus!

Then, the lights dimmed, the music swelled, and the ballet began.

Oh my sweet darlings, it was glorious!

The dancers were phenomenal. Their bodies were as graceful and flexible as silk ribbons in the wind. I found myself lost in the world they created, with each leap and turn, each arabesque and grand jeté. It was a perfect blend of power and delicacy, emotion and grace. I swear, a few of those turns made me practically swivel in my seat!

Of course, I didn't miss out on a pre-show outfit change – and let's just say Pink Tutu Sparkles, was most definitely a "balletcore" queen this time. The classic, structured ballet tutu paired with a hot pink sequined top – a little cheeky, a little bold, but absolutely divine. I just know the locals were wondering who that flamboyant pink vision was, taking their seats! I love getting those looks, darlings. It means I'm doing my part to bring a little pink-tutu magic to the world, one tutu-clad outing at a time!

The show was followed by an extra special performance: a workshop. Now, this was truly exciting! A ballet class, especially geared to adults – and let me tell you, those seasoned ballet dancers who've spent a lifetime on stage can make any newcomer feel like a clumsy fledgling in a pair of pink shoes! My dear friend, I'll be honest, I haven't even mentioned this to the girls in my online ballet group yet, let alone dared attempt a plies with my long, gorgeous, sparkling pink tutu trailing behind me... I might have gotten a bit dizzy when it swirled around.

However, a couple of the lovely local ballet dancers invited me to try some steps and oh, honey, I was in my element! The joy on their faces – not to mention mine, as I tried to manage a simple jeté - it was contagious. It's just goes to show, my loves, that age and experience are just numbers when it comes to pursuing your passions. As for those ballerina skills, let's just say it's a work in progress, and I'm going to stick to my dazzling tutu drag show persona!

After all, how could you top an out-and-out fantastic performance where the whole auditorium was singing along and whooping, particularly when Pink Tutu Sparkles took centre stage (to rapturous applause, no less! - Did I mention they all sang along with Grease? Yes, they loved me in that iconic, pink dress - such a good excuse for a costume change in my travelling suitcase! ). But let me tell you, dear reader, after a trip to a ballet class in Worcestershire, a place I had honestly only imagined was home to cats (lots of cats!), I might even get the chance to incorporate a few ballet-themed dance moves into my act… I'm going to give that a go!

In all seriousness, dear reader, I don't think I have ever felt such pure joy and feeling of belonging. I discovered that my passion for ballet wasn't limited to the stage. I felt like I was surrounded by fellow souls who appreciated and understood the joy and beauty of this form of dance. It wasn't just about the dance steps; it was about embracing ourselves – no matter our age, our backgrounds, or our sartorial preferences (in my case, a pink tutu, obviously!) - and being our own glorious selves.

So, my lovely, here is my parting thought this week - go out and find your passion, whatever it is! Whether it's ballet, drag, baking, crocheting or the colour pink - *live it, love it, embrace it! And most importantly, do it with your heart wide open. You never know what magical things are waiting to be discovered just outside your own little corner of the world! Remember to wear your sparkle and spread the love... And most importantly, darlings, keep shining those tutus, my lovely!

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-01 stars in Worcester