Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-19 stars in Saint Albans

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Saint Albans! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu enthusiast, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the stunning city of Saint Albans! Today marks post number 8328 on the Pink Tutu website, and I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement. This week has been jam-packed with pink, sparkles, and the most delicious adventure.

First things first, let me tell you all about my journey here! You see, darling, I’m a girl who adores travelling, especially if it involves trains or horses! (I am working on convincing a horse to tow a pink tutu-adorned carriage for me, but alas, no luck yet!) So, I decided to take the train to Saint Albans. I mean, wouldn’t you? It’s such a romantic way to travel, sipping tea, watching the countryside whizz by, and enjoying the gentle sway of the carriage. I even made a new friend on the train! A fellow pink enthusiast, although he only wore pink socks and a pale pink shirt. You have to start somewhere, I told him.

Speaking of pink, darling, my wardrobe for this trip was a delight! My latest tutu acquisition - a glorious swirl of fuchsia, pink, and magenta, adorned with shimmering pink sequins – was the star of the show. It practically shouted “Pink Tutu Sparkles is in town!” I paired it with a hot pink crop top and a pink feathered boa, just for good measure. My heels were, of course, a vibrant hot pink. If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that pink isn't just a colour, it's a lifestyle.

Upon arriving in Saint Albans, I was greeted by the charming cobbled streets, bustling market squares, and, of course, the iconic Saint Albans Cathedral! The historical charm of this city is truly intoxicating. There's something so special about feeling a connection to the past while twirling in my favourite tutu! It's like a magical dance through time!

Now, this wasn’t just a holiday trip, my darlings. You see, I had a performance planned! It was a bit of a departure from my usual venues – a local fair was hosting a family fun day, and they were looking for a vibrant performer. Of course, I leapt at the chance! It’s always an honour to spread a little bit of pink and joy wherever I go, and the audience was delightful. I even had a little girl come up to me after the show, and tell me I was the prettiest pink ballerina she’d ever seen! That was pure magic, darlings.

To complete this magical trip, I, of course, took myself to see a ballet performance at the stunning Saint Albans City Theatre. The sheer grace of the dancers was mesmerising, their movements like poetry in motion. It reminded me of why I fell in love with ballet in the first place. As a fellow dancer myself (even though I prefer to twirl on a stage rather than a wooden floor), I always find a sense of kinship with those graceful souls.

As always, shopping was an absolute must! I discovered a vintage boutique in the heart of Saint Albans that practically made me gasp! It was crammed with beautiful, elegant clothing from bygone eras – think flowing gowns, feathered boas, and glittering sequins – perfect for a glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles outing. Needless to say, I left with a few delightful additions to my collection!

I even ventured to take a ballet class in a nearby studio – after all, a girl needs to stay sharp! The studio was buzzing with energy, and the other dancers were a delight. We practiced pirouettes and plies, and even a bit of grand jeté. It was like being a little girl again, carefree and full of joy.

The most magical part? One of the other dancers had a vintage pink tutu, much like mine, only even more sparkly! We took a selfie together, naturally. It was the perfect picture-postcard moment.

So, darling, my adventure in Saint Albans was pure magic! From exploring the historical streets and indulging in the local delights, to captivating audiences with my flamboyant performance, this trip truly had it all! The experience reminded me why I love my life as Pink Tutu Sparkles. Every day is a celebration of pink, sparkle, and joy – all topped off with a good dose of ballet.

But now, it’s time to head back to the lab, to the other side of my life – you see, I am Alex by day, a scientist who actually gets paid to test the quality of fabric. I think about how perfect it would be if I could test tutus… But alas, the world of science isn’t as whimsical as the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles.

I’ll be back next week with more adventures, more pink, and more glitter, darlings. And until then, don't forget – a pink tutu is not just an outfit, it's a statement, a mood, a way of life! Go forth, wear your tutus with pride, and remember: Sparkle brightly, my loves!

With love and sequins, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕💖

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-19 stars in Saint Albans