Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-16 stars in Paignton

Pink Tutu Sparkles is off to Paignton!

Hello darlings! Welcome to Pink Tutu Sparkles' daily blog - today we are on blog post number 8356! Today, my darlings, we’re talking about Paignton, and if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know this town is close to my heart – I just adore a good seaside trip. Especially if it involves the glorious colour pink.

I’ve been daydreaming of Paignton since I was a wee lassie in Derbyshire, devouring picture books of holiday postcards, with their images of sand, sunshine and ice creams (oh how I love an ice cream, ahem!). You might not believe it, darlings, but even back then, when all I wanted to do was be a rocket scientist, I had an insatiable yearning for PINK TUTUS. (Don’t judge – there's a good reason, and it all began when I was just starting at university. Oh, how this leads to an exciting tale, and one day you'll have to ask!)

It's been a little while since I visited Paignton, which makes it all the more exciting for me to get my TutuQueen on! Now, you might think “what’s a girly-girl like you doing on the **train to Paignton, dressed to the nines in a pink tutu”?” But believe me, the journey itself was just the perfect start to a magnificent adventure. The sound of the wheels on the tracks, that little clickety-clack – oh, it takes me back to my childhood holidays!

My journey on the train was made even more divine by the kind passengers and fellow travellers. There was a young chap, in a fantastic pink shirt and leather jacket, who told me I looked "fab". And I do believe he was complimenting my glorious, sequined pink tutu, yes, the one that’s like a rainbow after the storm, glittering in all its magnificence. Oh my, the conversation was divine – it just makes you appreciate the wonderful and diverse people in the world, right?

We arrived in Paignton with the sunset casting its magic over the water. Honestly, the sunset alone would be worth the whole journey. I stood on the seafront, pink tutu billowing in the breeze, with my hands on my hips and took it all in. There was a warm, almost tangible feeling of anticipation that had me buzzing with delight. It's a kind of feeling you only experience when you’re off to meet a dear old friend, isn't it? I felt like I had come home.

After I’d wandered for a while (and taken about a hundred photographs - one with a very friendly seagull - can't you just see it? - an absolute hoot!) I headed for my favourite little cafe, The Little Pink Teapot. It's a tiny cafe nestled on the front, and everything is painted in shades of pink - my heart's delight! I treated myself to a fabulous cream tea with freshly baked scones (the best ones I’ve ever had, darlings!).

I’ve always felt there is a special magic about seaside towns, a calmness that's good for the soul. I spent the rest of the afternoon strolling along the seafront, enjoying the views, soaking up the atmosphere and taking more photos of the gorgeous sunsets. It really was like a fairy tale, but even better. You’ve got to visit sometime – just try not to let my beautiful pink tutu steal your heart away (though I wouldn’t judge you, you understand….).

My evening was as perfect as a twirling ballerina. You’re all probably wondering what this glamorous queen got up to next… well, the answer, darling, is "The Grand Palais!". Now, this is an extraordinary Victorian-era concert hall. I always enjoy a bit of cultural exploration, you know. This time around I didn’t just enjoy the magnificent architectural details (did you know Paignton’s theatrical scene was thriving in the late Victorian era?! ), but had the divine opportunity to attend a fantastic show! It was a ballet performance featuring local talent (and I mean local – a charming girl I met said her grandma used to dance in the Grand Palais back when she was a young thing) who have such poise and grace. They are all stars, darlings! Just magical to behold!

Of course, it wouldn't be a trip to Paignton without some serious shopping. You'll never guess what I found - a *brand new *pink tutu* in a vintage store just off the main promenade - it was *everything, with a sparkly layer of pink glitter – a gorgeous, whimsical piece! I am going to make the most of this amazing tutu. You’ll see me in it all week - you just HAVE TO wait to see it when you read my blog post tomorrow.

I must say, my travels to Paignton reminded me that sometimes the best adventures are the ones right on our doorstep. Paignton is the ideal place for a grand little adventure!

Now darlings, if you want a dose of pink and twirls and are looking for a break that feels as grand as a ballet recital, hop on the train. Grab a pink tutu - a little splash of colour, it'll make you smile. And be sure to tell your friends. If you need any inspiration on how to work that tutu - you know who to turn to...

Until tomorrow, darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Remember, every day is a day to twirl, and we have more amazing journeys coming soon, so keep an eye on this blog! Don't forget, you can follow all my adventures on www.pink-tutu.com.

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-16 stars in Paignton