Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-17 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville! Post Number 8357

Hello, my darling dears! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another travel tale! I've just got back from the most glorious adventure to Waterlooville, and I’m bursting to tell you all about it! I don't think my fabulous pink tulle ever looked so fantastic as it did against the charming, quaint backdrop of this charming town!

Honestly, darling, Waterlooville was just utterly enchanting! I arrived in style, naturally. Taking the train is just the best way to travel, don't you agree? It lets me settle in, admire the scenery, and most importantly, catch up on my latest celebrity gossip magazines. Oh, the joys of travel!

It wasn't the train journey to Waterlooville that stole my heart though, oh no! This was about something far more special, my lovelies, an experience that even the most glamorous of diamonds couldn't surpass!

The highlight of the trip? A breathtaking ballet performance at the Waterlooville Town Hall, darling! Imagine the most beautiful theatre, brimming with life, radiating elegance and charm. It just screamed out for a touch of pink tutu, and guess who obliged! (Hint: It’s me, your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles!). The dancers were exquisite! Their movements so fluid and graceful, and the music… oh, the music! I felt my own body twirling with every beat!

Naturally, the local townsfolk were thrilled to see a touch of sparkle in their lives. It was my mission, my darling, to get them all into pink tutus!

And who needs diamonds when you've got sequins? I just knew that my shimmering pink ensemble would make this night unforgettable. And you know what? It absolutely did! My fellow tutulettes embraced my arrival with the warmest smiles, snapping selfies with me as I twirled and laughed in my favourite colour! And it made my day! Oh, the sheer joy of sharing your passion and spreading happiness!

Let’s rewind a little… I made my way to Waterlooville as a guest performer. Did I tell you, darling? It's so amazing being a drag queen! I get to see all corners of the country and meet wonderful people. This week it was all about supporting a charity in Waterlooville, and they had me to judge the cake competition. I tell you, those cakes were works of art! It's difficult to choose a winner when they all taste as good as they look.

After judging those tasty treats, the organisers said it would be fab if I could do a short drag performance for the charity’s guests, to end the day in style, of course! Now who could refuse an invitation to sparkle? Not your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

This got me thinking, darling… have you ever thought about a career as a drag artist? Now I know what you are thinking, my sweet… a scientist performing on a stage?! Hear me out!

I must confess, even though I'm a bit of a science geek by day, being Pink Tutu Sparkles, performing in my dazzling tutus, is absolutely my happy place. I can let my imagination run wild and embrace everything pink, sparkly and twirly, which is kind of ironic, given my day job in a science lab!

Remember how I told you I got obsessed with pink tutus while at university? Well, darling, that's absolutely true! Back then, I was just a shy, young Alex. But I remember being in our uni ballet club, trying on a pink tutu to raise money for charity… and everything changed! It felt like I had found my true self, you know, like I had found a key to unlocking something deep within my soul. That's where Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

The transformation is a tad tricky, of course. In my day job, I'm Alex the scientist - the girl who studies fabrics. Honestly darling, I could talk for hours about fabric composition, and I'm a real expert in things like durability and colour fastness. That's the real world, right? The world of real science. Then there’s my sparkly side. Pink Tutu Sparkles, the sassy, vibrant drag queen, is always there. Just as important!

After hours, I swap my lab coat and my trusty safety goggles for a glittery sequined dress, shimmering tights, a fluffy feather boa, and naturally, the star of the show – my dazzling pink tutu! And off I go! My little alter-ego, Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to spread joy, twirl, dance and shine like the diamond she is!

This was such a beautiful experience, in a stunning venue. I think every town needs a venue like this, with its elegance, sophistication and charm, darling! Oh, Waterlooville Town Hall, you truly captured my heart! I might have been on a train there, but now I can't stop myself dreaming about riding a horse back! I have just heard it's an amazing place to learn how to ride.

So much more to come, my little tutulettes! I have so many adventures planned - my mission, darling, is to get the whole world wearing pink tutus! It is, after all, the colour of love, of happiness, and of making everyone smile. Join me next week for more glamorous adventures in the world of pink tutus, and be sure to check out our website: www.pink-tutu.com for the latest in pink fashion, drag performances and other things sparkling! See you soon, darlings! Xx

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-17 stars in Waterlooville