
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-18 stars in Guiseley

Guiseley Glitters! πŸ’–πŸ©°βœ¨

Hello darlings! πŸ’… It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, back for another fabulous post, and guess what? Post number 8358! I mean, who would have thought my love for tutus and travel could last this long?

Today, we're jetting (or rather, chugging) into Guiseley, a quaint little town tucked away in West Yorkshire. I know what you're thinking, "Guiseley? But darling, isn't it a bit...un-sparkly?" Well, hold on to your tutus, darlings, because Guiseley surprised me!

This weekend, I had a divine time performing at the Guiseley Town Fair. Now, I love me some town fairs. The atmosphere is buzzing, everyone's got a big smile on their face, and there are usually loads of lovely homemade cakes (definitely my weakness!). But what made this fair so special was the community spirit. Everyone, from the stallholders to the kids in their homemade tutus (yes, you read that right! Little ones are catching on to the pink tutu revolution!), was so warm and welcoming.

So, how did a Pink Tutu Sparkles gal from Derbyshire end up in Guiseley? Well, I'll tell you!

After my smashing performance at the Derby Town Fair, I heard whisperings of a brilliant opportunity at Guiseley. It seems they had an "anything goes" policy, which basically means they welcomed ALL the performers. And let me tell you, with my colourful world of pink tutus and sparkle, I felt right at home!

My journey to Guiseley involved the magic of the train. I love travelling by train, it's so relaxing and scenic! Plus, it's super glamorous in a sparkly, vintage train carriage. This journey involved plenty of pink outfit changes, of course, with my trusty hairbrush, lipstick, and portable mirror! πŸ’„

But you know me, a girl can never have too many clothes, right? So, I couldn't resist a pit-stop in Leeds for some pre-show retail therapy. πŸ›οΈ Oh, darling! You wouldn't believe the divine feather boas and sparkly headbands I found! They're perfect for my next performance. Let's just say Guiseley is going to have its very own dose of pink sparkle!

Speaking of sparkle, did you know that one of my biggest inspirations for my love of tutus and glitter is ballet? Oh darling, there's nothing more magical than watching a beautiful ballet performance. You're transported to another world, the music is breathtaking, and the dancers move with such grace and precision. There's this kind of captivating artistry to it, and I just love it! It's where I feel truly myself!

And if you're reading this, don't worry about whether or not you're a ballet pro. Just join me! One of my favourite things is going to ballet classes. You know, not the traditional ones where everyone’s in perfect outfits, but the relaxed ones where everyone's free to just express themselves and have fun. I even taught a few pink tutu dance classes this weekend - think 'Ballet Street'! It was just glorious, and all the girls left feeling confident, powerful, and ready to take on the world, with tutus on, of course! πŸ’ƒ

But hold on a minute, darling, let's rewind. This journey began way back in Derbyshire! It's where it all started, with a pink tutu and a crazy, glittering idea to make the world a more colourful, sparkly, and joyous place, one pink tutu at a time! You might be thinking, "But Alex, a scientist? In a lab?"

Well, here's the secret! During the day, I analyse fabric in a lab. It's actually super exciting because I get to try all kinds of new fabrics, and you know how much I love that! But it's the perfect cover, allowing me to express myself at night! After all, the lab's just my day job. ✨ By night, it's all about being the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, captivating audiences with my shows! And yes, I have some very interesting conversations at work, that’s for sure!

And to everyone reading, if you're ever in Guiseley (or Derbyshire, for that matter), drop me a line!

Remember, life's a performance, and we're all leading roles in our own unique productions. Just get out there, spread the love, put on a pink tutu, and get ready to dance to your own rhythm!

*XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles *

www.pink-tutu.com πŸ’–πŸ©° ✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-18 stars in Guiseley