Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-19 stars in Hornchurch

Hornchurch: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Dreams (Blog Post #8359)

Hello, my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the absolutely magical town of Hornchurch, where I've just had the most sensational adventure! This is the first time I've been to Hornchurch and I'm already smitten! And wouldn't you know it, the folks here just love a bit of sparkle. Honestly, the energy was electric!

This time, I had the good fortune to journey by horse – yes, you heard me right! It was the most whimsical way to travel. The gentle rocking of the carriage, the clip-clop of hooves on the cobblestones… It felt like I was transported straight into a fairytale! It’s just a shame my dress kept catching on the harness – tutus are always prone to getting a bit caught on things!

And speaking of tutus, let me tell you about this little gem of a boutique I stumbled upon in the heart of Hornchurch! It’s called "Tulle & Twirls", and it's a haven for all things pink, frilly, and utterly fabulous. They have a stunning collection of tutus – every shade of pink you could imagine, plus the most gorgeous glittery fabrics. I had to resist buying everything!

Later that afternoon, I ventured to the local theatre for a performance by the Hornchurch Ballet School. The dancers were just breathtaking, they were soaring through the air with grace and agility, their movements fluid and precise – pure ballet magic! My heart simply fluttered with joy. It always reminds me of the day I first tried on a tutu, back when I was just a young student in university, a clumsy science student actually – who knew! It’s amazing how much a bit of sparkle can transform you.

Now, about this show… Oh, it was dazzling! The stage was alive with colour and light, the costumes were spectacular, and the choreography was truly inspiring. Honestly, it was enough to make me want to pull on my own tutu and take to the stage. And I know some of you might be wondering, “Alex, aren't you a bit old to be dancing?” but trust me, when that music starts and the spotlight hits, you’re only as old as you feel!

After the performance, I was lucky enough to meet some of the students. What an enthusiastic bunch! I can tell these talented young dancers are going to go far in the world! I gave them a little pep talk, sharing some of my tips for getting comfortable in your own pink tutu (it’s about more than just looking fabulous). You’ve got to feel empowered and free in it – a true shining beacon!

Later that evening, I was performing my very own drag act in a pub in the centre of town – now if that’s not a contradiction to all those ballet shows I love… The locals were amazing, so up for a good laugh and a little pink-tutu magic. As soon as I took to the stage, you could feel the excitement in the air. I gave it my all, swirling and twirling in my signature pink tutu, and, of course, my sequined gloves. They cheered with such gusto.

But you know, the real highlight of my day was simply soaking up the atmosphere of this charming town. From the cobbled streets to the bustling market square, Hornchurch had such a vibrant energy, and it all just felt so positive and welcoming. There’s nothing quite like a day in a lovely new place, surrounded by friendly people, all united by the power of a bit of pink tutu magic. That's what my Pink Tutu Project is all about: Spreading the love, one shimmering, pink tutu at a time!

As always, my lovely darlings, I'll leave you with a little reminder to wear pink tutus always and in everything, it makes everything better! And don't forget, there's always more to come on pink-tutu.com! Until next time, stay sparkly!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS – Keep those pink tutu pictures coming, my dears! You can tag me on all the usual social media, using #PinkTutuProject, and I’ll be sure to share your dazzling style!

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-19 stars in Hornchurch