Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-02 stars in Barking

Barking Bound! TutuQueen Hits the Town! 🎀

Hello my lovely lovelies! It’s TutuQueen here, bringing you Post Number 8372 on www.pink-tutu.com! I’m so excited to share my latest adventure with you all: a whirlwind trip to the wonderfully vibrant town of Barking, a trip that had me twirling my way through the streets, feeling absolutely fabulous!

Now, as you know, I'm a firm believer in spreading the joy of pink tutus, and what better place to do that than in a town bustling with energy? So, off I went, armed with my most dazzling pink tutu (it’s a brand new number, designed especially for the season, and let me tell you, it's a dream! It even has a subtle sprinkle of glitter woven into the tulle – you simply have to see it!).

The train journey was a joy in itself. As you all know, I’m a firm advocate for travelling by train, and let me tell you, nothing quite compares to that rhythmic clatter, the anticipation building as you pass through the rolling countryside…and of course, the opportunity to give fellow travellers a little glimpse of my pink tutu goodness! 😉

Speaking of goodness, I'm proud to announce that the trip to Barking was all about spreading the TutuQueen spirit! I had a chance to perform at the most wonderful local fair - a place overflowing with vibrant life, delicious aromas, and oh-so-much joy! You've never seen so many beaming faces as when I sashayed onto the stage, radiating pink tutu magnificence. Let me tell you, my performance was truly magical. Imagine: pink tulle, glitter, and enough joy to make your heart sing! The audience, filled with children of all ages, went wild with excitement. It warmed my heart to see the pure happiness they radiated, especially after a rather long day in the lab, meticulously testing fabric properties. Sometimes you need that contrast between work and life, eh?

I wasn’t done spreading the tutu-liciousness after my stage performance though. Later on, after a quick pit-stop to admire the gorgeous autumnal hues (Barking is surprisingly scenic), I visited the local ballet school. The atmosphere in that space was so positive and uplifting - a true sanctuary for ballet enthusiasts. And let me tell you, those dancers were magnificent! They made me long for my own dance lessons; it has been a while since I have been in the studio - something I plan to rectify right away, don’t worry! I know it seems silly to try to incorporate it into my already hectic schedule - scientist by day, drag queen by night, traveller whenever I get the chance... But there's something so pure and joyous about the ballet, about graceful movements and the magic of telling stories through dance. It simply renews my soul! It almost felt as though my love of ballet helped shape me to become the pink tutu-clad drag queen I am today - after all, I wouldn't have fallen in love with pink tutus had I not tried on a tutu for a charity event way back when I was a fresh-faced uni student, dancing with the university ballet club. Who knows where life would have taken me if I hadn't stumbled into that charity shop, the fate of tutus intertwined with mine.

Anyway, after all those delightful interactions with the lovely people of Barking, it was time to head back to Derbyshire. But fret not, my lovelies! You know how much I love to explore on horseback, so, after my morning journey on the train, it was a gorgeous ride home across the picturesque rolling hills, with my new pink tutu bag, sparkling on the horse's back. (I did ask nicely, don't worry!) A perfect way to complete a simply wonderful trip. Oh, did I tell you I met the cutest little black kitten in Barking? The perfect companion for a trip to the shops in a pink tutu! It felt destined - a meeting of minds! The best part? The owner agreed to let me adopt her - a delightful little surprise on my trip.

As always, my mission is simple: to make everyone fall in love with pink tutus just like I have. Because I truly believe that even the smallest gesture, a flash of pink tulle, a giggle on a stage, can light up someone's day. And, wouldn’t the world be a much more beautiful, brighter place with pink tutus everywhere we look?

That's all for today, darlings. Keep spreading the love (and the pink tutus!) And be sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more TutuQueen adventures! Remember to let me know about any travels of your own you have planned, because I am always up for making new memories, in a dazzling pink tutu, of course! See you all tomorrow, xo!

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-02 stars in Barking