
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-22 stars in Cumbernauld

Cumbernauld Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Scotland! โœจ

Blog Post Number 8392

Hello lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I'm bubbling over with excitement! This fabulous week I'm heading north of the border, trading in my usual Derbyshire scenery for the rugged charm of Scotland! But before I share all the sparkly details, let's dive into a little background on your favourite pink-obsessed queen!

For those of you new to my world, my name is Alex, and by day I'm a bona fide scientist! But once the sun dips low and the moon starts to shimmer, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles. It's a bit of a journey from lab coat to tutu, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I always say, "a little bit of glitter goes a long way," and that's especially true when it comes to life.

It's been an absolute blast getting to experience all sorts of incredible adventures while sharing my love for pink, tutus, and everything fabulous! And what started as a university-inspired whim - trying on a pink tutu for a charity event - blossomed into a whole-hearted passion! Honestly, who knew one tiny tutu could change everything?!

For those who've been with me since the very beginning (thank you for all the love and support!), you know my heart beats for anything ballet! From seeing the Royal Ballet perform live in all its glory to pirouetting myself in a beginner's class (I might not be perfect, but I have fun!), I'm a total ballet nut. And the fact that it inspired my drag name just makes it even more special!

But now, let's get back to Scotland! You know me, lovelies, always travelling in style. This time I opted for the train! I just adore those journeys, watching the scenery whiz by while catching up on my favourite blogs and listening to my favourite playlist! There's something incredibly liberating about hopping on a train and going on an adventure, and let's face it, the dress-up opportunities are endless. (Gotta say, I might have even sported a pink tutu for the journey!)

Speaking of outfits, oh boy, the packing was intense! Cumbernauld here I come, with enough sparkle to rival the Northern Lights! You see, one of my biggest goals in life is to spread the pink tutu love far and wide. It's about embracing the flamboyant, celebrating individuality, and finding joy in every single twirl. Because, honestly, who can resist the sheer brilliance of a perfect pink tutu?

And here in Cumbernauld, I'm thrilled to be performing at a little cabaret tucked away in the heart of the town. The locals are welcoming, and the energy is buzzing! My heart always flutters a bit before a performance, but there's no feeling quite like the thrill of taking the stage, spreading positivity and, yes, those signature pink sparkles!

Let's talk outfit for a minute. For Cumbernauld, I chose a tutu that just screams Scottish sunshine - imagine the palest lemon with shimmering sequins that catch the light like those tiny fireflies we see on summer evenings. It's paired with a feather boa so fluffy, you could use it to cuddle your troubles away, and a vibrant pink crop top, oh so cheeky! My headpiece? Think a sparkling pink crown adorned with faux-diamond butterflies โ€“ a bit of a nod to the fairy tale that is Scotland.

After the show, there's no better feeling than connecting with the audience, sharing laughter and stories, and just reveling in the magic that unfolds when you dare to embrace your inner fabulous. I can't tell you how much it means to me that my journey โ€“ from the science lab to the stage, from my own self-expression to inspiring others โ€“ has reached so many people.

Now, a quick word about Cumbernauld itself! It's a bustling little town, with a rich history and a vibrant arts scene! The locals are warm and welcoming, and they love their pink! I spotted more pink tutus on my walk than you can shake a sparkly stick at. Honestly, it feels like Cumbernauld's already embracing my mantra - a bit of pink in life makes it all the better.

My Scottish adventure is just starting, but I already know this is going to be a post for the books! There are still so many dazzling events, so many fun people to meet, and so much more sparkle to spread! So, stay tuned! My Cumbernauld diary is going to be packed with stories, laughter, and (of course!) plenty of pink!

In the meantime, let's talk! What are your favourite memories from Scotland? Any suggestions for my next Pink Tutu adventure? What colour should my tutu be for my next show?! I can't wait to hear from you all!

Keep shining, darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles โœจ

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest news, photos, and videos from my adventures! It's where you'll find exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-22 stars in Cumbernauld