Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-23 stars in Andover

Andover Adventures in a Pink Tutu! đŸ©°

Hello my lovely lot, it’s your favourite tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another scintillating blog post – post number 8393, can you believe it?! It feels like just yesterday I was donning my first tutu at the University of Derby, but now here I am, travelling the country (and the world!), sharing my passion for pink, for tutus, and for spreading the love of sparkly, twirly fun!

Today’s adventure took me to the charming town of Andover, nestled in the heart of Hampshire. Now, let me tell you, Andover is just a delightful little spot – quaint, historic, and with the sweetest independent shops, all perfectly charming. I must confess, my love of tutus sometimes overshadows even my love of pink, but it wouldn’t be an Andover visit without a spot of vintage shopping, would it?

You see, I believe there’s nothing quite like finding that one-of-a-kind vintage piece that screams, “This is my new favourite tutu-tastic accessory!” Andover didn’t disappoint. After a delicious morning pastry (strawberry, of course, I can’t help it), I hit the streets. I discovered this little gem of a shop called “The Curiosity Cabinet” – absolutely crammed full of quirky vintage finds. They even had a whole section devoted to old ballet shoes! Talk about a fellow tutu-lover’s paradise!

But enough about vintage treasures (although I do have a new 1950s feather boa for my next performance!), it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a little theatrical magic. Now, Andover’s got a stunning little theatre, the “Watermill Theatre,” right by the river. Talk about picturesque! And they had a fabulous ballet performance of Swan Lake, and guess who got front row seats?! This little Pink Tutu Sparkles!

It’s just so wonderful, seeing all these amazing talented dancers moving so gracefully on stage. Every leap, every pirouette
 pure perfection! It reminded me of all the fun I had learning ballet back at university. Oh, my university days, such a time of tutu-clad wonder, donning pink tutus at every opportunity. My friends used to think I was mad for choosing a science degree whilst twirling around in a tutu at every opportunity, but the mix worked for me! They say a change is as good as a rest and I certainly found both a scientific mind and my artistic soul a winning combination!

But back to Andover! As the day drew to a close, I felt the pull of another passion
 that’s right, it was time to take a stroll through Andover's charming park. Let’s face it, nothing quite compares to a good, long, tutu-twirling walk in a tranquil setting! I found myself imagining all the tutus in the world gracefully twirling together, a glorious, pink ballet under a dappled sky
 just pure magical enchantment!

It’s amazing what a day can hold, isn't it? From the discovery of a vintage treasure trove to a performance that left me speechless. I even made a couple of new tutu-loving friends along the way, and you can bet your bottom dollar that they’re now rocking their very own pink tutus – the legacy continues!

It wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post without sharing a bit of my wisdom. You see, it’s not just about wearing a tutu – it’s about embracing all the fabulousness that life throws our way! A dash of vintage sparkle here, a little bit of dance magic there – a bit of fun mixed with a dose of colour, and voila, you’ve got the magic of life!

Until next time my lovelies! Keep those tutus twirling!

With a sparkly flourish and a pink-tinted kiss,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


A day in Andover is never complete without:

  • A trip to the "The Curiosity Cabinet" - they're known for their whimsical vintage finds and have some amazing ballet shoes! Don't be surprised to find me tucked away in a corner of that shop one day!
  • The "Watermill Theatre" - they have such beautiful theatrical productions – their Swan Lake is absolutely stunning, if I do say so myself! If you're in the area, make sure to pop in and experience some truly captivating stage magic.
  • A leisurely walk in the park - A tranquil stroll amidst the lush green setting, with just a dash of playful tutu-twirling. Don’t be surprised if you bump into me there.

    My tips for a fabulous trip to Andover, for you, my lovely tutu-wearing adventurers:

  1. Embrace the charming charm: Andover has a distinct charm that just radiates out. Embrace it, get lost in its charming shops, and let yourself be swept away by its magical atmosphere!
  2. Eat your heart out: From delectable pastries to delicious lunches and dinners, there’s a culinary treasure just around every corner. Don't forget to indulge!
  3. Live for the art: Explore the "Watermill Theatre," embrace the captivating artistry of a ballet production, and allow the performance to whisk you away.
  4. Be spontaneous: Don’t just visit a park, dance in the park! Live life on your terms. After all, who needs a choreographed performance when you’ve got a whole park to twirl in?
  5. Always pack a tutu (in pink, of course): It's a rule, you just know it is! It’s always a good idea, always a must. You never know what kind of delightful ballet moment is just around the corner.

And, most importantly, don’t forget to share your own tutu-tastic adventures. The more the merrier!

Remember, darling, my aim in life is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu. You might start in a ballet club or on a university campus, but it can end in front of hundreds of people! It’s never too late to find your sparkle, to let loose, and embrace the joy of twirling – just don’t forget the pink!

Keep twirling, my darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-23 stars in Andover