
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-02 stars in Barnet

Barnet Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Big Smoke (Blog Post #8403)

Oh, darling! You won't believe the adventures this Pink Tutu Sparkles has had this week! It all started with a twinkle in my eye and a yearning for the city lights, a chance to shimmy my way into a brand new corner of the world. And what better place to sparkle than Barnet, you know? It's bursting with history, hidden gems, and... oh yes, it just screams pink tutu.

I packed my suitcase to the brim with my most fabulous pink tutus (because you know I can never have enough, darlings!), shimmering makeup, and a whole heap of sassy confidence. Leaving the familiar hills of Derbyshire felt bittersweet, but the thrill of new sights and sounds filled my heart with sunshine. I opted for the trusty old steam train to London - the rumble and clack-clack against the track was almost as much fun as the twirling and twirling my heart did!

Speaking of twirling, darlings, did you know that Barnet has an incredible ballet scene? My, oh, my, you just wouldn't believe the grace and elegance these ballerinas brought to the stage at the beautiful... whisper it... The Lilian Baylis Theatre! I could've stayed glued to the seats for hours, just mesmerized by the movements and the stories their bodies told. After the performance, I slipped into my sparkly, rose-tinted spectacles and took in the quaint little streets surrounding the theatre. It was a vintage lover's paradise, all antique shops and charming cafes, oozing charm like a well-worn pair of ballet shoes.

Now, don't think for a moment that this pink tutu princess wouldn't try a spot of shopping in Barnet! Oh honey, I discovered a treasure trove tucked away in a backstreet... The Little Pink Boutique. Think vibrant pink satin, silk, and lace, with just enough sequins to make a drag queen blush! It was practically calling my name, darlings! I walked out with enough tulle to rival the Royal Ballet's stock, all ready to turn Barnet pink one ruffle at a time.

But the highlight of my Barnet journey was, of course, the performance itself! A small, intimate space filled with giggling children and excited parents, all ready to witness a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance. I chose a tutu of swirling pastel pink and peach hues, so soft and gentle it practically sang the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". As I twirled and spun, their little faces were lit up with wonder and laughter - honestly, it warmed my heart in a way nothing else can. I'm just so thrilled that I got to bring a touch of glitter and joy to the hearts of those young ones!

My heart, darlings, is bursting with the spirit of Barnet, and I can't wait to tell you all about the rest of my adventures. For now, it's back to Derbyshire and the quiet comforts of my lab, where my pink tutu alter-ego rests between shows. But never forget: if you want to live your life to the fullest, all it takes is a little bit of pink, a whole lot of tutu, and the confidence to twirl your heart out!

Don't forget to check back in tomorrow, darlings, for a fresh new dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. Until then, remember - sparkle your way through the day, one pink tutu at a time!

Always Sparkle, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

* www.pink-tutu.com*

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-02 stars in Barnet