Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-01 stars in Morden

Morden Mayhem: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Tube! 🩰

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, bringing you another fabulous instalment of my daily blog! Today’s post number 8402 finds me venturing into the heart of Morden, ready to spread the pink tutu gospel and sparkle up the neighbourhood.

This whole pink tutu journey started with a rather unexpected turn of events. Studying for a science degree, surrounded by flasks and beakers, wouldn’t typically inspire one to don a tulle masterpiece. However, fate, or perhaps a mischievous pixie in pink, decided to intervene. Our uni’s ballet club was doing a charity event, and guess who got roped into a tutu try-on session? That’s right, yours truly! From the moment I shimmied into that fluffy pink delight, a spark ignited within. It was a revelation! A feeling of pure joy and empowerment, like a superhero embracing her inner ballerina!

Of course, I wasn’t entirely a stranger to pink, or tutus for that matter. Growing up in Derbyshire, a land of rolling hills and quaint cottages, surrounded by a supportive family who understood my sartorial choices, had a huge impact on me. They taught me to embrace my uniqueness, and never shy away from a splash of pink or a swirl of tulle.

My day job sees me flitting between fabric samples in a lab, analyzing threads and yarns with scientific precision. By night, though, I trade lab coats for sparkling costumes, my analytical mind making way for an explosive display of theatrics. Being Pink Tutu Sparkles is pure freedom, a chance to celebrate all things whimsical, pink and fabulous!

Now, back to Morden. A delightful mix of old-world charm and modern vibes, this place certainly has an eclectic energy. My journey began at the station. Ah, the joys of travelling by tube! A swirling carousel of faces and a symphony of sounds, all wrapped up in the unmistakable aroma of…well, tube. It’s a bit like a mini fashion show! Everyone has their own style. I love seeing people decked out in their individual quirks, showcasing their personalities. It makes my little pink-tutu heart sing!

I navigated the crowded platform, making sure my tutu flowed gracefully with every step. The other commuters were fascinated. I received a smattering of curious stares and whispers, and a few shy smiles from admiring glances. As usual, the most common questions I get are: "Why the tutu?” and "Where do you buy them?" My answer is always the same: “It's all about spreading the joy, the whimsy, the power of self-expression! And where do I find these fabulous creations? Anywhere and everywhere! From charity shops and online marketplaces to exclusive boutiques. It’s all about the hunt!"

Today, I wasn’t just here for the photo opportunities, although a few well-placed selfies with a backdrop of the Morden tube station are non-negotiable. No, today, Morden held a specific charm - a community centre where I was to perform! Now, I am not shy of performing, but sometimes even Pink Tutu Sparkles feels a twinge of excitement when about to face a new crowd. And Morden was brimming with curious faces, excited to be part of a grand day of family fun.

The community centre bustled with activity - bouncy castles, craft tables, face-painting stations, and even a delicious cake stall! Perfect! It’s so satisfying to see so many children enjoying the festivities, their eyes wide with glee, giggling at clowns and munching on fluffy cotton candy. I love that Pink Tutu Sparkles gets to play a part in bringing joy to children, especially those who might not experience these kinds of magical moments otherwise.

After warming up my glitter-covered legs with a quick ballet warm-up session backstage, the spotlight was ready to illuminate the Pink Tutu Sparkle. Music boomed through the room, and with a confident flourish of my feather boa and a sparkle-filled smile, I took center stage. I channeled all my favorite ballet moves – graceful pirouettes, effortless jumps, and some sassy cha-chas. It's amazing what you can achieve with a little practice, a vibrant pink tutu, and the magic of performance!

The audience loved every minute of it! The parents cheered, the children shouted with excitement, and I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, felt the joy radiating through every fibre of my being. This is what I live for!

Post-performance, I had the privilege of meeting some of the delightful locals. A young girl, perhaps five years old, with bright blue eyes and a toothless grin, told me how much she loved my tutu. I had to contain my tears – seeing the joy in a child's eyes is pure magic. A gentleman, clearly a regular visitor to the centre, shared with me a heartfelt tale of his late wife, who had loved pink tutus just like me! I could tell how much this moment meant to him. This is the true magic of drag, bringing people together through shared experiences, laughter, and a little bit of sparkle!

Before leaving Morden, I couldn't resist a visit to their charming local ballet studio, The Dancing Duchess. I felt like I had stumbled into a ballerina's paradise! The air buzzed with anticipation, echoing with the delicate tap-tap of dancing shoes and the melodious symphony of pirouettes. My heart, always ready for a waltz or two, swelled with warmth. The instructors were so kind and enthusiastic, the children eager to learn and share their passion.

One tiny dancer, her face adorned with rosy blush, caught my eye with her sparkly ballet shoes and vibrant purple leotard. It reminded me of myself when I first began dancing – the joy, the excitement, and that insatiable curiosity for everything ballet! I took the opportunity to talk to the children, reminding them of their magic, encouraging them to dream big and chase their passions. After all, what's better than combining your love of dance and pink tutus? The possibilities are truly endless, darlings!

After bidding farewell to the ballet studio, it was time to move on, ready for the next exciting adventure. Now, this adventure wouldn't be complete without some truly glamorous transportation. And that's where my trusty steed came in! Now, I'm not talking about a horse, although, that would be rather divine! I'm talking about a taxi – yes, a taxi! But not just any taxi. A cab driven by a man with a twinkle in his eye, a cheeky grin, and a passion for pink tutus.

Yes, you heard that right. It’s not every day you find a taxi driver who’s a huge fan of Pink Tutu Sparkles! He confessed to seeing my performances around London and told me with genuine warmth how much he admired my ability to inspire others. “It takes courage,” he said, “to embrace what you love, to stand out, to show the world your true colours.” Such heartfelt words, coming from someone whose work sees him navigate the chaos of London traffic daily. He's proof that even in the most mundane of settings, a dash of magic can bloom.

So, as my taxi pulled away from the Morden centre, a faint sprinkle of confetti raining down from the roof (I'm not sure how it got there!), I was filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the magic of pink tutus, the wonder of drag, and the joy of sharing a little bit of myself with the world. My Morden experience was a perfect example of how even a short trip can bring laughter, joy, and a little sprinkle of magic to the day!

This journey, however, is far from over, darlings. It's only the beginning. There's still so much to see, so much to experience, and so many pink tutus to be worn. The road is long and winding, but as long as I have my tutus, my glitter, and the love of my supportive, fabulously fun, family, I know I'll reach every goal.

Keep those pink tutus ready, because you never know where I might pop up next!

Until next time, keep sparkling!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. You can follow my journey every day at www.pink-tutu.com – a space for sharing all things pink, sparkly, and fun. I'd love to hear your stories! So don't forget to send me a message or comment on my latest adventures.

P.P.S. If you're ever in the Morden area, I highly recommend the Dancing Duchess ballet studio. It's a perfect spot for any tutu enthusiast!

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-01 stars in Morden