Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-12 stars in Catford

Catford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is on the Move (Blog Post #8413)

Hello, my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from another whirlwind trip, and ready to fill you in on all the fabulously fabulous happenings! This time, I took my sparkly self all the way to Catford, a place I'd been wanting to visit for ages! You see, Catford's got this amazing little theatre that always has the most fantastic performances going on, and of course, I just had to check it out for myself.

But before I tell you all about the shows, let me just say this - I made the trip to Catford in the most fabulous way possible! You see, darling, I'm a creature of comfort and extravagance, so naturally, I travelled by... a horse! Yes, you heard that right, a beautiful, majestic creature named "Sparkles" who patiently trotted me through the countryside all the way to the edge of Catford. The ride was truly delightful.

Now, onto the fabulous Catford Theatre! This charming, intimate space is just brimming with character and buzzing with energy. I was lucky enough to see the most stunning performance of a new ballet show based on a beloved fairytale, and I’m not giving away any spoilers, but let's just say I was absolutely swept away! The dancers were sensational, the costumes were incredible (and had more pink than you could possibly imagine), and the overall energy of the performance was just electric.

After the show, of course, I had to get my fill of all the amazing little shops and cafes in Catford. They were filled with adorable trinkets and fashion finds. Now, you all know I can’t resist a good bit of clothes shopping, and I must confess, I snagged the most gorgeous pink dress that’s just perfect for my next performance. (I mean, what's a girl to do when she's surrounded by so many fabulous finds?!).

Speaking of performances, Catford was the perfect place to put my skills to the test. That night, I did my thing at the local fair. It’s the joy of my job that I can perform anywhere – even at fairs! This particular fair had a carnival theme – which was pretty magical and made my glitter-tastic tutu feel extra fitting. I truly believe that every little bit of magic makes the world a more joyful place!

Let me tell you, Catford was such a delight. There’s nothing quite like experiencing the vibrant culture of a new place while rocking a dazzling pink tutu. My darling, remember, the most important thing is to embrace life with sparkle, grace, and yes, the most fabulous of pink tutus. And to you all, I urge you to step out of your comfort zone, put on a tutu, and have the most extraordinary adventures!

That’s it for this week, my dears! Don't forget to check back on www.pink-tutu.com for daily adventures! And don’t be shy to share your adventures with me – who knows, I might even swing by your city for a spot of tea and a dance next week!

Until next time, stay sparkly, my darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-12 stars in Catford