Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-13 stars in Worksop

Worksop Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles on Tour - Post #8414

Oh my darlings! Can you believe it? Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is back with another fabulous adventure, and this time, I'm taking you all the way to the charming town of Worksop!

Yes, that's right! Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to spread the magic of tutus, rainbows, and good vibes right in the heart of Nottinghamshire. I’ve got my sparkles packed, my heart set on a whirlwind of glitter, and my eyes peeled for the perfect spot to twirl and show everyone the joy of being a bit fabulous.

Before we get into the whirlwind of glitter that's coming, let's rewind a bit to my day job. Yep, I'm not just a glam drag queen, I'm also a bit of a science whiz. I spend my days testing fabric in a lab. Yes, seriously! You wouldn't think that testing fabrics would have anything to do with sequins and feather boas, but believe me, when you see what we're testing - you'll understand the connection. (And don't even get me started on the colour pink! My love for that shade is just... indescribable.)

Anyway, this lab job, well, it's not exactly my life’s ambition – but it keeps me grounded and allows me to travel the country, chasing dreams and shimmering in sequins under the stage lights! But let's not get ahead of ourselves, this isn’t a blog about science. Today’s all about pink tutus, sparkle and, of course, Worksop.

Finding Inspiration In Worksop

Okay, so Worksop isn't exactly a hotbed of glitz and glam. I mean, the town centre has all the charm of a high street with a little more concrete, but that doesn't mean there's no inspiration to be found. I see the beauty in everything, my darlings, and that includes finding inspiration in even the most unassuming corners.

Now, you’d think I'd come for the sights - after all, Worksop does have a certain rustic charm. But, let’s be real. What truly brought me to this part of the world was a performance opportunity. I was asked to headline the local Gala Day and well, who could resist such a lovely invitation?! It's all about connecting with new audiences, spreading the pink tutu love, and bringing joy to the folks of Worksop!

Before we get to the exciting part, let me take you on a tour of Worksop - through my eyes of course. I am all about making magic, especially in the most unlikely of places.

* Worksop's Unexpected Charm - through the Eyes of Pink Tutu Sparkles*

Let’s begin with a touch of historical magic. Worksop Priory and the ancient ruins of the nearby Welbeck Abbey were just screaming to be discovered! Walking through these stone walls and imagining the life that was once lived there was something really special. The architecture and the history here gave me so many ideas for my next act, all with a bit of Worksop charm woven in.

My walk brought me to a stunning hidden gem. The majestic beauty of Clumber Park - a woodland paradise with a historic manor house - was truly breathtaking! A moment amongst the ancient oaks and serene beauty and suddenly... it was tutu time! I did my little twirl and photo shoot. It is so much easier to pull off this sort of whimsical display with the aid of the most majestic oaks - trust me, it's an amazing experience! And let's be honest, how can you not twirl in the middle of such gorgeous surroundings? The beauty was pure magic!

Let's talk about the people, now. Oh my goodness! The residents of Worksop have been nothing short of delightful. They're so warm, down-to-earth, and, more importantly, incredibly supportive! I’ve never felt so much encouragement for my sparkle and it’s genuinely touching to experience their kindness and genuine love for the performance I bring to their community. They’re embracing all the pink, sequins, and sparkle with open arms – truly, there is magic in every corner of this town!

The Performance and My Outfit, darling

I decided for the Gala Day to pay homage to the rich history and countryside charm of Worksop! This time, the pink tutu I chose was a bit different. Imagine this: a fluffy, voluminous pink tutu, almost like a cloud with sparkles. The fabric, light as air and flowing, danced with me as I performed! My top? A custom-made corset adorned with pink crystals that shimmered under the stage lights like miniature constellations. My boots were white go-go boots with matching silver sparkles. Let me tell you, darling, this whole ensemble brought a bit of London to Worksop’s humble, quiet square.

The stage, for all its humble simplicity, felt so charged with energy! There I was, under the setting sun, surrounded by the cheers of my Worksop fans! I had my whole playlist of high-energy numbers ready – the kind of music that gets everyone singing along and bouncing!

As for the audience - let’s just say they embraced every bit of pink magic and glittery mayhem! There were children wide-eyed, grandmothers rocking along with me, and even the odd bloke in a waistcoat who just couldn't help but move his feet! They had never experienced a performance quite like mine, and for a brief moment, they stepped into a world of colour, sequins and happy tutus. It's incredible to see their faces light up! I was their own, little sparkly fairy-tale. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they look like; if I can make them happy for a night with a touch of pink tutu magic, that is all that matters to me.

Adventures On The Train

Now, back to the part you've been waiting for: travel! Oh my gosh! You know I couldn't have come to Worksop without a fabulous journey. You all know my love for the train is boundless! The clickety-clack, the views, the comfy seats, even the chance to have a little glam-up on board, always feels so romantic and freeing. So naturally, I took the train!

Imagine this: Me, with a stylish pink bag filled with sparkles, sequins, and my secret weapons for creating a mini-show on the journey. The compartment? My private little dressing room!

First stop? The station buffet, naturally. A good ol' fashioned cuppa and a slice of Victoria sponge cake – what’s a diva on tour without a spot of tea? I found this sweet old couple on the train. I love meeting new people, finding out about their stories and telling mine! We ended up chatting about everything from my drag act to their holiday plans. Let me tell you, those train rides can become so fascinating and full of adventure – It's all part of the pink tutu journey. I'm always eager to spread a bit of joy wherever I go!

Now, let's be honest, nothing beats a train journey in style! So imagine a glamorous lady in pink in full-on stage makeup, sitting among the ordinary commuters in a pink dress and fluffy pink heels. That was me, baby, bringing some fun to the station and the train journey. Of course, my signature tutu made a stylish appearance, just as I walked through the doors onto the carriage! It made a statement!

Looking Ahead… and those Pink Tutús…

From the moment I entered Worksop until my last "See you later!" at the train station, it was just magic, darling! My heart feels full and happy, knowing I've helped make someone’s day, sparked some joy and glitter across the town!

And now? Now, I'm on to the next adventure, the next show, and another dose of that Pink Tutu Magic.

Oh, and remember the most important mission? It's a life mission for all you glorious tutu lovers out there: I believe it's time for every one of you to slip on your own pink tutu. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. A pink tutu, you say? “I’m not that brave!" And this is precisely where you are wrong, darlings! It's all about that spark of confidence and happiness that lies within!

Remember: You can’t get it all done, you can’t make everyone happy, and if your greatest ambition in life is to wear a pink tutu - wear it! My heart bursts with love when I see you ladies twirling, dancing, and showing off the joy you carry inside! Embrace your fabulous, and wear that pink tutu with pride. It is the magic that we share – it’s a call for courage, for self-love, and a reminder that anything is possible!

Till next time, my darlings! And remember, always… Be yourself! Shine your bright, beautiful light! And remember: the world always needs more pink tutus!

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S: Find more Pink Tutu adventures on my blog at www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-13 stars in Worksop