Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-26 stars in Dunstable

Dunstable Darling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Town (Post #8427)

Helloooo my darling darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the charming town of Dunstable, and let me tell you, my pink tulle was absolutely thrilled to be there! This was my 8427th blog post, so you know I've been travelling, sharing pink tutu joy with the world for a good while now!

I always try to include a bit of historical fun in my travelogues, and Dunstable certainly delivered. Did you know this little town boasts a whopping 13 Grade I listed buildings?! That's quite a feat for somewhere so cute! We're talking medieval churches, historic pubs, even a whopping 15th-century priory. Seriously, if those old walls could talk, they'd probably have some epic stories about the past, right? I always imagine myself transported back in time when I visit such grand, historic places.

But enough about old times – we're all about glitz and glamour, babes! And let me tell you, Dunstable certainly delivered! The main square was just... picture perfect. Cobblestone streets, a little market bustling with life, and people going about their day in that classic British, “never let a bit of rain dampen our spirits” kinda way. It was truly charming.

Before I hit the stage at the Dunstable Funfair, I wanted to do a little shopping. You know me, always a girly girl at heart! There’s nothing I love more than discovering little shops hidden down cobbled alleyways and finding treasures to add to my ever-growing tutu collection. The quaint little shops were absolute gems - think pretty ceramics, local artwork, even a tea shop with the most adorable vintage teacups you’ve ever seen. My purse may have felt the pinch, but my heart was definitely overflowing with girly delights.

Now, let's talk about that performance. The Funfair, brimming with the sounds of laughter, carnival tunes, and the delightful smells of hotdogs and candy floss, was the perfect setting for my pinkest, sparkliest performance yet! I always get so excited when I’m performing in an outdoor space – all those wide-eyed kids staring up at my twirling pink tutu... honestly, it never gets old. I swear, I could do it every day, rain or shine, for the pure joy it brings! This performance really was special – everyone got caught up in the magic! The air was alive with bright colours and joyful laughter, and by the end of the show, even the rain felt magical!

Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure is complete without a touch of elegance. Before hopping back on the train, I made a dash to the local theater. We're talking classic red velvet seats, shimmering chandeliers, the scent of freshly popped popcorn - pure theatre magic, baby! They were putting on a performance of the timeless Swan Lake, and I just couldn't resist being in the company of all that ballerina beauty. And yes, I had my pink tutu on, of course. Gotta represent, right? The dancing, the costumes, the emotional soundtrack – oh, it had me in tears! It’s hard to be a Pink Tutu Sparkles and not be affected by the powerful stories told through dance, the raw beauty of all that grace and artistry… It's just truly awe-inspiring!

Speaking of beauty I have to say a massive “THANK YOU!” to all my fab fans in Dunstable! Your energy and cheers were contagious, and you truly made this a day I’ll never forget. Remember, darling, the aim is always to spread a little pink tutu magic, one glittering performance, one stylish outfit, and one giggle-filled moment at a time! Until next time, my dears… Keep shining,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


Now for a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at Pink Tutu Sparkles:

As many of you know, I'm a little more than just a sparkly, tutu-wearing queen! By day, you'll find me in my scientist garb, conducting all sorts of experiments in a laboratory. Yes, that's right - the same person who whirlwinds around on stage in a pink tutu also spends their time working with lab coats, microscopes, and all sorts of scientific paraphernalia!

I actually stumbled into drag and my love of pink tutus when I was studying for my science degree. I joined the university ballet club as a way to let my creative side loose outside the rigours of science labs and lectures. We were raising money for a local charity, and, in true flamboyant fashion, I decided to go all out with the pinkest, most voluminous tutu I could find! The reactions from the crowd were incredible. I remember seeing their smiling faces as my sparkly pink tutu swirled across the stage. From then on, my love of performing in a pink tutu and all things sparkly really took off!

While I do take my lab work seriously, I honestly believe that both worlds feed each other. It might sound crazy, but working in the lab actually gives me the analytical and detail-oriented skills that I apply to creating my extravagant, detailed costumes, like my custom pink tutus! You wouldn’t believe how many fabric samples and patterns I need to get just right! The same scientific precision needed for testing new materials in a laboratory is essential for ensuring my performances are spectacular. Not to mention that a scientist needs to stay organized and schedule meticulously - so does a drag queen on the road!

So, the next time you're stuck in the laboratory, feeling a bit too serious, don’t hesitate to grab a piece of lab-wear - be it a safety glove or a piece of scientific equipment - and just channel your inner pink tutu sparkles. You never know, you might just unleash a fabulous new look. We should never take ourselves too seriously, because fun and creativity are important parts of life.

My name is Alex, and when I slip into my pink tutu, I become Pink Tutu Sparkles! And remember darlings, the world is your pink tutu playground. Go forth and sparkle, and I’ll see you on the next adventure!

More about Pink Tutu Sparkles:

  • My Favourite Train Journey? Well, you might be surprised – it’s a journey from the UK all the way to Italy, the journey itself feels like it’s from a story book. Every train window looks like a beautifully framed painting - vineyards, castles, bustling cities, mountain ranges! All those wonderful, changing scenes are just breathtaking.

  • Favourite Places? You can find Pink Tutu Sparkles twirling and shimmering in just about any town, village, city, fair or festival! It's amazing to be a drag queen with an appetite for adventure.

  • Pink Tutu Sparkles Fun Facts?

    • I used to be a baker - I learnt to bake while helping out at the local village fair! Now my delicious pink birthday cakes and pastries are legendary, even my customers in my laboratory love my treats!
    • I’m secretly obsessed with classic British detective dramas. There’s just something so wonderfully mysterious about the characters and the plot lines.
    • One of my favourite childhood pastimes was to dance in my bedroom, twirling imaginary tutus while playing the “dance with my daddy” theme tune from The Sooty Show! Who knew those childhood dreams would become my adult reality?

I'm always open to hear your stories! Let me know what your favourite travelling experiences are in the comments section. Where are you going to be wearing your pink tutu next? Share your adventure plans - every day is an opportunity to celebrate pink, to embrace fun, and to live your best, most sparkly life!

#TutuQueen on 2023-01-26 stars in Dunstable