Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-03 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 🩰✨

Hello, darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the fabulous seaside town of Herne Bay! This is post number 8435 on my beloved www.pink-tutu.com, and trust me, you won't want to miss this one.

As always, I'm travelling in style – this time, it was a breezy train ride to the Kent coast. My tulle companion and I (yes, I treat my tutu as a separate entity, don't judge!) were bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, as we bounced along, creating a symphony of rustles with every bump. It felt like a scene straight out of a ballet – you know, the kind where the heroine arrives at the grand ballroom with a cloud of pink tulle trailing behind her? (It could definitely have been an entry scene in a ballet, by the way – my dramatic entrance was a definite hit in Herne Bay, as I sashayed through the streets, leaving a trail of sparkly dust in my wake.)

Oh, the thrill of the journey! I’m so incredibly lucky that I can combine my passion for travel and the stage, all whilst sharing my joy of pink tutus with the world! It’s all thanks to you lovely people who keep coming back for more tutu-tastic inspiration and endless joy! Let’s give ourselves a round of applause! 🙌

Now, Herne Bay – what can I say? It's a haven for pink lovers like myself! Firstly, it's full of adorable little shops and vintage boutiques just begging for a bit of sparkle. I, of course, had to indulge in a spot of retail therapy, grabbing a few gems for my ever-growing wardrobe. I even managed to snag a pink gingham beret with a feathery boa – divine, darling! You know me, I can’t resist a good hat!

The main event was, of course, my performance. I absolutely loved the energy in Herne Bay – it was positively brimming with excitement, making my heart flutter with anticipation as I stepped onto the stage! This time, I opted for my classic, swirling pink tutu, paired with a silver sequined bodice and my favourite knee-high glittery boots. It's the outfit that started it all, back when I was a young, starry-eyed student at Derbyshire University.

Oh, the memories! My love affair with pink tutus began as a rather surprising twist in my science degree. My university's ballet club was hosting a charity event and, let’s be honest, who could say no to a little fancy dress fun? One pink tutu and a whirlwind performance later, and the rest, as they say, is history. It wasn’t long before my classmates started calling me “Pink Tutu” - and the name just stuck, and what a fab name it is, eh?

I was hooked. Pink tutus were not only magical but they had the power to bring a touch of whimsy and joy to absolutely everything! After countless late-night design sessions (often fueled by a hefty helping of pink cake, no judgment!) and countless hours of sewing sequins, my stage persona, Pink Tutu Sparkles, was born! I began to dream of a world where everyone embraced the power of a pink tutu to brighten the day! (Don’t even get me started on the amazing transformative power of a fabulous wig and some glitter – seriously, magic!)

I've been touring the UK ever since – always pushing myself to try something new! My style has developed with each performance, each one bringing something different to the stage. Some gigs have been more challenging than others – let’s be honest, who hasn't encountered a wobbly stage, a malfunctioning microphone or even a rogue bird or two in their lifetime? And you know what, darling? It's these moments that have helped me grow as a performer.

I always say, “Don’t be afraid to experiment!”, but let's face it – it can be a little nerve-wracking sometimes! When you’re facing an audience, the adrenaline rush is something else! It's a whirlwind of glitter and sparkle, where you have to stay calm, present, and ready to let loose with every move. It’s quite literally, a rush of blood to the head. And there’s no greater reward than seeing the joy in people's faces!

Now, back to the performance itself – well, I'd have to say, it was truly a triumph. I mean, you know me, darling, I always strive for a bit of pizzazz, but Herne Bay was simply bursting with excitement. I think the locals were eager for a little dose of sparkle and joy – perhaps because of the weather, it was rather gloomy – not at all the “sunny, sunny” atmosphere I was used to in Derbyshire – but we managed to inject a whole lotta fun into that theatre. My favourite part was when I started to spin in my classic tulle delight, you know, the one I’ve been touring with for the past few years? I’m so used to this tutu by now, she’s almost an extension of myself, darling, we understand each other so well, almost without saying. The audience went absolutely wild! Honestly, I think everyone there had a tutu craving - it’s definitely something in the air – don’t worry, I’m just as guilty as the next. You know what they say - everything’s more fun in a pink tutu!

Of course, a show like mine just isn't complete without some fantastic ballet moves! I took lessons all throughout school, you know, at the “Tumble Tots”, then “Street Dance Mania”, “Jazz Attack” and “Dancing Diva”, – oh, and all that while doing my A-levels – that was certainly an intense period of my life – a real “do everything at once” moment. But wouldn't you know it, darling, I truly flourished.

One of the highlights of my journey has been performing with some of the greatest names in ballet – there was that time in the Royal Opera House – an experience that I will cherish forever! Performing at such prestigious venues reminds me of the importance of dreams. Remember that childhood ambition? When we were kids, we’d spin around with a little pink or sparkly dress, pretending to be a prima ballerina? It seems that those little childhood dreams, even though they often seem unattainable, can sometimes become the catalyst for amazing things! The journey from my living room to the Royal Opera House – talk about a storybook adventure. And that is a huge part of why I choose to travel, to share my love of pink tutus, to spread joy, and most importantly, to remind everyone that the impossible is always within our reach.

Speaking of reaching goals, it's my goal, my personal mission to inspire others to embrace their inner pink tutu, no matter who they are. Don't let life keep you in the box - it’s a giant pink tutu, and there is always room for another, fabulous, individual in here! Every one of us has the potential to inspire, to amaze, and to leave a touch of sparkle on this planet. You're fabulous just the way you are, don't ever forget that.

For those who are looking for a bit of pink-tutu-inspired joy in their lives, remember that it's all about a bit of playful energy, and that's what I've brought to Herne Bay! I had such a brilliant time with the fantastic folks here. I also made time for a long stroll on the beach (the sea air always inspires me) where I posed for a few tutu-tastic photos – they will be appearing on my social media, of course!

Now, you might be thinking: "What does all this tutu-related stuff actually have to do with being a scientist?". Well, darling, the magic is in the blending! For me, it’s not a case of “scientist by day, drag queen by night" - these are just two sides of the same amazing, bright pink coin! You’d be surprised at how many links there are, it’s like, you know, the science of textile design, with the amazing colours and patterns… and also, in the lab I actually test fabric to determine the most suitable materials for making our outfits… it’s actually very relevant to what I do! Science is fascinating, with so many avenues to explore - but so is the performing arts – in the lab we test for tensile strength, colour fastness, and abrasion resistance. Who knew, darling? You can definitely apply science and art in more ways than one! Don’t you worry, I don’t do science experiments at my performances! 😉

Of course, the main reason for all of this is, it's about showing everyone that we're all connected! That we’re more than just the things that divide us; we’re a kaleidoscope of colour and light – a collective expression of creativity, passion, and laughter! You know me, it’s not always sequins and shimmer, the real world isn’t that easy! The challenges of being a drag queen are like a scientific experiment in its own right – the need to find your voice, to step out of your comfort zone, and to express yourself freely in a world where you don’t always know what to expect. But, wouldn't you know it, it is the people I encounter on my journeys – whether that's on the stage, or in the train carriage, or even just strolling through the streets – that teach me how to persevere. It’s all about building relationships and sharing your passions!

Right, I'm so glad I got to share my journey with you lovely lot. Herne Bay was, without a doubt, a dazzling experience and an incredible addition to my tutu-tastic adventures. But, alas, it’s time to head back, my Derbyshire friends are awaiting a dose of my pink-tutu energy, it’s only a few hours on the train – and a few sparkly stops, naturally! Don’t worry, I’ll keep you updated on all my upcoming performances!

See you next time on my blog, darlings. Now, go out there and spread some pink tutu magic, and always, always remember to love and cherish the little sparkly moments in life! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-03 stars in Herne Bay