Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-05 stars in Arnold

Arnold Awaits: A Pink Tutu Paradise!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you blog post number 8437, live from the magical town of Arnold! Yep, you heard right, your girl Pink Tutu is venturing beyond the glittering lights of the big city and into the heart of the Midlands. You know me, I'm all about embracing every opportunity to spread the pink tutu gospel – and that includes charming the pants off audiences in all kinds of fascinating locations.

Arnold, it turns out, is a real hidden gem. It's got the quaint, classic feel of a small town, with a gorgeous historic church, The Church of St. Mary the Virgin. I had the most delightful walk through its cobbled streets, marvelling at the pretty little shops and charming cafes, where they serve the best cream tea I've ever tasted! I'm thinking a whole series of "Pink Tutu's Tour of Tea Rooms" could be in the works… what do you guys think?

My main reason for venturing into Arnold, however, was a bit more spectacular – a ballet performance at The Albert Hall! Imagine, Pink Tutu in the audience of a real theatre, taking in some exquisite ballet! Now, anyone who knows me knows I live and breathe tutus, so a night like this is truly special. I'm telling you, it doesn't get more inspiring than seeing those graceful dancers pirouette across the stage, their costumes swirling like dreams. I even took some inspiration for my next costume from the gorgeous feathered tutus in the performance, wouldn't you know it? The only problem is trying to contain the urge to jump on stage and join the dancers myself!

But that wasn't the only excitement in Arnold! On my way back from the theatre, I stumbled upon the most fantastic haberdashery shop. Honestly, it felt like I’d stepped into a kaleidoscope! Every kind of fabric imaginable – satins, velvets, silks, lace, even sparkly sequins galore! Oh, the possibilities! You bet your bottom dollar, I spent an hour there, getting lost in a world of colour and texture. It’s already making me brainstorm new costume ideas. Watch this space – my next performance could have some truly bold new pieces thanks to this lucky find.

Speaking of performing, I made my debut at The Crown pub that evening, serving up a double dose of sparkle and sass! Let’s just say they didn’t know what hit them – I managed to convince even the toughest-looking barflies to give the "Tutu Shuffle" a go, and you wouldn't believe how much fun they had! You know what? Even a simple, unassuming town like Arnold knows how to have a good time!

And let's not forget the travel part! Getting to Arnold felt like stepping straight into a storybook. I journeyed on a vintage steam train – a nostalgic trip with a gorgeous vintage atmosphere. Honestly, it’s just not as much fun arriving in a new place without a journey, wouldn’t you agree? Now, this might surprise you, but my second favorite form of transport is a trusty steed – that’s right, I’ve been known to saddle up on a good horse and travel for a day or two! Talk about getting into the countryside mood, right?

Oh, you’ve no doubt heard about my scientific background, right? By day, I’m Alex, a researcher with a serious passion for fabric analysis, testing its durability, elasticity, and oh, just how amazing the colours turn out! And when night falls, I magically transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles – my alter-ego and full-time queen of all things pink and sparkly! But seriously, I truly love working as a scientist – the world of fabrics and textiles is endless, and the lab is my ultimate creative playground!

See, what I love about being Pink Tutu is the opportunity to bring people together – not just by putting on a show, but also by sharing the joy of spreading a bit of pink joy! Whether it’s dancing with the locals in a cosy pub, inspiring others to take a trip down memory lane in their most vibrant clothes, or even just bringing a touch of whimsy to the drab routine of a laboratory, my mission is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu, and that starts with reminding them of the simple things that make life fun and colourful.

My travels don’t stop here, my lovelies! Keep an eye on this space, because next up is...wait for it...the magnificent, enchanting, history-steeped town of...[spoiler alert] The Lake District! And you’re not going to want to miss a single moment of my upcoming pink adventures!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on social media for behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of my crazy world, where everything is pink, sparkling, and brimming with tutus!

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-05 stars in Arnold