Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-14 stars in Small Heath

Small Heath, Birmingham: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes on a Fairground Adventure!

Post Number: 8446

Hello darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, coming to you live from the glorious city of Birmingham. I've been here for a few days now, and I've already had a blast.

It all started on Tuesday, when I hopped aboard a sleek crimson train from my lovely Derbyshire home, ready to head to the buzzing streets of the second city. You know I love train travel! All those amazing views, a cuppa in hand and the excitement building for a new adventure! My outfit was certainly eye-catching - a sparkling hot pink tutu, a lavender silk blouse with a little bit of puff on the sleeves (because a girl's gotta be dramatic!), and shimmering, rose gold heels. My goal: To turn the city pink, tutu by tutu!

The first order of business was the fabulous Small Heath Park. My, oh my, this park is just bursting with charm! It's full of green space for twirling (perfect practice for my stage routines, you know!) and the most gorgeous Victorian flowerbeds you ever did see. I'm sure the flowers even appreciated a bit of my pink sparkliness!

I did, however, have a secret agenda: a trip to the fairground! Every fairground holds a special place in my heart - all the whirling rides, flashing lights and the pure excitement just takes me back to childhood. My lovely mum always bought me a pink fairy floss at the fair, which always got caught in my tutu. The memories are just overflowing with laughter! And now, here I am, grown up, ready to embrace the magic of a fairground with a Pink Tutu Sparkles spin!

After taking some amazing pics for my Instagram (@PinkTutuSparkles - do give me a follow!), it was time for a twirl on the waltzers. I'll be honest, I may have gone a little overboard on the “twirling”, but a good old-fashioned “up and down” in a tutu just feels fantastic! It’s all about channeling those ballerina moves - which I always practise in my local ballet class, of course - but with an extra sprinkle of sparkly fun.

Of course, a day at the fair wouldn’t be complete without some scrumptious food. Now, a true Pink Tutu Sparkles always goes for pink-hued treats. And thankfully, the Small Heath Fair delivered with an extraordinary pink hotdog wrapped in a light-as-air, cotton-candy pink bun. Pure culinary genius! I’d normally enjoy a good sausage roll with some pickled onions from a bakery near my lab - I mean, you have to fuel your scientific breakthroughs somehow! But, I figured a treat in Birmingham was a must-have!

Later that evening, I took to the stage for a small, intimate show in the local pub. A delightful, friendly bunch, and some of them were even sporting a bit of pink themselves! We shared lots of giggles and I even managed to persuade one of them to don a pink tutu. You know I have to try and achieve my ultimate aim, to get everyone in a tutu!

On Wednesday, I indulged my love for everything glamorous and feminine. It wouldn’t be a trip to Birmingham without a spot of shopping at the fabulous shops along New Street. You know how much I love new fabrics, clothes and sparkly accessories! It was an explosion of pink, of course! I mean, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles! A bright pink, hand-stitched dress, a feathered, hot-pink hat and some glorious heels. And of course, I snagged a couple of super sparkly tutus. Now those are what I call an investment!

The next day, I had to venture further afield - to a magical spot that was truly made for a pink tutu-clad diva like myself: Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Imagine, if you will, serene walkways surrounded by lush greenery, enchanting flowers blooming in a multitude of colours, a shimmering lake reflecting the azure sky above… and Pink Tutu Sparkles twirling and sparkling with every move! I spent the afternoon just floating amongst the blooms, and the beauty around me was so inspiring! It was definitely the kind of inspiration that would send my inner scientist on an experimental overdrive!

That evening, I decided to treat myself to some real royal treatment at the magnificent Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre. This was a dream come true - an incredible production of Swan Lake, one of my absolute favourite ballets. The costumes, the artistry, the pure skill - it was just utterly spellbinding! And, of course, I wore a shimmering pink tutu that caught every sparkle of the stage lights!

From dazzling theaters to vibrant markets, Small Heath, and the wider city of Birmingham, have captivated my senses, charmed my heart, and filled me with a million stories to tell! I've tasted the sweet delights of the fairground, felt the soft touch of exquisite fabrics, marvelled at the ballet artistry, and been charmed by the joyful atmosphere everywhere I went. I really do think that Birmingham has embraced me with open arms, even if I did take a little of my own sparkle with me wherever I go.

So, my dears, if you ever find yourself in Birmingham, take some time to explore the city, and don't forget to twirl a little bit in a pink tutu - you never know what magical adventures await! I shall be heading home to Derbyshire on Saturday, but I am already planning my return, perhaps with a horse drawn carriage! And don't worry - my trusty website, www.pink-tutu.com will keep you updated with all my Pink Tutu Sparkles happenings as I twirl my way across the UK! Stay sparkly!

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-14 stars in Small Heath