Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-25 stars in North Shields

North Shields: Tutu Travels - Blog Post #8457

Hello my darling dears! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the latest from the road in this fabulous blog post! Buckle up buttercups, this one is a real whopper! Today we’re taking a trip to the seaside, all the way to North Shields.

Let me tell you, this town has absolutely blown my socks off, literally! You know me, always sporting a tulle dream, but walking along the seafront, feeling the salty air on my skin and the breeze playing with my pink petticoats, well, it truly made me feel like I was walking on air. (Don’t worry, I wasn't ACTUALLY floating... though if someone wants to invent gravity-defying tutus, I'm ready!)

Pink Power in North Shields!

I have to admit, the moment I saw North Shields station, with its beautiful brick architecture, I knew I was in for a treat. A perfect setting for a dramatic entrance, don't you think? I even had the station announcer read out my drag name over the loudspeakers. (You've gotta be bold when you’re a queen, my loves.)

Now, before we dive into the amazing time I had in North Shields, I'm dying to share a little anecdote. See, I had the absolute pleasure of catching a train to North Shields! It’s not a very frequent route, but hey, that's part of the adventure, isn't it? As soon as I settled into my seat, a sweet little girl couldn't help but gasp. “Mummy! Look, it’s a fairy!” She said. Now, don’t get me wrong, I'm a queen, a full-on, pink-tutu-clad drag queen, but for a moment, I was transported back to my younger days, where dreams are everything and even a bus ride can turn into a magic carpet ride! Honestly, that kind of innocence makes me go “awwwww!” and it reminds me why I do what I do - to bring joy and a little bit of glitter to everyone's day.

From Ballet to Burlesque: North Shields Lights Up!

So, we finally get to the best part - the show! As I always say, the journey is just as important as the destination. Well, North Shields, this town blew me away with its eclectic blend of culture and charisma! I found this charming little theatre tucked away on a quiet street. The vibe was so intimate, almost as if the entire town was gathered in this little treasure to celebrate life, and what a celebration it was! I performed a mix of my favourite pieces, including a hilarious comedy routine about the trials and tribulations of buying the perfect tutu, and a heart-warming ballet interpretation of my journey to becoming a drag queen. The audience absolutely loved it, they were roaring with laughter, wiping tears, and giving me a standing ovation. Honestly, I felt so much love from this vibrant community and it truly warmed my little, glitter-dusted heart.

North Shields’ Fashion Find:

North Shields proved to be a gold mine for finding that special something to spice up my drag wardrobe! Imagine, I found a little independent shop nestled among the cafes, full of vintage clothes, hats, and – yes, you guessed it - tutus! It was heaven. My inner child screamed with delight. You know me, I'm always on the lookout for the next fabulous outfit to wear. My dear, a few hours and a couple of credit cards later, I had acquired a collection of truly breathtaking feathered headpieces and a majestic, magenta satin tutu - think “Grease meets the Great Gatsby!”

From Stage to Street:

Oh, and did I tell you about my fantastic find in North Shields? It wasn't a shop or a bar or even a fancy restaurant, it was a cobblestone alley! Right, this might sound dull to you, but believe me, you can't get more charming than North Shields’ charming cobbled streets. I think we should make all streets in the whole world look like this! I was lost in the beauty of it all - I practically twirled and danced down the alleyways! Honestly, my darling, I'm not just saying it, this town really does bring out the sparkle in everything and everyone!

A Little Touch of Fairy Dust

So, North Shields, you really stole a piece of my heart. From your friendly folk to your fabulous hidden gems, this is one place I'm definitely putting on my “must visit again” list. Oh, and by the way, remember I promised to share some fabulous outfit ideas inspired by my North Shields adventure? Get ready for a new style I call "Sea Queen Sparkle." Imagine that mermaid-inspired look, with sparkling, pink scales on a flowy, tulle gown. Let me know what you think - would you be a "Sea Queen Sparkle" queen?

Now, darlings, I have a little confession to make. North Shields really made me think. Perhaps, I've been so focused on spreading the joy of tutus in the bigger, busier cities, I haven't paid enough attention to the small, charming towns out there waiting for a little sparkle. You know what? Maybe this is the beginning of a new chapter. I'm going to continue spreading my Tutu Revolution message in the towns and villages of Britain, to find every charming place waiting to be brought back to life, to be sprinkled with pink glitter. And of course, to remind everyone to believe in themselves and dream in pink.

Until next time, stay sparkly and always, always, be true to yourself!


Your Pink Tutu Sparkles Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-25 stars in North Shields