Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-27 stars in Spalding

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on Spalding!

(Post number 8459 - www.pink-tutu.com)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the glorious town of Spalding, nestled right in the heart of Lincolnshire! And let me tell you, the journey was quite the adventure in itself, but more on that later!

As always, it's all about the tutus for me, and today's outfit is truly a masterpiece. Imagine a shimmering pink tulle creation that swishes with every movement, topped off with a crown of sparkling pink feathers that make me feel like a fluffy pink flamingo on a catwalk!

This entire trip was dreamt up during my latest ballet obsession - the beautiful 'Swan Lake' with its mesmerizing dance sequences and the grace and elegance of the ballerinas. Their tutus just set my heart aflame with a need for a dance adventure! I envisioned twirling under a shimmering, starry sky, my pink tutu reflecting the twinkling lights. A vision of perfection!

This town holds a special place in my heart as the hometown of the amazing ballet dancer, * * * (mention a local ballet dancer or person associated with dance here). This is why, darlings, I'm aiming to create my own little sparkle of pink tutu joy in Spalding tonight. I plan on spreading the pink tutu love in a grand, dramatic, dazzling fashion – you know how we love to bring the drama!

Speaking of drama, getting here was an adventure. It's quite a way from Derbyshire, where my own little corner of the world exists. I had a choice: hop on the train and enjoy the countryside whizzing by, or mount my trusty steed – well, my favourite trusty, magnificent, strong steed, named Sparkle, my horse! I always have to travel with a bit of glamour, you know? Now, for someone as dedicated to pink tutus as myself, the thought of galloping through rolling hills in a pink tutu and crown wasn’t as outrageous as you might think! Of course, a train journey offered a bit more security, especially since Sparkle's idea of travelling through a town with so much cobbled street isn't exactly aligned with my sartorial safety – a pink tutu and cobbles is not a combination that looks quite as flattering, as I discovered in the past! So, train it was for a most glamorous, pink-tutu filled journey to Spalding!

Upon arriving in this delightful town, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation! My excitement was bubbling over as I surveyed the gorgeous, pink and white shop fronts, feeling completely at home, and a warm feeling spread through me as I spotted a sweet shop. A quick detour, and some Pink Marshmallow candies later (always need a bit of pink sweetness, don’t we!), I found my venue! I couldn't have asked for a better setting for my show, tucked away in a beautifully decorated, intimate setting. I must tell you, darling, the lighting there was simply divine – all soft, pink glows, and I could already see how I could create something truly magical!

But let's get back to my journey, my dearies! It wasn't all smooth sailing, though. This adventure is already brimming with those ‘you-won't-believe-it’ moments that make life interesting!

Picture this: I'm gliding along the train track, with a soft wind gently billowing my tulle (not a single wrinkle in sight, I'm a tutu professional you see!) and feeling ever so slightly like a character from "The Wizard of Oz". And then, what happens? Well, dear readers, this fabulous, majestic journey came to a grinding halt. (Literally!) I have to say, the dramatic stopping of the train with an un-planned, very long delay felt much too coincidental to just be pure chance!

To add to the drama, the lovely conductor, a wonderfully well-dressed fellow who could've stepped straight out of a classic gentleman's magazine, had lost the keys to the refreshment trolley. Now, darlings, can you imagine, a train journey without snacks! And imagine this, imagine my predicament! Where can one even buy Pink Marshmallow candies, even during a dramatic delay, in a town which does not hold Pink Marshmallow candies? Disaster! But in typical pink-tutu fashion, I rallied. My Pink Tutu Power allowed me to overcome my sweet craving, though not easily!

You'll have to forgive my ramblings about trains and the pink sweets saga, darlings. However, there is nothing more dramatic for a Queen of Pink Tutues than a delicious journey into a town. The arrival of a Pink Tutu Queen into a new town just screams excitement. The drama unfolds in such glorious fashion. Don’t even get me started on the train drama, my dear friends. If you want a truly enchanting, glamorous travel adventure, then get yourself on a pink-tutu-laden train trip! You never know what delicious and drama-filled adventure awaits!

My dear friends, after the drama on the train (ahem), we made it. My feet finally found their way into Spalding’s beautiful little theatre. What a delightful town this is, with the quaint, historic cobbled streets, shops with little pink signs… It’s all perfect!

It's finally time for me to take centre stage. The anticipation builds as I don my pink tutu, take a deep breath, and step into the spotlight. With each twirl, I send a shimmering spray of pink sparkle across the room, drawing the audience in with the power of pink tutu magic. It's about so much more than just tutus, darling. It’s about embracing the freedom, the joy, and the endless possibilities that come with being who you truly are.

I believe that a little pink tutu power can make a huge difference! Every time I put on my tutu and take to the stage, my message is clear – you too can be a radiant pink spark in the world!

My dream is to inspire you, to inspire everyone, to put on a pink tutu and twirl, laugh, and embrace the joy! The magic is within all of you, and together we can truly make this world sparkle a little brighter.

But my dearest readers, let's rewind just a moment.

You might be wondering why I'm so passionate about tutus. Well, it all started during my science degree! I was part of the University Ballet Club. And during a charity event, I tried on a pink tutu. I instantly felt like a pink ballerina princess.

Who would have thought that a scientist would find her life's purpose through a fluffy tutu? My by-day work of fabric testing at my lab has me working with pink materials from the softest silk to the toughest technical fabrics. It's incredible how those pink materials come to life with some magical stitching, glitter, and, yes, a lot of pink tutu magic!

And with this journey I can now share my pink tutu love and magical joy, the Pink Tutu Sparkles joy, to more of you all! You’re just a Pink Marshmallow treat away from falling in love with pink tutus!

After all, a little pink tutu power never hurt anyone! Until next time, keep spreading those pink tutu vibes!

Stay Pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-27 stars in Spalding