Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-06 stars in Wigston Magna

Wigston Magna: Tutu-tastic Adventures!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and guess what? It's time for another sparkling adventure! Today's destination is the charming town of Wigston Magna, and you're going to love what's in store!

This post, number 8466 on www.pink-tutu.com, marks my 47th county in the UK. (Don't you just love a bit of a challenge? Especially when it's all about celebrating sparkle and fabulousness!). I've been wanting to explore the beautiful English midlands for ages and this journey felt like it was totally written in the stars. Why? Because darling, you just wouldn't believe what I found!

But before we get into the heart of Wigston Magna's sparkly secrets, let me tell you how I even got here! As you know, I'm a firm believer in embracing travel however you can. This time? The trusty train, a real testament to classic, glamorous, and comfy travel! I mean, think of all the fab photos I snapped from the carriage windows, capturing the beautiful English countryside in all its glory. I swear I could practically see fairies dancing through the fields, with their wings tinged with shades of blush pink and lilac - just like my dream tutu!

Speaking of tutus! Have I mentioned how Wigston Magna is brimming with vintage delights? Now, I'm a real fan of a good rummage through a charity shop, you see? I mean, just imagine finding a pre-loved vintage tutu amongst the other treasures – my heart would skip a beat! You can almost see it, can't you? That perfect shade of pink tulle, flowing gently as I pirouette through the aisles, radiating a truly queenly presence! (My aim is, after all, to get everyone to wear pink tutus, even if they just find one hidden amongst the charity shop treasures!)

Anyway, you see, Wigston Magna is absolutely packed with hidden treasures:

  • Firstly, there's this brilliant little vintage shop just around the corner from the train station - the most exquisite vintage clothes you've ever seen, all just waiting for me to style! Think glamorous vintage gowns, stunning hats, and those dreamy fluffy scarves that whisper of bygone eras and a whole lot of sass! You're practically guaranteed a fabulous find when you step into these places. And for a tutu loving girl like me? sighs dreamily. Pure magic!
  • I even found a quaint little cafe tucked away on a quiet side street - imagine, sipping a latte amidst the soft murmur of conversation while nibbling on a perfectly baked cupcake! Let me tell you, a little cafe like this feels like pure magic, a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the day, especially if you have your own, perfectly coordinated, sparkly teacup in tow!

Now, of course, my real passion is the ballet! So imagine my joy when I discovered the beautiful Wigston Dance Centre. They’re renowned for their exceptional talent and I got to meet the most enchanting young ballerina, little Emily. She's practically a walking fairytale princess! She has the biggest heart and a love for ballet that radiates as brightly as the colour pink itself. We spent an afternoon sharing our love for all things sparkly and pink. I gave her some ballet tips (because who doesn't love to hear a drag queen's tips, even for ballet?), and she was thrilled about all things Pink Tutu Sparkles! She was so excited that she was even wearing her own mini, fluffy, pink tutu. And she wanted to be a drag queen when she was older. It warmed my heart so much, darling. You can almost hear the sweet music of our girly chatter echoing through the room, all laced with a touch of tutu-tastic wonder, even as we sipped our little girly lattes at the quaint little cafe.

That same night, I joined them for a special rehearsal session, just a tiny little side project to inject some magic into their choreography and boost their confidence! Imagine those elegant, twirling ballerinas with a little dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles’ magic, adding their own unique flavour to their repertoire!

Did I mention that I was a tiny bit tempted to steal one of those beautiful, classic tutu skirts they had hanging around? You can just see me swirling on stage in a magnificent pink ballet tutu, my own shimmering version of a true ballet fairytale princess. (Think dazzlingly bright colours, cascading sequins, a flurry of plumes - cue the heavenly trumpets and a chorus of 'ooh's and 'aah's'!). You can bet that the stage would explode with my energy, bringing a sparkle and flair you just won't forget. It’s practically begging to happen, don’t you think? It wouldn’t hurt to bring a little more "Pink Tutu Sparkles" to this beautiful part of England.

Now, if that wasn't enough, I also met the lovely Emma, owner of the Fabulous Frocks Boutique and darling, she was positively enchanted! We got along like two peas in a pod! (or should I say, two sparkling rhinestones in a diamond necklace?) You can almost hear our excited laughter as we talked about our love of colour and fabric. And imagine - I discovered a real talent for finding gorgeous vintage treasures hidden within her boutique, gems I just knew I had to have!

Just when you thought the day couldn't possibly get more amazing, I happened upon Wigston's Annual Vintage & Collectors Fair! You see, dear friends, I simply cannot resist the magic of vintage fairs! So I decided to go undercover! Well, not quite! (because how could you not see my fabulous, flamboyant self? After all, I'm never far from a glitter bomb and a plume!). But I did slip in quietly, all subtle pink and sparkles! Think the gorgeous charm of vintage wares - a captivating symphony of textures, shapes and colours, with a little twist of whimsy thrown in for good measure! Now you’re picturing it, aren’t you? Well, I can’t wait to share some photos of my haul!

Oh, did I mention that Wigston Magna's also a true feast for the eyes? From those stunning gardens filled with colour, bursting with blossoms and fragrances to the quaint little market stalls, everything just whispered of classic, British charm! There's this gorgeous, hidden garden on the outskirts of town, an oasis of peaceful serenity. You know, with all that nature, it just reminded me of a classic, perfectly staged scene in a timeless fairytale, waiting for a ballerina princess to dance her way into the spotlight. (You know I just had to do a little twirling, and yes, the photos are simply divine, darling! I’ll be sure to upload some to my Instagram, because you all simply must see them).

And, don't even get me started on those quaint little boutiques filled with adorable dresses, the perfect wardrobe addition for every Pink Tutu Sparkles enthusiast! You can already see the perfect outfit can’t you? I’m talking whimsical floral print, a playful polka dot, maybe a delicate stripe! Maybe I’ll even pop on some fabulous gloves (the more the merrier, I always say!), all to perfectly compliment my fab pink tutu.

Let me tell you, Wigston Magna absolutely took my heart away! The day was a true celebration of all things sparkly and enchanting - and with a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic sprinkled across each little corner! It truly felt like the world was brimming with an irresistible blend of colour and happiness!

This town was simply meant to be! Just imagine those sparkling streets, brimming with the sounds of laughter and gentle melodies echoing through the air! Now that, darlings, is a real symphony of loveliness!

But this, of course, is not the end! This, dear readers, is merely a glimpse into the fabulous and truly unforgettable moments of Pink Tutu Sparkles' adventures in the captivating town of Wigston Magna. Stay tuned, my darlings, as my travels continue to paint the world a shimmering pink! I promise you a world filled with endless sparkles, countless stories, and even more dazzling, flamboyant outfits! Remember, life's too short not to live in your pink tutu, so keep your chin up, your sparkles high, and don’t forget, you’re all a total shining star in your own right!

Until our next rendezvous,

With a dazzling squeal,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(aka, Alex from Derbyshire)

P.S. Don’t forget to follow my blog and subscribe to my youtube channel! And I want to hear your story. Share your thoughts on pink tutus. Are you loving the sparkly life as much as I am?

See you soon!

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-06 stars in Wigston Magna