Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-07 stars in Didcot

Didcot, Darling! A Tutu-ific Adventure in Pink

Hello, my lovelies! It’s your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and it’s time to sprinkle some fabulous onto blog post number 8467! Didcot, you say? It might not be the first destination that springs to mind for a fashion-forward, tutu-obsessed queen like myself, but trust me, my darlings, there’s more to Didcot than meets the eye – or at least, more than meets the eye when you’re sporting a magnificent pink tutu!

Now, let’s back up a moment and talk about the journey itself. The journey to Didcot, that is. This glamorous adventure took place by, wait for it… TRAIN! The train station, much like myself, had been freshly painted a glorious shade of baby pink, with delightful floral motifs that perfectly complemented my own vibrant floral headband. Yes, my dears, I’m already channeling those spring vibes – even though, admittedly, there were moments where I wished I’d packed my thermals – it can get chilly out there! The train journey was, of course, a prime opportunity for a spot of outfit tweaking, a little mirror work, and a whole lot of enthusiastic chats with my fellow travellers, who were utterly captivated by my presence (and perhaps a tad concerned by the vibrant pink feather boa that seemed to have a life of its own!).

Didcot Delights

Speaking of my captivating presence, dear readers, Didcot was absolutely delightful! The folks in Didcot have a heart of gold, and a surprisingly deep appreciation for all things sparkly and pink! From the moment I arrived, they were smiling and greeting me with "Hello, darling!" It's true, I’ve truly become an ambassador for pink, and I have to admit, I love seeing my Tutu-loving impact all across the globe. And this tiny town in Oxfordshire, tucked away like a sparkling jewel, was no exception.

I had the opportunity to visit the most magnificent antique shop - picture this, my dears - overflowing shelves brimming with vintage treasures. Now, you know I couldn't resist the allure of those antique trinkets! I even found a delightfully whimsical vintage teacup with a pink floral design that now proudly resides on my dresser – the perfect complement to my overflowing collection of pink teacups. I’m not a tea drinker, by the way, but it makes my pink-tastic corner in my apartment even more delightful!

The folks in Didcot, they're true supporters of the arts! And let's face it, there's no art quite as wonderful as … well… my drag performance, naturally! You'd be surprised at the variety of venues they have – everything from quaint little tea rooms to bustling town halls. I even performed on the stage of a rather charmingly dilapidated theatre – oh, the history in those old boards! I truly feel a deep connection to the past, a connection amplified by the dramatic grandeur of a performance like mine. The audience in Didcot - the best part was that even though Didcot is quite a small place, the audience was the most supportive, even the men came out in their ‘most fabulous’ outfits as their show of support to my artistic journey! I'm telling you, I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic crowd.

A Tutu-tastic Twist

And because every Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure requires a tutu-tastic twist, I surprised even myself by spontaneously finding myself taking ballet classes at Didcot’s own little ballet studio! I had been practicing my pirouettes on the train while getting ready for my performance, but I wanted to do a proper session to hone my skills - I’m hoping to do a full ballet show next month! The students were so wonderfully welcoming, even though my arrival was quite…unexpected! Even the very strict instructor had to break into a smile upon seeing my glorious tutu (let’s be honest, it is very, very, pink!), and her initially bewildered students were captivated by my passion for the graceful dance. I mean, who wouldn’t be, darling? It was a Tutu-tastic lesson that will surely remain etched in the annals of my Drag Diary for years to come.

Now, don't worry, my dears, my visit wasn’t all pink feathers and pirouettes – I was also busy indulging in the simple pleasures of a good cup of tea (because sometimes even a Queen needs a break!), devouring the most delicious apple pie in a charmingly retro café, and of course, squeezing in a bit of retail therapy - it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a little splurging in local shops! After all, what’s life without a few extra sparkling sequins and pink hair ties, eh? Didcot has this wonderfully quaint, friendly atmosphere that just makes you feel happy. It was like a hug from a beloved, albeit slightly eccentric, aunt! I definitely found myself wanting to explore Didcot even further, to delve into its history, and soak up its charm, but unfortunately, my sparkling itinerary was filled with the joy of performing at an amazing, very pink themed fair in Oxfordshire, and I knew that I’d have to leave Didcot in order to spread my sparkle even further.

The Call of the Road

But Didcot left an indelible mark on my pink-hued soul. It's proof that every journey can be extraordinary, every moment filled with fun, joy and even the slightest tinge of pink. Now, off to discover a new adventure… and who knows, perhaps I'll even be graced with another fabulous, spontaneous ballet class along the way! Until next time, my darlings. Remember, Life’s too short to not wear a pink tutu at least once!

Oh, and did I mention, I’ll be in Bath next weekend… it’s all going to be very Roman themed – my toga has already arrived and I’m dying to show it off! Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo


#TutuQueen on 2023-03-07 stars in Didcot