Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-29 stars in Frome

Frome Calling! A Pink Tutu Adventure in Postcode Land!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another dazzling blog post from the glittering world of twirls and sequins! Today’s adventure? Frome! 💅🏻✨

It’s post number 8489 for you lovelies and I’m brimming with excitement. This trip marks a new chapter in the ever-spinning story of Pink Tutu Sparkles – a chapter filled with charming market towns, delightful cobbled streets and, of course, pink tutus!

As many of you know, my life revolves around twirling and sparkles, and I can't imagine a world without them! I mean, who can resist a beautifully draped tulle, a feather boa that whispers, and glitter that shimmers under the disco ball? Nobody, I say, nobody!

Now, this journey began in the most magical way - a train ride. Oh, the joy of those rumbling carriages and the scenery whipping by! 🚂 My trusty backpack packed with sequins, tulle, and a generous helping of lip gloss, I settled into a plush carriage seat and soaked in the beautiful sights. Did I mention I spotted a field of pink wildflower's?! Talk about a Pink Tutu Sparkles' moment! 🤩

And what's a trip to a new place without some serious retail therapy? You see, I'm a firm believer that the perfect outfit can transport you to another realm. Frome delivered! Oh my darling, those vintage boutiques! From feather boas that swooped down from the ceiling to a shop crammed with sparkly shoes – I swear my heart was doing the cha-cha! 💃💖

Next, on the itinerary: the cobbled streets. It’s truly a fairy-tale! It's almost like walking through a Pinterest board, darling, only much better, with a pinch of magic thrown in! 🌸 The little independent cafes, the artisan shops… every corner held a charming new discovery. It's amazing how these little details transport me right into the heart of the town, and trust me, this Queen is all about that heart-to-heart connection with the towns I visit! 🥰

But my most prized Frome memory? The sound of music, darling! The sheer joy of a bustling market square bursting with the lively tunes of a brass band! 🎺🎶 Now, let's be honest, what could be more charming than that? It's enough to make even the most reluctant heart tap a toe and join the festivities! ✨

My time in Frome was all about finding magic in the everyday. Remember, you don't need a grand castle or a dazzling fireworks show to create a truly spectacular memory! All you need is a good dose of sparkly, happy energy, and the will to explore the world, tutus and all!

So, until my next post, remember – there’s no place too small or too simple to create a fabulous adventure. Be sure to join me on www.pink-tutu.com as I share more twirls, sparkle and pink tutus from my adventures across the UK!

Love, sparkle and many a twirl,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


Pink Tutu Sparkles – The Story So Far

For those of you who are new to this sparkly corner of the internet, let me tell you a little bit about my story. You see, Pink Tutu Sparkles – the flamboyant, fun-loving drag persona - is actually just plain ol' Alex, a Derbyshire girl who works as a scientist by day and performs as a dazzling queen by night.

This whole journey began a few years ago. As a budding scientist, studying for my degree, I always thought pink tutus were all about fairies and little girls, and the thought of donning one myself seemed wildly absurd.

But then came the university ballet club's charity fundraiser, and things got interesting.

One of our events involved a ballet show for charity, and they needed volunteers to try on tutus for a quick photo shoot. And so, much to my initial apprehension, I found myself staring into the mirror, clad in a sea of soft, pink tulle.

Let's just say I was, well… surprised. I felt like a princess from a fairytale! It was the kind of feeling you get when you try on a piece of clothing and you instantly know it’s special, an instant connection. It was as if my body was just meant to wear a tutu! 💖

From that moment onwards, I was completely smitten. My world started to swirl with sequins and feathers. 💅✨ I decided that if I wanted to make the world a bit brighter and more fabulous, I needed to be brave enough to take a leap of faith. It wasn’t easy.

Let me tell you, going from a shy science student to Pink Tutu Sparkles took time and dedication. But once I realised my true passion, I embraced it with a fierceness you wouldn't believe.

I found myself taking classes to master the art of ballet, a passion which blossomed alongside my love for dance and performance. Those tiny steps on the ballet stage became my first real forays into the world of show business, paving the way for Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Over the last few years, I've discovered so many things about myself. My days now are spent working with fabric in a scientific laboratory, where I learn how the materials in clothes hold their form and why some clothing drapes and sparkles more than others. But it's the evenings where the magic truly unfolds.

These are my favourite hours, because it’s when I get to bring Pink Tutu Sparkles to life. Now I live in my glittery, pink world, a world that’s full of happiness, colour, and, of course, the sheer delight of twirling around in a dazzling pink tutu! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-29 stars in Frome