
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-11 stars in Consett

Consett Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the North!

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to unleash a sprinkle of sparkle on you lovely lot! This is post number 8502 on the Pink Tutu Chronicles, and it's going to be a whopper, because I'm off on an adventure – Consett, get ready to be dazzled!

Now, I know what you're thinking – Consett? That's, like, nowhere, right? Well, let me tell you, honey, nowhere is exactly where I need to be right now. You see, it's all about embracing the unexpected. It's about spreading that pink tutu magic to every corner of this glorious nation (and maybe beyond). And what better way to do that than to bring my fabulousness to a place where, perhaps, pink tutus haven't been seen in quite some time?

My journey began with a hearty breakfast at the charming Derbyshire cafe, The Pink Peppermint, my absolute fave. Of course, I had to wear my signature look – pink, pink, and more pink! My vintage pink floral dress, perfectly cinched at the waist with a glittery belt (thank you, charity shop!), and a blush-coloured beret for an extra touch of sophistication. You know, I always say, even breakfast dates are an opportunity to express your inner pinkness!

Then, it was time for a train journey – my absolute favourite mode of transport, and so much more eco-friendly than flying. You just can't beat the romance of gazing out at the countryside in all its green glory, and yes, of course, there's that sweet scent of old leather and tea from the trolley that just takes me straight back to childhood! The only downside? The little kids staring with their mouths wide open when they catch a glimpse of me strutting through the carriages in my pink feathered hat. Let's just say I always pack my most dramatic shades, just to shield those innocent eyes from the sheer magic that is Pink Tutu Sparkles!

After a comfortable two hours, I arrived in Consett, a little town brimming with history and charm. As the local cab driver took me to the charming little guest house where I'd booked a room (complete with a chandelier! I love that posh touch!), I was amazed by the rolling hills, the stone cottages with their flower boxes, and the general air of warmth that radiated from the streets. Consett felt welcoming, even to a pink-tutu-wearing draq queen!

So, the reason I’m here is a rather special one: I’ve been invited to perform at the Consett Craft and Vintage Fair. Now, I’m always up for a good time at a fair, but there was something extra special about this one – a β€œTutu and Tiara Day.” I knew right away I was destined for this. You can just imagine me, strutting my stuff in my shimmering pink tutu, singing along to my favourite cheesy disco hits as people gawk and gasp – it's absolute magic!

My performance is going to be the main highlight, but Consett has so much more to offer! Today, I spent the afternoon shopping for vintage treasures at a charming little shop on the main street – I'm already picturing a fabulous pink-sequined waistcoat for my next act!

There’s even a fantastic ballet school here – the Consett Dance Academy. I'm actually planning on dropping in to observe a class. Maybe I'll even grab a quick barre workout while I'm at it. I'm always up for a bit of exercise – you need to stay in top form when you're shimmying around in all that sequins, darling!

I'm excited for tomorrow - it's the day I finally get to unleash the Pink Tutu Sparkle power onto Consett! But the real magic starts after the performance. The evening will be a whirl of photo shoots with local creatives, some delicious food, and of course, more shopping – because when in a new town, you just have to take advantage of those unique treasures. I'm already picturing the perfect sparkly pink lipstick I'll pick up from a little independent boutique.

My mission? Well, as always, it’s to spread joy and love, one pink tutu at a time! So, if you happen to be in Consett, come on down to the Craft and Vintage Fair – the tutu-loving queen wants to see you! And if you can't make it, don't forget to tune in to Pink Tutu.com, as I’ll be updating you with all the exciting happenings.


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-11 stars in Consett