Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-05-23 stars in Oxford

Oxford: Tutu-ing About the Town! 💖 🩰

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back for another fabulous blog post! This is post number 8544, and boy oh boy, do I have a corker for you. It's been an absolute whirlwind, with my travels taking me all the way to the picturesque city of Oxford, known for its history, its iconic buildings and… its hidden Tutu potential! 😉

Remember last month when I said I wanted to spread the Tutu love far and wide? Well, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. This time, I left my little corner of Derbyshire and travelled in style (of course!) by train. I love the calming rhythm of the train tracks, and it allows me to relax, contemplate the wonders of the world, and admire my carefully planned ensemble, of course! Speaking of ensembles, for this Oxford adventure, I chose a lusciously fluffy pink tutu – a showstopper if ever I saw one. Paired with a shimmering hot pink sequin top, a flowing lilac shawl and of course, my trusty pair of sparkly pink ballet shoes – because why wouldn't you twirl in pink?!

My first stop was, naturally, the iconic Oxford University. It felt a bit surreal walking those historic streets and thinking about the many bright minds that had strolled those same paths before me. A moment of silent reflection was in order! I stood in front of the Bodleian Library, mesmerized by its grandeur, and imagined myself as a graceful ballet dancer in a performance piece about the history of literature - wouldn’t that be magical?! I may be a scientist by day, but at heart I’m a performer, and I feel every bit the ballerina when I twirl my tutu!

I even snuck in a ballet class while in Oxford! Can you believe it?! I mean, how can you visit a place that’s practically dripping in art and culture and not let loose your inner performer?! It was a wonderful session – lots of "pas de bourrees", some "arabesques", a generous dose of graceful jumps and a good amount of "à la seconde" - you know I love to show off my "grande jeté"! 🩰✨ But, don’t worry, no "grand jetés" onto those beautifully preserved historical floors! 🤫

The class was fantastic, but even more magical was the reception I received. From students to passersby, everyone was absolutely delighted to see my dazzling tutu and I made many new friends! This was another fantastic example of the way people instantly embrace the pink tutu spirit! My aim in life is to make the world a more twirling, pink tutu-filled place, one glitter-sparkle at a time, and Oxford was the perfect proving ground.

My journey also led me to the grand, centuries-old Oxford Botanic Garden. Such an oasis of peace in a bustling city. I couldn’t resist a twirl or two, especially among the beautiful blooming rose bushes, just trying to get the right Instagram shots, of course! Honestly, a beautiful pink tutu really complements a bloom of delicate pink roses. 🌸 💖

But my time in Oxford was not just about waltzing in pink amongst historic buildings – although, to be honest, I’m not sure why it couldn't be all about that! My passion for theatre and live performance led me to the iconic Oxford Playhouse, where I indulged my inner drama queen. They were running an amazing adaptation of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' – and let me tell you, I've never seen Puck performed so delightfully! I felt completely transported to Shakespeare's magical world – which I later decided could absolutely have involved pink tutus! 🎭✨

And my Oxford adventure wouldn't have been complete without indulging in a spot of deliciously decadent afternoon tea at one of the many quaint tea rooms, naturally with a touch of pink. And who better to provide that touch of pink than me, with my delightful fuchsia hat and dazzlingly pink tutus?! 👒

Let’s face it, my journey to Oxford was filled with magic, a pinch of pink, a sprinkling of theatre, a dose of history, and all topped with a spoonful of pure joy. If you’re ever planning a visit to the 'City of Dreaming Spires', take it from Pink Tutu Sparkles – it's an absolute must, especially if you want to explore the world with a splash of pink. Don’t forget to twirl in a tutu! It might just become your favourite thing to do in Oxford – who knew?! 😉

Until next time, stay fabulous! 💖

P.S. Remember my lovely readers, the world needs more pink tutus. Don't be shy! If you have an idea for my next adventure or you've donned a tutu inspired by my posts, please share! Let's keep this tutu revolution going! www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2023-05-23 stars in Oxford