Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-06-06 stars in Slough

Slough Sparkle: Tutu Travels to Thames Valley!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things pink, fabulous, and twirling! Today, we're stepping out of my little Derbyshire cottage and into the bright lights (and bustling traffic!) of Slough. You might be thinking, "Slough? Really, Pink Tutu?" but trust me, babes, this town's got more sparkle than you'd think. And this post is #8558 – we're approaching the ten thousand mark, aren't we getting close to a real milestone!

Now, I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit hesitant to head to Slough. I'm more accustomed to the elegance of Covent Garden, the whimsicality of Brighton, and the sheer opulence of…well, honestly, the grander the setting, the better! But when a wonderful little community centre called up for a performance, I couldn’t resist spreading a bit of Pink Tutu joy!

My arrival was, of course, as glamorous as ever. This time, I chose the train, as a change from my trusty horse – that is, when my horse isn’t occupied on my travels to performing in various stately homes around the countryside. I donned a pale pink tutu with some exquisite ruffles and my lucky sequined gloves, complete with a fluffy pink feather boa, naturally!

Stepping onto the platform in my fabulous attire always throws a bit of chaos into the morning rush, you know? But honestly, that's the point! Spreading some happiness, a sprinkle of confidence, and reminding people to embrace their inner sparkliness – that's what it's all about! I had an elderly gentleman trying to film me with his phone while a teenager asked me where he could get one for his girlfriend – maybe the Pink Tutu movement is spreading wider than I first imagined!

The journey was surprisingly exciting! I encountered an absolutely adorable family with two little girls – the cutest things! The one with bright red pigtails was clutching a sparkly unicorn that matched her little pink dress perfectly. I practically begged them to come and join me for a whirl of my twirling technique on the platform. It's a moment I'll treasure. Who says train travel isn’t magical?

Now, onto the performance at the community centre! The hall was small but perfectly formed - not at all my usual stately setting! It had all the makings of a great night: friendly faces, a stage I could really make work, and even some delicious looking homemade cakes (always a winner in my book!).

You wouldn't believe the atmosphere. I entered to a roaring applause and the children’s faces, oh my god, they were just absolutely beaming! Honestly, if there's one thing that really melts my sequin-encrusted heart, it’s the pure joy I bring to those little faces.

I kicked off the show with a sassy dance number, twirling and twirling till I spun the very air. Then, I belted out some empowering anthems that would have even a wallflower doing the limbo! As always, I mixed in a few heartwarming messages about the importance of kindness, embracing your uniqueness, and the magical power of wearing a pink tutu – seriously, you can’t underestimate the power of a pink tutu. After all, it was my favourite thing to wear in the days when I was simply a Derbyshire lab assistant by day and Alex by night! I can still remember when I put on that pink tutu in a charity fashion show at university, it was that moment my entire world changed, and it's still an amazing feeling to experience that now! My favourite thing is to see people try on a pink tutu for the first time. The magic that just fills them with happiness. The first time I met someone with a sparkle in their eyes the same way mine did. That’s the impact I try to create in all my shows. There were lots of smiling faces in the audience so I’d say my mission was complete.

For the finale, I pulled out all the stops and invited everyone onto the stage! Imagine, everyone, even those timid teenagers, all wearing pink tutus. The whole hall felt like it was buzzing with pink sparkles and the energy was simply electric. They say pink is the color of love and I think I just found another reason why that is so true. It’s also the color of empowerment, it's the color of magic, it's the color that says, “I dare to be fabulous.” It’s truly a color that radiates kindness and a willingness to celebrate those differences. And that’s what Pink Tutu is all about.

Of course, no night of Pink Tutu magic is complete without an appearance from the one and only “Sparkle,” my dazzling pink glitter cannon. Imagine my excitement when I was invited to a big town event earlier in the month where all they wanted was Sparkle and they paid me just to sprinkle that pink magic on the crowd. The confetti, as ever, was a roaring success – the sheer amount of sparkle, even more than my tutu itself, completely took over the stage, filling the room with magic and laughter. Honestly, it's moments like these, seeing the joy Sparkle brings, that really reminds me why I do this. Sparkle makes my world a bit more dazzling, even the drab Slough landscape got a makeover with Sparkle. Maybe Slough won’t be as far away in my future trips after all!

Leaving the community hall in a whirlwind of goodbyes and “you’re such an inspiration”, my heart felt full to the brim. There's nothing quite like spreading joy and empowering people through music, dance, and, of course, the magical power of pink. The journey to Slough, initially daunting, turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences yet!

Remember darlings, you don't need a fancy venue, an extravagant costume, or a fancy title to make a difference. You can do it, you can be kind and radiate kindness just as well! Embrace the little moments, find your own sparkle, and never be afraid to embrace your inner Tutu Queen!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find the nearest ballet shop – a tutu of the deepest shade of magenta is calling my name! Don’t forget, join the Pink Tutu family by visiting www.pink-tutu.com – the ultimate pink and sparkling paradise! Keep your eyes peeled for a very special post coming your way later in the week, as we announce the newest, most dazzling dance competition! Until next time darlings, stay sparkly! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2023-06-06 stars in Slough