
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-07 stars in Scunthorpe

Scunthorpe Sparkle: Pink Tutu's Northward Adventure (Blog Post #8589)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad queen is back with another sparkling adventure, this time taking me all the way to the wonderful world of Scunthorpe!

You know, ever since I discovered the magic of pink tutus way back in my university days (ahem, let's not delve too deep into that science degree – it's a story for another day!), I've felt a burning desire to spread the joy of frills and tulle to every corner of the globe. Well, perhaps not every corner just yet – that might take a few lifetimes, and we’re talking serious mileage in those pink tutus. But today, we're going to take a sparkly stroll around Scunthorpe, and I hope you're all ready for some dazzling fun.

Now, getting to Scunthorpe, I couldn't resist hopping onto the grand old train – oh, I do love a bit of vintage railway travel, especially in a sparkly outfit! I don't know what it is, but trains and sequins are simply a match made in sartorial heaven. So I slipped into my "Ruby Rose" tutu, the one that shimmers like a thousand little stars under the carriage lights, and off I chugged towards the north. Of course, the real excitement was my trusty suitcase stuffed with all my flamboyant fancies, and the thrill of watching the countryside drift by like a technicoloured dream.

After all, as the great Judy Garland sang, "The Trolley Song," the journey is part of the adventure, darlings!

Upon arriving at Scunthorpe, I felt this inexplicable urge to channel my inner ballerina. Maybe it was the way the station platform was perfectly flat, like a makeshift dance floor. Or perhaps the lovely folks in Scunthorpe seemed so utterly delightful, it felt as though I'd stumbled upon a hidden haven for pink-tutu enthusiasts!

Either way, I decided to ditch the railway station and head for the theatre district, feeling like I'd walked into a scene straight out of "Billy Elliot"! My oh my, the grandeur of the theatre, the scent of popcorn and old books, the flickering lights - it's no wonder so many iconic musicals and ballet productions have been born in these magnificent spaces!

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the Scunthorpe Arts Centre, simply marveling at the colourful displays and whimsical exhibits. And it was then that my inspiration hit. You see, I couldn't just perform here! No, darlings! My performance had to embrace the artistic energy, the beauty, the whimsical charm that was Scunthorpe's essence.

That's how Pink Tutu Sparkles decided to transform Scunthorpe Arts Centre into a magical stage. Picture this: me, a majestic whirlwind of tulle and rhinestones, waltzing between statues, using the abstract art to set my backdrop. Oh, it was a sheer delight, darlings! The art whispered to me, and I spun my heart into a performance of sheer joy!

As the sun started to set, casting its golden light onto Scunthorpe, I made my way back to the railway station. This time, it felt more like a goodbye than a simple arrival, the bustling energy replaced by a sweet nostalgia, a warm feeling of satisfaction.

The Scunthorpe experience was a testament to why Pink Tutu Sparkles travels far and wide, meeting wonderful people in even the most unexpected places. Every city, every village has its unique rhythm, its special pulse, waiting for a sparkling queen like myself to come along and share its story, in pink tutus of course.

As the train chugged back to Derbyshire, I realised I've left a piece of my pink tutu heart in Scunthorpe. And perhaps, if you happen to wander through its enchanting alleys and beautiful galleries, you might just find yourself touched by a tiny sprinkle of that pink-tutu magic that made its way all the way from my heart to the most delightful of places!

Oh, and darlings! The biggest piece of advice I can give you, even if it feels like you’re at the end of a rainbow or in the middle of the wilderness – be bold! Let your inner queen shimmer and shine! After all, we are living in an extraordinary time where pink tutus can bloom anywhere!

Keep those pink tutus swirling, my darlings, and remember – Pink Tutu Sparkles is here for every sparkling adventure, every quirky journey, every destination, be it grand or humble, as long as there's pink tulle!

Now, until next time, I’ll be scouring the internet for the next shimmering stop on this Pink Tutu Adventure – will it be Brighton, or maybe the wild hills of Wales? Only time will tell, my darlings! Until then, be sparkly and happy, and keep those pink tutus spinning.

Pink Tutu Sparkles, over and out! (But please do check in at www.pink-tutu.com – a daily dose of pink tutu happiness, it's a must!)

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-07 stars in Scunthorpe