Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-13 stars in East Ham

East Ham Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Makes Waves (Blog Post #8595)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another fabulous update from your favourite tutu-toting traveller. Today, I'm taking you on a whirl through East Ham, a little slice of East London that stole my heart with its charming cobbled streets and hidden gems.

But first, a little confession – getting here was half the fun! Picture it: a balmy July morning, a gentle breeze teasing the pink tulle of my newest creation (a shimmering confection of hot pink and lilac, naturally!), and me, perched on a rather magnificent chestnut mare, trotting through the heart of Derbyshire. Yes, my dears, this queen sometimes prefers a horse to the train. The scent of hay, the soft clip-clop of hooves on cobblestones, it's a sensation unlike any other!

After a glorious gallop through the countryside, I arrived in London, ready to spread the pink-tutu gospel. And let me tell you, East Ham was the perfect playground for a princess with a penchant for pink! My afternoon was filled with adventures worthy of a fairytale: a quick detour to a delightful vintage shop overflowing with shimmering silks and lace, just the sort of things that inspire a fabulous drag outfit, and a delicious afternoon tea at a quaint tearoom where I devoured scones the size of my head and the strongest cup of Earl Grey I’ve ever encountered!

But the highlight of my East Ham escapade? An impromptu ballet class! You see, my love for ballet knows no bounds. It’s not just a hobby, it’s a way of life. Every graceful arabesque, every delicate pirouette, inspires my own dazzling creations, reminding me of the power and beauty of art. This little studio nestled in a side street was buzzing with energy. There were children swirling and leaping, teens pulling off impressive leaps, and even some grand dames who would put a young ballerina to shame! I joined them for a session that left me sweating, giggling, and absolutely buzzing.

That night, I took to the stage at a delightful pub with an outdoor space, where the air thrummed with the infectious beat of a local band. It’s always a joy to spread the love of pink tutus to a new crowd. My act, a mix of dazzling dance routines, witty banter, and a sprinkle of dazzling sequins, went down a storm.

But it wasn't all about the performance; it was about connecting, spreading joy, and of course, inspiring everyone to embrace their own inner sparkle. You see, I firmly believe that every soul has the potential to shine, just like a Pink Tutu Sparkle. My mission is to encourage everyone, men, women, children, and everyone in between, to step outside their comfort zone, throw on a pink tutu, and just... dance!

Don’t worry, if you aren’t feeling quite the bold move, a little sprinkle of pink can add a touch of sparkle to your everyday life! A pink feather boa draped over your shoulders, a splash of blush on your cheeks, even a tiny pink ribbon woven into your hair... those are just a few of the small ways you can bring a little Pink Tutu Sparkles to your day.

Speaking of tiny pink details, I noticed the cutest little thing during my adventures – a tiny pink ballerina figurine perched atop a dusty antique cabinet in the vintage shop! It’s going to take a place of honour on my dressing table, a reminder of the power of pink, ballet, and, most importantly, of being yourself, tutu and all!

Oh, and I nearly forgot, I spotted a breathtaking ballet performance at the Sadler’s Wells theatre, which absolutely stole my breath away! Seeing the grace and artistry of these incredible dancers fuelled my creative fire! I have to tell you about that too, so be sure to check out tomorrow's post on www.pink-tutu.com.

Until then, keep those tutus spinning, and remember: life is a dance, so make it a dazzling one!

Yours in sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-13 stars in East Ham