
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-14 stars in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Coast!

#TutuQueen #Post8596 #WestonSuperMare #PinkTutuSparkles

Hello lovelies! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to shimmy my way into your hearts with another delightful post from the pinkest of places. This week, the fabulous tutu train (okay, okay, it was actually a real train - fancy, I know!) whisked me off to the lovely coastal town of Weston-super-Mare!

Now, I know what you're thinking: β€œPink Tutu in Weston-super-Mare? That's quite the contrast!" You'd be right, darlings. This charming town might be known for its sandy beaches, iconic pier and all things seaside, but when Pink Tutu Sparkles descends, there's bound to be a sprinkle of magic in the air - pink sparkle, of course!

I just can't help myself, lovelies! The second I saw the word 'Weston' on the itinerary, my mind went into overdrive. My fabulous vision? A vibrant, tutu-tastic performance by the sea! Picture this: The salty air whipping through my hair (carefully styled, naturally!), the sound of seagulls, and a shimmering pink tutu perfectly reflecting the sparkling blue waves! Yes, dear friends, I saw my perfect seaside spectacular unfolding right before my eyes!

The train journey was an absolute dream. Honestly, I think I may have convinced every passenger that pink tutus are the best travel attire. One sweet lady even bought me a little box of chocolates! You see, it's a proven fact: kindness multiplies when pink tutus are in the mix! Plus, I met the cutest little girl on the journey, and I managed to get her hooked on pink tutus. Just a tiny bit of tutu inspiration going a long way!

Upon arrival in Weston-super-Mare, the place buzzed with a joyful seaside atmosphere! And let's be honest, lovelies, my arrival caused quite the stir, too. They just aren't used to seeing a vision of pink fluff and glitter strutting through the town centre. But don't worry, all that tutued charm quickly won over everyone - the locals are truly lovely, just a bit surprised at first.

Now, the real purpose of this trip was to take in some local talent! It turned out there was this fabulous dance academy in the heart of Weston. The moment I walked in, I was struck by the joy and the energy, the dedication these talented young dancers put into their art. I took a few dance lessons myself - they loved having me - and learned a new pirouette or two! And of course, I donned my brightest pink tutu and joined the little ones in their class - just a bit of tutu inspiration, as I like to call it!

Then, as evening settled upon the coast, the stage was set for a fantastic evening performance at a little theatre in town. You see, lovelies, my aim is to reach everyone with my pink tutu message, so performing at a community theatre is the perfect way to do that. And they embraced me with open arms! There I was, on the stage in my dazzling pink tutu, sharing my story of sparkles, self-expression and the magic of dance with the entire community! The audience went wild - the cheers were so loud!

Later that evening, I had the absolute privilege of joining some fabulous, local drag performers at a beachside cafe. We sipped on delicious cocktails (with extra pink sparkle, of course!) and talked all things drag. These girls have hearts of gold - true inspirations for all! They were just as lovely as can be. It's such a joy meeting drag sisters, wherever I travel. We share a common love - to shine and make people smile!

The highlight of the whole trip was, without a doubt, performing on the pier. There's something truly magical about performing on the edge of the ocean, letting the salty breeze carry the music and laughter of my performance to every corner of the promenade. The people, they loved it. They really did. My energy spread like a shimmering pink wave across the beach. They snapped photos, cheered, and some even donned little pink tutus I'd brought along - tutu inspiration right there, darling!

As my whirlwind weekend in Weston-super-Mare drew to a close, I knew it wasn't a goodbye, but a β€˜see you later!’ This charming little town, full of vibrant life and warm people, holds a special place in my heart. The magic of pink tutus, the spirit of community, and the rhythm of the waves are a perfect combination, wouldn't you agree?

You know, dear lovelies, this trip solidified something I already knew – life is an endless dance floor! Wherever I go, whatever I do, the pink tutu journey continues, one shimmery step at a time. So keep shining, lovelies, embrace your inner pink tutu, and never let anyone tell you you can't dance to your own beat!

Until next time, stay sparkly!

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles


*P.S. Don't forget to check out my fabulous photos and videos on Instagram! *

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-14 stars in Weston-super-Mare